Showing posts with label Nationalist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nationalist. Show all posts

Friday, February 11, 2011

Amr Diab - One of Usعمرو دياب - واحد مناWahed Menena

This song was made for Hosni Mubarak, FORMER President of Egypt. Congratulations Egypt that you can finally watch this video and laugh.

Amr Diab - One of Us

He who sacrificed for his country in order to bring back the day (this could be "the one who" or "those who," i.e. generic genderless third person but we know it's about him)
And for whom the name of Egypt represented strength and victory

He whose dream is our dream
He whose joy is our joy
The Nile flows in his blood and ours

He is one of us, yes one of us

What is Egypt but trueness and people with good hearts?
Egypt is the hand building for our children the dream of tomorrow and years ahead

And he who holds her (Egypt's) name high
Is worth more to us than our own lives

He is one of us, yes one of us

عمرو دیاب - واحد مننا

اللي ضحي لأجل وطنه لأجل ما يعود النهار و اللي أسم مصر دايما كان له طاقة الإنتصار ..

اللي حلمه حلمنا .. و اللي فرحه فرحنا .. اللي نهر النيل بيجري جوه دمه و دمنا ..
يبقي واحد مننا .. أيوة واحد مننا ..

مصر إيه غير الأصالة و القلوب الطيبين
مصر إيد تبني لولادنا .. حلم بكرة و السنين

و اللي يرفع أسمها .. يبقي أغلي عندنا من حياتنا نفسها ..
يبقي واحد مننا .. أيوة واحد مننا

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Julia Boutros - Lebanon Is Victoriousجوليا بطرس - انتصر لبنانIntasara Lubnan

This song was performed after Israeli forces withdrew from Lebanon in 2006

Julia Boutros - Lebanon Is Victorious

He who has sullied my land with his blood
Has now gone
He has run away confused and humiliated
Like any coward
And he has understood that so long as he remains, the stars will not shine in the sky
He will never be met with anything but sorrow
He has been defeated now, he has been defeated
Lebanon is victorious

His spiteful face has now been smashed
The oppressor was insulted because I continued to fight back
And forever defend my family/people
From the mountain top to the plains
For the truth is more powerful than ignorance and oppression

جوليا بطرس - انتصر لبنان

من لوّث أرضي بدمائه
قد رحل الآن
و فرّ كذليلٍ تائه
كأيّ جبان

و أيقن أنّ ببقائه .. لن يسطع نجم في سمائه
لن تأتي أبداً للقائه .. إلاّ الأحزان

قد هُزِم الآن .. قد هُزِم
انتصـــر لبنـــان

قد سُحِق الآن
وجه الحاقد و الظالم
و كان مُهان .. لأنّي ما زلت أقاوِم

و أدافع دوماً عن أهلي
من قمّة جبلي إلى سهلي
فالحقّ أقوى من الجهل و من الطغيــان

من لوّث أرضي بدمائه
قد رحل الآن
و فرّ كذليلٍ تائه
كأيّ جبان

و أيقن أنّ ببقائه .. لن يسطع نجم في سمائه
لن تأتي أبداً للقائه .. إلاّ الأحزان
قد هُزِم الآن .. قد هُزِم

Julia Boutros - We are the Uprising and the Outcryجوليا بطرس - نحنا الثورة والغضبNihna al-Sawra wal-Ghadab

One note about the translation: The most common translations for the words ثورة and غضب are "revolution/rebellion" and "anger" respectively. Here, those words have those meanings, but carry more the connotation of public outcry, outrage or fury and popular uprising. Revolution is too political science (anway, in this context, Lebanon's struggles with Israel wouldn't be a revolution) and anger sounds too irrational in English and give the wrong meaning in the wider context of the song.

Julia Boutros - We are the Uprising and the Outcry

We are the uprising and the outcry
We are the hope of the generations
From here and from us is written the history of the victors (heroes)
We are the dawn that is breaking
We are the sword that is cutting
Our place is in the hearts of the people
We are the joy of our children

You will forget those hard days, oh forgotten people
Throughout these years of estrangement we've been exiled in our own country
What does this "freedom" have?
Forgotten tears of joy
This long-awaited victory is dear to you and me

جوليا بطرس - نحنا الثورة والغضب

نحنا الثورة والغضب
نحنا امل الأجيال
من هون من عنا انكتب
تاريخ الأبطال
فجر اللي طالع نحنا
والسيف القاطع نحنا
قلوب الناس مطارحنا
نحنا فرح الأطفال

رح ننسى الأيام الصعبة
ياهالناس المنسيين
كنا طول سنين الغربة
بوطنا منفيين
شوفي يا هالحرية
دموع الفرح المنسية
غالي عليكون وعليي
هالنصر اللي طال

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Your Day of Triumph is Comingنصرك جايNasrak Jayy

Here is a Hezbollah nationalist propaganda video complete with shabab chorus praising their political leader, Hassan Nasrallah.

Nijem - Your Day of Triumph is Coming

Hassan Nasrallah:
This Israel that possesses nuclear weapons and the strongest air force in the region, by God, is more frail than a spider web

Your day of triumph is coming with the help of God
And the determination of your army, Nasrallah
(Defiant, thunderous, your promise is dear to God)

Your day of triumph is coming, Your day of triumph is coming
Your day of triumph is coming with the help of God

Every prisoner in the Israeli jails shall return to you soon, God-willing


No enemy or fear waiting beneath the flames can hurt you
(Defiant, thunderous, your promise is dear to God)

Your day of triumph is coming, Your day of triumph is coming
(Your day of triumph is coming with the help of God)

Your flag flies high above the wind
It will never come down no matter what happens
(Defiant, thunderous, your promise is dear to God)

Your day of triumph is coming, Your day of triumph is coming
(Your day of triumph is coming with the help of God)

If Israel invades Lebanon, they will pay dearly

نجم (حزبالله) - نصرك جاي

إن إسرائيل هذه التي تملك أسلحة نووية وأقوى أسلحة جو في المنطقة
ولله هي أوهن من بيت العنكبوت

نصرك جاي بعون الله وهمة جيشك نصرالله
صامد... هادر... غالي وعدك على الله
نصرك جاي... نصرك جاي
نصرك جاي بعون الله

كل أسير في السجون الإسرائيلية سيعود إليكم قريبا إن شاء الله

ما يهمك عادي ولا خوف ناطر تحت هبوب النار
صامد هادر غالي وعدك على الله

نصرك جاي... نصرك جاي
نصرك جاي بعون الله

عالي علمك فوق الريح ما بينزل لو مهما صار
صامد هادر غالي وعدك على الله

نصرك جاي... نصرك جاي
نصرك جاي بعون الله

إسرائيل إذا اعتدت على لبنان ستدفع أثمانا غاليا

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Ahmed Qabour - I'm Calling Youأحمد قعبور - أناديكمOunadikom

These lyrics are taken from a poem written in 1966 by Tawfiq Ziad (توفيق زيّاد), who was a Palestinian poet and later went on to become mayor of Nazareth and finally a member of the Knesset after his return from the Soviet Union in 1973 as a member of the Israeli communist party Rakah.

Ahmed Kaabour - I'm Calling You

I'm calling you (the you in this song is the plural you or y'all if you prefer)
I shake your hands
I kiss the ground beneath your feet (literally, 'soles')
And say, "I'd die for you/I will redeem you" (the word fada "فدى" is a verb that means to "redeem", but in this context it has the meaning that he would die for them, because this word has the connotation of sacrificing yourself for someone else. Jesus Christ "the Redeemer" is sometimes call فادي in English, for example

I dedicated to you the light of my eyes (also kind of like giving your life to someone)
And I give you the warmth of my heart
And the tragedy that I live is that my fate is the same of yours

I have not become worthless in my country
Nor have I shrunk in fear
I stood in the face of my oppressors
A naked, barefoot orphan

I've carried my blood on my hands and never half-masted my flags
And I've preserved the green grass on the graves of my ancestors

أحمد قعبور - أناديكم

أشد على أياديكم..
أبوس الأرض تحت نعالكم
وأقول: أفديكم

وأهديكم ضيا عيني
ودفء القلب أعطيكم
فمأساتي التي أحيا
نصيبي من مآسيكم

أشد على أياديكم..

أنا ما هنت في وطني ولا صغرت أكتافي
وقفت بوجه ظلامي
يتيما، عاريا، حافي

حملت دمي على كفي
وما نكست أعلامي
وصنت العشب أخضر فوق قبور أسلافي

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Nawal al-Zoghbi - O Jerusalemنوال الزغبي - يا قدسYa Quds

Updated media and translation

Maybe a bit more nationalistic and political than we are used to from Nawal.

Nawal al-Zoghbi - O Jerusalem

O Jerusalem, how I long to pray
Where hope is in your beloved soil
Won't you rise and smash the reigns of tyranny
And return to its people the plundered nation

You're ours, you're ours at dusk and in the morning
You're ours, how do we end the bleeding of the wounds?
You're ours, you're ours O Jerusalem land of generosity

My hand take my hand
Let us write devotion for Jerusalem
Tomorrow there is an appointment for the blood of the martyrs
Our hope remains for us
Or may the heavens hear our sound

نوال الزغبي - يا قدس

يا قدس كم أتوق إلى الصلاة
حيث الرجاء في ترابك الحبيب
ألا أنهضي و حطّمي قيد الطغاة
و أرجعي لأهله الوطن السليب

أنت لنا أنت لنا في الغروب و الصباح
أنت لنا كيف لنا أن نسكت نزف الجراح
أنت لنا أنت لنا يا قدس يا أرض السماح

هذي يدي خذ بيدي
نكتب للقدس الوفاء
يوم غد في الموعد
لها دماء الشهداء
يبقى لنا إيمانن
ا و لتسمع الصوت السماء

Abdel Halim Hafez - The Messiahعبد الحليم حافظ - المسيحEl Maseeh

Updated media and translation

The lyrics to this song hold quite a few surprises. Disguised as a song about Jesus Christ, this is really song of outrage against Israel over the occupation of Jerusalem.

Abdel Halim Hafez - The Messiah

Oh my words, circle the whole world far and wide
And open the eyes of mankind which have inherited the Earth
On the Earth the Messiah left his footprint
On the Earth the Messiah bled out his pain

In Jerusalam on the Via Dolorosa
And in Hebron the bells of the churches rang
In the desert the Bible was born
How long will justice remain lost in you oh Via Dolorosa?
And how long will the light in the conscience be off
And the stars of peace?
And how long must messiah after messiah march, wounded there on this land?
How long must they continue crying out?

With crown of thorns upon his forhead and a cross upon his shoulder
Now oh Jerusalem your son, like the Messiah was, is a stranger
With crown of thorns upon his forhead and a cross upon his shoulder
They betrayed him... Those same Jews betrayed him
Now, oh Jerusalem, your son, like the Messiah, must return
To the land/earth (same word, double meaning)

عبد الحليم حافظ - المسيح

ياكلمتي لفي ولفي الدنيا طولها وعرضها
وفتحي عيون البشر للي حصل علي ارضها
علي ارضها طبع المسيح قدمه
علي ارضها نزف المسيح ألمه

في القدس في طريق الآلام ..
وفي الخليل رنت تراتيل الكنايس
في الخلا صبح الوجود انجيل

تفضل تضيع فيك الحقوق لامتي ياطريق الآلام
وينطفي النور في الضمير وتنطفي نجوم السلام
ولامتي فيك يمشي جريح ..
ولامتي فيك يفضل يصيح
مسيح ورا مسيح ورا مسيح علي أرضها

تاج الشوك فوق جبينه وفوق كتفه الصليب
دلوقت ياقدس ابنك زي المسيح غريب غريب
تاج الشوك فوق جبينه وفوق كتفه الصليب
خانوه... خانوه نفس اليهود
ابنك ياقدس زي المسيح لازم يعود ..
علي أرضها

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Fairuz - We Will Remain Together فيروز - رح نبقى سوىRah Nib'a Sawa

One of the songs Fairuz recorded during the Lebanese Civil War.

Fayrouz - We Will Remain Together

Since the day the waves formed, my country, we've been together
And until the day the clouds grow old we'll remain together
Your crown is made of wheat
Your kingdom is peace
And your people will love you until the Sun grows cold and the days stop

On the ashes that have gone
On the seal of time
On the black stones that remain of the walls
On my mother's hankerchief
On the doors of the homes
I'm writing, my country, "The country will never die"
And you've been the same forever
I've drawn you with doves and the fruits of the martyrs (literally, "the stalks of the martyrs" because the idea is that where the martyrs die wheat will grow and give new life)
I've drawn you my country, the country of peace

From the hands of the poor, from the nets of the fisherman
Freedom is coming
From the sun inscribed in the eyes of the oppressed
Freedom is coming
And from the lost truth
From the streets
From the faceless martyrs of the land who died for the land
Victory is coming and freedom is coming

فيروز - رح نبقى سوى

من يوم اللي تكون يا وطني الموج كنا سوى
ليوم البيعتق يا وطني الغيم رح نبقى سوى
تاجك من القمح مملكتك السلام
و شعبك بيحبك لتبرد الشمس و توقف الإيام

ع رماد اللي راحوا ع خاتم الزمان
على حجار السود اللي بقيوا من الحيطان
ع منديل إمي ع بواب البيوت
عم بكتب يا وطني الوطن ما بيموت
و أنت أنت من يوم اللي كنت أنت
رسمتك سنابل شهدا و حمام
رسمتك يا وطني وطن السلام

من إيدين الفقرا و شباك الصيادين جايي الحريي
و من الشمس المحفورة بعيون المظلومين جايي الحريي
و من الحق الضايع إلا من الشوارع
من شهدا الأرض اللي ماتوا للأرض وجوهن منسيي
جايي النصر و جايي الحريي

Lyrics transcription from

Monday, June 15, 2009

Joanna Malah - Lebanon My Lebanonجوانا ملاح - لبنان يا لبنانLubnan Ya Lubnan

Updated media and translation

This is one of the nationalist songs that came out during the 2006 Israeli offensive on Lebanon.

المتصفح الذي لديك لايدعم مشغل الأغاني. دبر حالك و روح نزل البرنامج أو .<A HREF="">اضغط هنا</A> لسماع الأغنية.

Joanna Malah - Lebanon My Lebanon

Lebanon my Lebanon
The enemies ask are we going to die or give up
We say death is more beautiful

The wounded scream
There is no one to hear them
And before the fire of the wind
The wound widens
The whole world has closed its eyes forgetting that here there is a people that will not bow down

Land of glory and laurel
My land of Lebanon
They sowed fire along your paths and crying eyes
Tomorrow victory will appear
The determination of the people's hands is used to building

جوانا ملاح - لبنان يا لبنان

لبنان يا لبنان
عم يسأل العدوان منموت او ننهان
قلنا الموت احلى

مجروح عم بتصيح
ما في حدا يسمع
وادام نار الريح
صار الجرح اوسع
غمض عيونو الكون نسيان
انو هون في شعب ما بيركع

ارض المجد والغار
يا ارض لبناني
زرعو دروبك نار
وعيون بكياني
بكرة النصر بيطل
همت ايدين الكل
تتعود عمراني

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Julia Boutros - The Sun of the Truth Has Setجوليا بطرس - غابت شمس الحقGhabet Shems Al Haqq

Julia Boutros, under the influence of the politically infused music of Ziad Rahbani and others, began performing in the mid-1980s, during the (first) Israeli occupation of Southern Lebanon and the subsequent Lebanese Civil Wars. Although she is a Christian, as a Lebanese nationalist she has been a supporter of the resistance and Hezbollah in their role as defenders of the south, and in 2006, recorded a song for the families of those who died in the conflict with Israel, which raised over 3 million dollars for the families of victims and soldiers, both from the Lebanese forces and Hezbollah. This 1985 song is one of her many early nationalist songs that catapulted her to stardom in wartorn Lebanon, a call to the people of the South to rise up and stand strong against the Israeli occupying forces in order to reclaim the land for the greater Lebanese nation.

Julia Boutros - The Sun of the Truth Has Set

The sun of the truth has set and the dawn has become dusk
The face (literally, chest or front) of the east has split and the paths have closed off

We refuse to die
Tell them we shall remain
Your land, the homes and the downtrodden people
The South is ours, my beloved South

All of them, oh South, sold you empty words
Justice has been crucified and is bleeding peace
What concern of ours is war?
We will remain here
When the whole universe comes to an end
And not a drop of your soil will be missing, oh South

Never fear misfortune, oh South
The trials of war, the torment of deprivation
Despite everything that has happened
The home shall remain ours
And the laurel tree will once again bloom with pride upon your earth, oh South

جوليا بطرس - غابت شمس الحق

غابت شمس الحق وصار الفجر غروب
وصدر الشرق انشق تسكرت الدروب
منرفض نحنا نموت قولوا لهن رح نبقى
ارضك والبيوت والشعب ال عم يشقى
هو النا يا جنوب يا حبيبي يا جنوب

كلهن يا جنوب باعوك الكلام
والعدل مصلوب عم ينزف السلام
شو همنا الحروب
رح نبقى نحن هون ويفنى كل الكون
ولا ينقص حبة بترابك يا جنوب

ما تخاف يا جنوب من غدر الزمان
من ويل الحروب من لوعة الحرمان
مع كل الي صار
رح تبقى النا الدار ويرجع شجر الغار
يزهر كرامة بارضك يا جنوب

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Dalida - You're Beautiful, My Countryداليدا - حلوة يا بلديHelwa Ya Baladi

Dalida was perhaps the first true world music star, and is one of the most famous and successful singers ever. Her career flourished for decades in France where she became and international celebrity, however, some forget that she was born to an Italian family in Egypt, Dalida left her native Egypt in the 1950s to pursue fame and fortune as a model and actress in France. These worldly credentials allowed her popularity to transcends cultural boundaries as she went on to become a legendary singer, singing in many of the world's languages, especially French, Italian and Arabic. Following years of emotional shocks, including the suicides of multiple husbands, she died of an overdose in 1987.

Because she was born in Egypt, and because she was the first international star to record songs in Arabic, Dalida remains immensely popular throughout the Arab world. This song hints at Dalida's real life experience, as she herself left Arabic Egypt to go live in France, and no doubt, resonates with many of the Arabs of that generation who also sought to emigrate. Thus, Dalida, an ostensibly French singer and actress, is the singer of one of the great Arab nationalist songs.

The song itself, of course, conflates the love for his first love in her country with the love of country itself, which is a common motif in Arabic music.

Dalida - You're Beautiful, My Country

A few beautiful words
You're beautiful, my country
A few beautiful songs
You're beautiful, my country
I always hoped to return to you, my country
And stay beside you always and forever

Memories of everything that has passed
Do you remember, my country?
My heart is full of stories
Do you remember, my country?
My first love was in my country
I'll never forget him, my country
Where are the times of old, before we parted ways
We were saying that this separation was impossible
And every tear running down my cheek
Was full of hope that we would remain there
In the sea of love, on the shores

A few beautiful words
You're beautiful, my country
A few beautiful songs
You're beautiful, my country
Where is my sweetheart, my country
He was so far from me, my country
And whenever I sing, I think of him
Tell me my darling, where have you gone and left me?
We'll both sing this most beautiful tune
The words "my country" are so beautiful in a song between two lines
La la la oh oh oh la la oh oh oh

A few beautiful words
You're beautiful, my country
A few beautiful songs
You're beautiful, my country
I always hoped to return to you, my country
And stay beside you always and forever
You're a moon (meaning "you're beautiful), my country
You're beautiful, country

داليدا - حلوة يا بلدي

كلمة حلوة وكلمتين
حلوة يابلدي
غنوة حلوة وغنوتين
حلوة يابلدي
أملي دايماً كان يابلدي .. إني أرجعلك يابلدي
وافضل دايماً جنبك .. على طول

ذكريات كل اللي فات ... فاكرا يابلدي
قلبي مليان في حكايات ... فاكرا يابلدي
أول حب كان في بلدي ... مش ممكن أنساه يابلدي
فين أيام زمان .... قبل الوداع
كـنـّـا منقول إن الفراق ده مستحيل
وكلّ دمعة على الخدّين كانت بتسيل
مليانة بأمل إن احنا نبقى موجودين ... في بحر الحبّ .. على الشطين

كلمة حلوة وكلمتين ...حلوة يابلدي
غنوة حلوة غنوتين ... حلوة يابلدي
فين حبيب القلب يابلدي .. كان بعيد عني .. يابلدي
وكل مابغني .. بفكّر فيه
قول يا حبيبي انت سايبني ورايح فين
أجمل لحن ده ح نغنيه أحنا التنين
يا محلا كلمة بلدي في غنوة بين سطرين
ياليل يا عين ... يا عين ياليل
ياليل ياليلي ليلي

كلمة حلوة وكلمتين
حلوة يابلدي
غنوة حلوة غنوتين
حلوة يابلدي
أملي دايماً كان يابلدي .. إني أرجعلك يابلدي
وافضل دايماً جنبك .. على طول
قمر يابلدي ... حلوة يا بلدي

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Nancy Ajram - Oh Lebanon Love of My Lifeنانسي عجرم - لبنان يا حبيب العمرLubnan Ya Habib al-Omr

Updated media and translation

This is one of the songs made during the most recent conflict between Israel and Lebanon

Nancy Ajram - Oh Lebanon Love of My Life

You alone are my beloved
You are the love of my life
I want to stay by your side
Through the good times and the bad

I feel so safe because you are my beloved
And through time you will stay my beloved
You Lebanon you are the love of my life
You Lebanon you are the love of my life

My dear, you have a such a magic/charm
If I close my eye I find you there before me

Oh everything that is sweet and everything that is precious
You are my future and my past

Your love is in my blood and you are my first love
You are my joy and my worry no matter happens

I feel so happy these days
Cuz I am your daughter, my beloved
I am your daughter, Lebanon

نانسي عجرم - لبنان يا حبيب العمر

انت حبيبي وحدك انت حبيب العمر
وبدي ابقى حدك ع الحلو وع المر

شو بحس بامان لانك حبيبي
وع طول الزمان راح تبقى حبيبي
انت يا لبنان انت حبيب العمر
انت يا لبنان انت حبيب العمر

ياغالي عليي شو هالسحر الي فيك
لو بغمض عيني بعنيي بلاقيك

يا كل الحلا واغلى من الغلا
انت العمر الجااي والعمر الي كان

حبك ماشي بدمي وع حبك وعيت
انت فرحي وهمي كيف ما رحت وجيت

شو بحس بهنا ايامي انا
بنتك انا يا حبيبي بنتك يا لبنان

انت يا لبنان انت حبيب العمر
انت يا لبنان انت حبيب العمر

Nancy Agram - Are You Egyptianنانسي عجرم - انت مصري؟Enta Masry?

Nancy is really sucking up to the Egyptian audience with this one. It came out after she appeared on TV and said that she wanted to name her dog Mohammed or something. Needless to say the song is not very subtle, Nancy Ajram is making an appeal to her largely Egyptian fan base. She is not Egyptian.

Nancy Agram - Are You Egyptian?

If I asked you if you were Egyptian what would you say?
Tell me yes I'm Egyptian son of an Egyptian
And God be with the sons of Egypt

Say it with the loudest voice and raise your heads up high
I am Egyptian and my father is Egyptian
With my dark skin, my color is Egyptian
With my light-heartedness, I am Eygptian
And God be with every Egyptian

Our anscestors are were kings and this is something in their nature
And I adore them and I want their love
I drank from her Nile, Egypt (this metaphorical, and is a common expression in Egypt, NOT to be taking or done literally)
And I said I'll sing for her a loving and happy song

Oh Lord protect her... Egypt
Oh Lord preserve her... Egypt
Help her
And defend her from all evil

نانسي عجرم - أنت مصري؟

لو سألتك انت مصرى تقولى ايه ؟؟
تقولى مصرى ابن مصرى
و ابن مصر الله عليه

قولها بأعلى صوت و ارفع راسك لفوق
أنا مصرى و ابويا مصرى
بسمارى و لونى مصرى
و بخفة دمى مصرى
و كل مصرى الله عليه

ملوك الجدعنه و دى حاجه فى طبعهم
و عشقاهم أنا و أتمنى حبهم
شربت من نيلها ..مصر
و قلبى حنلها .. مصر
و قلت أغنلها غنوة محبه و فرح

يارب تحميها ... مصر
يارب خليها ... مصر
انصرها.. علييها
و احميها من كل شر

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

DAM - Who's a Terrorist?مين إرهابيMin Irhabi?Qui est un terroriste?

For more, DAM's page

DAM - Who's a Terrorist?


Who's a terrorist? I'm a terrorist?
How am I a terrorist while I live in my country
Who's a terrorist? You're a terrorist!
You're swallowing me while I live in my country

Killing me like you killed my ancestors
Go to the law? Why bother, my enemy
You play the role of witness, lawyer and judge
Upon the judge my end begins
Your dream is that we grow fewer and moreover that we are a minority
Your dream is that the minority become a majority in the graveyards
Democracy? I swear you're Nazis
With all the times you raped the Arab spirit
It got pregnant and birthed a boy called the suicide bomber
And here you are calling us terrorists
I mean you hit me and wept, and beat me to complaining about it
When I reminded you that you started it, you sprung up and said
"You let the little kids throw stones.
Don't they have a family to keep them under lock at home?"
As if you forgot that your weapons put their family under the stones
So now when my pain retaliates you call me a terrorist?


Why a terrorist? Because my blood is not calm? It's feverish!
Because I raise my head and my land up high
You killed my beloved, now I'm alone
My family is displaced, but I will keep calling out
I'm not against peace, the peace is against me
It wants to eradicate me and erase my heritage
And whoever says something zealous to speak out
He's oppressed and you get rid of him completely
And who are you? Just when did you grow up
Take a look at how many you've killed and how many you've orphaned
Our mothers are weeping, our fathers are complaining
Our lands are disappearing, I reiterate who are you?
You grew up spoiled while we grew up in poverty
Who grew up in plenty and who grew up in a hole?
Became a freedom fighter, you turned him into a criminal
And you my terrorist are calling me a terrorist?


When will I no longer be a terrorist?
Perhaps when you slap me and I turn the other cheek?
How do you expect me to thank who hurt me
Ok you know what? First how do you want me to be
Down on my knees with my hands tied
My eyes to the ground with corpses all about
Destroyed houses and displaced families?
Orphaned children, freedom in handcuffs?
You command and we'll fullfill your wish
What we must do is be patient and mask our pain
The most important thing is that you feel secure
Relax and leave the pain to us, what's our blood?
The blood of dogs
Wait no, when a dog is dying there's the animal's rights organization
That means our blood is less valuable than the blood of a dog?
No! My blood is precious
And I'm going to defend myself if you call me a terrorist

مين إرهابي؟ - DAM


مين ارهابي ؟ انا ارهابي؟
كيف ارهابي وانا عايش في بلادي؟
مين ارهابي ؟ انت ارهابي؟
ماكلني وانا عايش في بلادي؟

قاتلني زي ما قتلت جدادي
اتجه للقانون؟ عالفاضي مانت يا عدو
بتلعب دور الشاهد المحامي والقاضي
علي قاضي بنهايتي بادي
حلمك نقل فوق ماحنا اقلية
حلمك الأقلية تصير في المقابر اكترية
ديموقراطية ؟ والله انكم نازية
من كتر ماغتصبتوا النفس العربية
حبلت , ولدت ولد اسمو عملية انفجارية
وهين ناديتنا ارهابية
يعني ضربتني وبكيت , سبقتني واشتكيت
لما ذكرتك انك بديت ,نطيت وحكيت
مانتوا بتخلوا ولاد صغار يرمو حجار ,ملهمش اهل
يضبوهم في الدار؟!" ايش؟؟
كنو نسيت انو سلاحك ضب الأهل تحت الحجار؟
وهلأ لما وجعي ثار بتناديني ارهابي؟


ليش ارهابي؟ علشان دمي مش هادي؟ حامي؟
علشان رافع راسي وارض بلادي
قتلوا حبايبي , انا لحالي
اهلي تشردوا , راح اضلني انادي
انا مش ضد السلام , السلام ضدي
علي بدو يقضي ,تراثي بدو يمحي
واللي بحكي كلمة بشد ورى همة
بكون زلمة!!بتعملوا منو رمة
ومين انتو؟!لسا ايمتا كبرتو؟
اتطلعو اديش قتلتو واديش يتمتو
امياتنا ببكو , ابياتنا بشكو
اراضينا بختفو انا بألكم مين انتو
انت كبرت بدلع احنا كبرنا بفقر
مين كبر في وسع؟! ومين كبر في جحر؟
صار فدائي , عملتو منو اجرامي
وانت يا ارهابي بتناديني ارهابي


امتا ببطل ارهابي ؟
لمل تضربني كف واعطيك خدي التاني؟
كيف تتوقع مني اشكر الي اذاني؟
تعرف ايش؟! انت اولي كيف بدك اياني؟
راكع على ركبي وادي مربطات؟!
عيون في الأرض وجثث مزتتات ؟
بيوت مهدومة عائلات مشردات؟
اطفال يتيمة ,حرية كلبشات؟
انت اامر , انت ااتل احنا بنأبر
ما علينا بنصبر وجعنا بنستر.
اهم اشي انك تحس بامان
اتريح وسيبلنا الآلام مهو دمنا
دم كلاب , حتى لا
لما الكلب يموت , في الرفق بالحيوان
يعني دمنا ارخص من دم لكلاب؟
لأ دمي غالي
وراح ادافع عن حالي لو تناديني ارهابي

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Sherine Ahmed - You Didn't Drink from Its Nileشيرين أحمد - ماشربتش من نيلهاMashrebtsh Min Nilha

Anyway, I don't actually recommend drinking out of the Nile

Sherine Ahmed - You Didn't Drink from Its Nile

Our country is safe in our hands
We hold it high as long as we live
We live in it years and years feeling secure

You did not drink from its Nile
Then you tried singing to it
You tried in pride
Don't be sad
You walk in its streets and complain to its
You did not walk in its suburbs fine
You did not grow up in it
And you don't have a picutre on the sand on its beaches

Look within yourself and you'll find it is friends and family of my country
And it would be hard to forget them
Maybe you forget because you in it and don't miss it
And you have never been away from it
But those who have tried to leave say there is nothing in the world like it

I was away longing for it
I forget the world and I come to it
And if I came it would remind me of a million memories that I carry in my heart
Our country is precious to us and will stay in our eyes as long as we love our country it will be in our hands
We are the ones who hold it high and preserve it in our hands
Most beautiful to us and our children no matter what

شيرين أحمد - ماشربتش من نيلها

بلدنا امانه فى ايدينا نعليها ما دام عايشيين نعيش فيها سنين وسنين واحنا مطمنين

ماشربتش من نيلها طب جربت تغنيلها جربت فى عز ما تحزن تمشي فى شوارعها وتشكيلها

ما مشيتش فى ضواحيها طيب ما كبرتش فيها ولا ليك صورة عا الرملة كانت عل الشط فى موانيها

دور جواك تلقاها هى الصحبه وهى الاهل عشرة بلدى بتبقي نسيانها عالبال مش سهل

يمكن ناسي لانك فيها مش وحشاك ولا غبت بس اللى مجرب وفارقها قال فى الدنيا ما فيش بعديها

ان غبت بحنلها وانسي الدنيا واجيلها وان جيت انسي تفكرنى الدنيا بذكرى القلب شايلها

غاليه بلدنا علينا وهتفضل فى عنينا ومدام بنحب بلدنا تبقي هتتغير بايدينا

احنا اللى نعليها بايدينا نخليها اجمل لينا ولولادنا مهما العمر يعدى علينا

Lyrics transcription from

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Abdel Halim Hafez - The High Damعبد الحليم حافظ - السد العاليEl Sadd el AaliLe Barrage d'Assouan

A song from the height of the Nasser era, written for the celebratory opening of the Aswan High Dam. Interestingly, the opening rhythm of the song sounds quite Nubian to my ears - the irony being that the High Dam flooded Nubia and effectively destroyed it, forcing 90,000 people to flee.

Abdel Halim Hafez - The High Dam

We said we will build, and indeed we built, the High Dam.
O Colonialism, we built the High Dam with our hands.
We said we will build, and indeed we built, the High Dam.
O Colonialism, we built the High Dam with our hands.
With our money, with our workers’ hands.
With our money, with our workers’ hands.
That’s the word; indeed we built it.
We said we will build, and indeed we built, the High Dam.
O Colonialism, we built the High Dam with our hands.
Excuse me, I’d like to say something.
This isn’t a story about the Dam;
It’s a story about the struggle behind the Dam.
It’s our story, the story of
a people who, for the sacred march, rose and revolted
A people advancing, lighting sparks with each step.
A fighting people for whom victory was written.
Will you hear the story?
Just tell it from the beginning!
It’s the story of a war
Between us and colonialism
Do you remember when the people became Westernized
Inside their country?
Yes, we remember!
And the forceful occupier enjoyed himself
In it – him alone?
We haven’t forgotten!
And the gallows were for whoever was coming and going;
And the blood of the free who passed away in Denshawai.
Here it all started;
The people began the story.
Our struggle,
By the fire of our wounds,
Was written with the blood of the victims.
And we overcame! We overcame! We overcame!
We overcame the day the army rose up and revolted,
The day we lit the fire of its revolution,
The day we expelled corruption,
The day we liberated the country,
The day we made them withdraw!
We overcame! We overcame! We overcame!

The good, beloved land returned
to the hands of its owners.
We took back its glory and the treasures
lost in its soil.
We said, “Let’s go build its future
and return to it its youth.”
”What will we do?”
It was natural that we look to the Nile,
which holds our souls in its hands.
It dies and is lost in the sea,
while the deserts long for it.
We said, “Let’s build a High Dam,
a High Dam, a High Dam.”

But colonialism made it very difficult for us.
Why should we give it back our glory?
What did he do?
He went to the bank which helps and gives.
A clerk told him, told us, “I have nothing for you.”
”What did we say?”
There was a powerful outcry
In the square in Alexandria
A cry given by Gamal
And we nationalized the canal!
We nationalized the canal! We nationalized the canal!
That blow came from an instructorم
who made colonialism surrender.
And the economic blockade:
It brought its weapons and its planes,
Its submarines and its tanks,
And attacked to make us submit.
We were fire that ate their armies.
Fire that says, “Do you want more?”
And we overcame; their disgrace is still memorialized
in the soil of Port Said.
And Pan-Arabism… every home stood with us,
And the free people stood against those who attacked us.
And we overcame! We overcame! We overcame!

This, then, is the people’s story.
a people who, for the sacred march, rose and revolted
A people advancing, lighting sparks with each step.
A people Gamal made victorious.

We said we will build, and indeed we built, the High Dam.
The High Dam!
O Colonialism, we built the High Dam with our hands.
The High Dam!
With our money, with our workers’ hands.
With our money, with our workers’ hands.
That’s the word; indeed we built it.

عبد الحليم حافظ - السد العالي

قولنا هنبنى وادى احنا بنينا السد العالى
يا استعمار بنيناه بأدينا السد العالى
قولنا هنبنى وادى احنا بنينا السد العالى
يا استعمار بنيناه بأدينا السد العالى
من اموالنا بايد عمالنا
من اموالنا بايد عمالنا
هى الكلمه وادى احنا بنينا

قولنا هنبنى وادى احنا بنينا السد العالى
يا ستعمار بنيناه بايدينا السد العالى
تسمحولى بكلمه
الحكايه مش حكايه السد
حكايه الكفاح اللى ورا السد
حكايتنا احنا حكايه
شعب للزحف المقدس قام وثار
شعب زاحف خطوته تولع شرار
شعب كافح وانكتبله الانتصار
تسمعوا الحكايه؟
بس قولها من البدايه
هى حكايه حرب وتار
بينا وبين الاستعمار
فاكريين لما الشعب اتغرب
جوه فبلده
اه فاكريين
والمحتل الغاصب ينعم
فيها لوحده
مش ناسيين
والمشانق للى رايح واللى جاى
ودم احرارنا اللى راحوا فى دنشواى
من هنا كانت البدايه
وابتدى الشعب الحكايه
كان كفاحنا
بنار جراحنا
يكتبه دم الضحايا
وانتصارنا انتصرنا انتصرنا
انتصارنا يوم ما هب الجيش وثار
يوم ما اشعلنا ثوره له ونار
يوم ما اخرجنا الفساد
يوم ما حررننا البلاد
يوم ما حققنا الجلاء
انتصرنا انتصرنا انتصرنا

رجعت الارض الحبيبه الطيبه
لايدين صحابها
التقينا العز فيها والكنوز
تايها فى ترابها
قولنا نلحق نبنى مستقبلها
ونرجع شببها
نعمل ايه
كان طبيعى نبص للنيل
اللى ارواحنا فى ايديه
مايته فى البحر ضايعه
والصحارى فى شوق اليه
قلنا نبنى سد عالى
سد عالى سد عالى

بس الاستعمار صعب حالنا عليه
ليه نرجع مجدنا ونعيده ليه
يعمل إيه؟
راح على البنك اللى بساعد ويدى
قاله حاسب قالنا ملكمش عندى
قلنا ايه
كانت الصرخه القويه
فى الميدان فى اسكندريه
صرخه اطلقها جمال
واحنا اممنا القنال
احنا أممنا القنال! احنا أممنا القنال!
ضربه كانت من معلم
خلى الاستعمار يسلم
والحصار الاقتصادى
جاب سلاحه طيارته
غوصاته دباباته
واعتدى علشان نسلم
هو مين لاء ده بعده
هو مين لاء ده بعده
كنا نار اكلت جيوشهم
نار تقول هل من مزيد
وانتصرنا ولسه عارهم ذكرى
فى تراب بورسعيد
والعروبه فكل دار وقفت معانا
والشعوب الحره جت عاللى عدانا
وانتصرنا انتصرنا انتصرنا

ادى حكايه الشعب
شعب للزحف المقدس قام وثار
شعب زاحف خطوته تولع شرار
شعب حققله جمال الانتصار

قولنا هنبنى وادى احنا بنينا
السد العالى
يا استعمار بنيناه بايدينا
السد العالى
من اموالنا بايد عمالنا
من اموالنا بايد عمالنا
هى الكلمه وادى احنا بنينا

- ِArabic lyrics from:

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Rim Banna - Mt. Carmel of My Soulريم بنا - كرمل الروحKurmul el Rooh

ٌOk so this might take some explaining. As far as I can see, she is addressing Mt. Carmel in Palestine to get in contact with her "soul," could be someone who was put in prison or killed by Israel. So the title sounds awkward but im pretty sure that's what she's singing about. Learn more about that area here.

المتصفح الذي لديك لايدعم مشغل الأغاني. دبر حالك و روح نزل البرنامج أو .<A HREF="">اضغط هنا</A> لسماع الأغنية.

Rim Banna - Mt. Carmel of My Soul

I scream from the depths of my soul
Oh Carmel (Mt. Carmel) of my soul
Fetch him the air of the sea of Haifa
Bring him the breeze of the sea of Jaffa
Alleviate the cold of his prison cell and its heat
Oh Carmel of my soul
Be sympathetic to him
For you are closer than me to him

Oh Carmel of my soul
He is alone

Oh Carmel of my soul
He is my soul

ريم بنا - كرمل الروح

وأصرخ من قاع الرّوح
يا كرمل الرّوح
إجلب له هواء بحر حيفا
أحضر له نسيم بحر يافا
يلطّف برد زنزانته وحرّها
يا كرمل الرّوح
كن حنونًا عليه
فأنتَ أقرب منّي إليه

يا كرمل الرّوح
أنه وحيد

يا كرمل الرّوح
إنه روحي

Lyrics transcription from here

Rim Banna - Mirrors of the Soulريم بنا - مرايا الروحMiraya el RoohMiroirs de l'ame

Rim Banna - Mirrors of the Soul

Mirrors of the soul envelop me
And I travel from me to him
And from his space
To the horizon of daisies

I flap my wings above the boxthorn of the walls
The sea gulls wrap me and lead me to him

Oh the escape of longing
In those things which are hidden
Take me to him
For I am on verge of exhaustion
It ignites
In the silence of my depths
And extends from me to him
To me

ريم بنا - مرايا الروح

تحاصرني مرايا الرّوح
وأنا أرحل مني إليه
ومن فضائه
إلى أفق الأقحوان

أترقرق توهّجًا
فوق عوسج الجدران
تسربلني النوارس
وتعبر بي منّي إليه

أيا انفلات الحنين
في الخبايا
خذني إليه
فأنا الرمق الأخير
في صمت الحنايا
ويمتدّ منّي إليه

Lyrics transcription thanks to Zaytuna

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Kazem el-Saher - Peace Be Upon You (Iraq)كاظم الساهر - سلام عليك على رافديكSalaam Aleek

Kathim el-Saher - Peace be Upon You

Peace be upon you
Upon your two rivers
Iraq of values (The word Iraq in Arabic is related to the words for roots and veins. I'm keeping it as Iraq in the translation but know there is a sort of double meaning going on)
You are a sanctuary, fortress and home to all nations

I pray on your behalf all the time
And wipe away from you the worries of time

My beloved, why do I see you sad?
As this pain squeezes your heart

Here glory led the way, prayed and fasted
Pilgrimaged and toured paradise (Dar el-Salaam means paradise or heaven but it is also an epithet of Iraq)
Baghdad wrote the glory of the greats
And the inkwell never went dry

Peace to the lade where presents and perfume flow
Nurtured by the blood of the martyrs
Like Hussein and those of Karbala
They went to the glory (of god) tongue and mouth (? meaning standing up for what they believe i dunno ?)

The Iraq of science and river of literature will remain a heritage for all Arabs
And remain a mother and father for glory
And a garland of love for the good of the nations

؟؟؟ and Babel
The covenant of belonging
To the cradle of civilization and the prophets
Honored with the name of the Lord of Heavan
To remain more glorious and precious knowledge

كاظم الساهر - سلام عليك على رافديك

سلام عليك على رافديك عراق القيم
فانت مزار وحصن ودار لكل الامم

اصلي لأجلك في كل حين
وامسح عنك هموم السنين

لماذا اراك حبيبي حزين
ويعصر قلبك هذا الألم

هنا المجد أم وصلى وصام ، وحج وطاف بدار السلام
فبغداد تكتب مجد العظام وما جف فيها مداد القلم

سلام لأرض تفيض عطاء وعطر ثراها دم الشهداء
فهذا حسين وذي كربلاء ، الى العز صارا لسانا وفم

عراق العلوم ونهر الادب ستبقى تراثا لكل العرب
وتبقى الى المجد أما وأب وإكليل حب لخير الامم

باور وبابل عهد انتماء ، لمهد الحضارات والانبياء
تشرف بحمل اسم رب السماء لتبقى اعز واغلى علم

Lyrics transcription from here.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Like a Phoenixالمجموعة - طير الرمادTayr al Ramad

This is a song featuring Syrian and Lebanese artists that appears to support solidarity between Syria and Lebanon in the face of Israel. There is a video made my Hezbollah supporters using the song, but the video below is a footage of the live performance. 'Tayr al Ramad' means 'Bird of the Ashes' and while there are other words for a phoenix in Arabic, 'bird of the ashes' clearly refers to the phoenix.

Assi el-Hellani, Micheline Khalifa, Nour Mehanna, Asala Nasri, Walid Toufiq, Dina Hayek, Elias Karam, Shahd Barmada, Wadi el-Safi and Mouein Sherif - Like a Phoenix

Fire and smoke all around you
Hostility everywhere
Lebanon's wound is large
Earth, sky and people
They said end this fighting
We screamed in the face of the enemies
Lebanon will never end

It rises up until the end
Against the fire that burned it
Thus is Lebanon's story
Like a phoenix (lit. bird of the ashes)
It rebelled against the wounds of betrayal and bore them
And renewed its wings to the highest
Like a phoenix

Look, victory is near
The cedar ages but does not go gray (means it gets older but not weak like an old man)
Syria is hand in hand with you
No matter how much the Zionists strike you
God is with us and you
Two peoples rising to glory
History gathers us together
And nobody can erase history

Tomorrow when the day breaks
Lebanon the land of the grottos
Will return again
And raise the homes
And write a piece of wisdom on the threshold
No matter how much hostility destroys
The free will never kneel

Your wounds are rising out of your heart
With victory the winner is crowned
Syria whose soul is with your soul
Is still by your side oh Lebanon
We were together and together we will remain
We thrust the sword in the face of betrayal
Defending the honor for all
The time for victory is approaching

We have resisted and protected the home
We have answered fire with fire
And protected the precious cedar trees
We have become the story of a people and land
Greatness imparts upon us a duty
Promising them and upholding the promise
No matter how hard the nights become

المجموعة - طير الرماد

نار وبكي ودخان
صار الحقد باركان
لبنان جرحه كبير
أرض والسماء وانسان
قالوا انتهى
نبع الفتن
صرخنا بوجه العداة
ما بينتهي لبنان

عم بينتفض على نهايته
على النار اللي حرقته
لبنان هيك حكايته
طير الرماد
جبر وتمرد على
جروح الغدر واتحملها
وجدد جناحه الى العالى
طير الرماد

يا طلع ونصر بعيدك
الأرز بيكبر وما بيشيب
سورية اللي ايدها وايدك
مهما ضربوك الصهانية
نحن وانتو الله معنا
شعبين على المجد طلوعنا
نحن التاريخ بيجمعنا
وما حدا بيلغي التاريخ

عم بينتفض على نهايته
على النار اللي حرقته
لبنان هيك حكايته
طير الرماد
جبر وتمرد على
جروح الغدر واتحملها
وجدد جناحه الى العالى
طير الرماد

بكره بطل النهار
لبنان أرض الغار
راح يرجع من جديد
يعلى عتاب الدار
ويكتب على العتاب حكم
انه الحقد مهما هدم
ما بيركعو الاحرار

عم بينتفض على نهايته
على النار اللي حرقته
لبنان هيك حكايته
طير الرماد
جبر وتمرد على
جروح الغدر واتحملها
وجدد جناحه الى العالى
طير الرماد

يا طالع من قلب جروحك
بالنصر متوج الربحان
سورية اللي روحها بروحك
بعدها حدك يا لبنان
سوا كنا وسوا نظل
سيف بوحه الغدر نفل
مقلب كرامة للكل
لنصر جاي عنوان

عم بينتفض على نهايته
على النار اللي حرقته
لبنان هيك حكايته
طير الرماد
جبار وتمرد على
جروح الغدر وتحملها
وجدد جناحه الى العالى
طير الرماد

قاومنا وحمينا الدار
وجبين العالي عالي
وردينا على النار بالنار
وحمينا الأرز الغالي
صرنا حكاية الشعب والأرض
العظم بيفرض حقه فرض
بيوعدهن وبيوفي بالوعد
مهما شدوا الليالي Sitemap Generator