Showing posts with label New Artist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New Artist. Show all posts

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Emad Ghavidel feat. Hamed Fard - Battle for Homsعماد قويدل و حامد فرد - نبرد براى حمص

Here is a song by an Iranian rapper Emad Ghavidel featuring Hamed Fard in solidarity with the people in Syria protesting and suffering under the ongoing massacres and violence. Not an Arabic song but I thought it was relevant.

Emad Ghavidel and Hamed Fard - Battle for Homs


There’s nothing sweeter than life
But you shouldn’t be afraid to lose it
Why be afraid of going when something better is coming?

Verse 1:

Sometimes it’s better for me to listen a little
Instead of talking about my country’s problems
Sometimes it’s better for me keep my mouth shut
When the world stinks like an armpit of
That tired man you see on his way to battle
He's like one of the lil fish caught by a whale
That whale I’m talkin bout is called war
A war that our generation knows all too well
We understand that there’s a reason behind this all
What like we need another problem? So everything is cheap?
The governments were using force and now they’re gonna keep power by force? (now that people are dissatisfied?)
For Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and now Syria
So long as the UN is drunk and unaware
The bombs will rain down on the children of Homs
Yo Medvedev, I dunno what kinda plan you have
But the reality is your name will live in infamy


I swear on the mourning of every mother and her tears
You’re gonna pay the price Bashar Assad
Even if I’m going to drown in my own blood
I won’t shut my mouth
You should know that Iranians can’t sit and remain silent
Your name is Assad (lion) but a lion without a mane
A lion? What am I sayin? You’re not even a hyena
You’re not even worthy of [my] anger

Verse 2:

When Bashar Assad became another Angel of Death (Azrael)
Everybody’s sitting and talkin bout Israel
Nothing will come from these words that I’m sayin
And guys like us can’t do nothin
Can’t you hear that voice cryin for help?
Why do all these people gotta die?
Under the dirt, tanks, guns, rocks, bombs, and shooting
Anyone who says the city of Homs is calm is lying
I have no desire to eat, I can’t swallow (i.e. I can’t stomach what I see)
They’ve done something that kills all religion and morals
In Damascus they’re laughing, the people are happy and content
But the ones who are crying are the people of Homs
The guy who was taking his kid to the gym, now he sees him lying dead in the morgue
Medvedev you’ve made the world into a horror film
You thought you’d won, you’ve lost to history

Verse 3:

Don’t think you can just suppress your people so easily
I can see a day when you’ll have a heart attack from fear
One day those around you will toss you aside
But the ones who you’re killing will live on forever
Even if you kill a couple people with every shelling
A guy like you will end up in a rat hole (like Saddam Hussein)
Those who died saw many sparrows in that city
Those who died are free of a world full of lies
I could read the fear in your face without even seeing you
These were the sentences that I had sung
Even in silence, there is an untold pain
The secret of which lie hidden behind the curtain
You’re another story [Bashar], I’m resentful of my own (i.e. the situation in Iran)
But how could I leave me country and my city?
The one I can’t reach is Medvedev
I wanna spit on him, but it’d be a waste of good spit

عماد قويدل و حامد فرد - نبرد براى حمص

خوش‌تر از جان چه بُوَد
جان برود باک مدار
غم رفتن چه خوری؟
چون به از آن می‌آید

گاهی بهتره، یه حرفایی رو بشنوم یه‌کم
به جای اینکه از مشکلات کشورم بگم
گاهی بهتر که، بکشم زیپ دهن
وقتی دنیا بو می‌ده مثل زیر بغلِ
اون مرد خسته‌ای که تو مسیر نبردِ
ِمثل ماهی‌های کوچیک اسیر نهنگ
اون نهنگی که می‌گم اسمش جنگه
جنگی که نسل ما به خوبی حسش کرده
ما می‌فهمیم که پشت این کارا منظوریه
مگه مشکل کمه، مگه کالا ارزونیه؟
یا حکومت زور بود و حالا هم زوریه؟
که تونس و مصر و لیبی حالا هم سوریه
تا وقتی سازمان ملل خماره بی‌حاله
رو سر بچه‌های حُمص خمپاره می‌باره
هی مدودف نمی‌دونم چی برنامه داری‌
ولی، حقیقت اینه می‌شی بدنامِ تاریخ

به ضجه‌های مادر به اشکاش قسم
تو هم تقاص پس می‌دی بشّار اسد
اگه، قرار باشه غرق خون بمیرم
حاضر نمی‌شم که خفه‌خون بگیرم
بدون که ساکت، نمی‌تونه بشینه ایرانی
تو اسمت اسدِ ولی یه شیر بی‌یالی
شیر چیه؟! چی دارم می‌گم تو کفتارم نیستی
حتی لایق این خشم توی رفتارم نیستی

وقتی بشار اسد شده یه عزرائیل دیگه
دنیا نشسته داره از اسرائیل میگه
از این حرفا که می‌گم هیچی در نمی‌آد
و از دست امثال ما هیچی بر نمی‌آد
نمی‌شنوی صدایی می‌گه به دادم برسید
چرا باید که این همه آدم بره زیر
خاک و تانک و توپ و سنگ و بمب و تیرباران
دروغِ اون‌که می‌گه شهر حمص ُ دید آرام
میل به خوراک ندارم لقمه پایین نمی‌ره
کاری کردن که دیگه دین و آیین بمیره
توی دمشق دارن می‌خندن مردم خرسندُ
اونا که اشک می‌ریزن مردم حُمصندُ
اونی که بچه‌شو با خودش می‌برده زورخونه
حالا می‌بیندش رو تخت مرده‌شورخونه
مدودف تو از دنیا فیلمی تاریک ساختی
فکر نکن که بردی، تو به تاریخ باختی

به ضجه‌های مادر به اشکاش قسم
تو هم تقاص پس می‌دی بشّار اسد
اگه، قرار باشه غرق خون بمیرم
حاضر نمی‌شم که خفه‌خون بگیرم
بدون که ساکت، نمی‌تونه بشینه ایرانی
تو اسمت اسدِ ولی یه شیر بی‌یالی
شیر چیه؟! چی دارم می‌گم تو کفتارم نیستی
حتی لایق این خشم توی رفتارم نیستی

تو فکر نکن که مردمتو سرکوب کردی
می‌بینم روزی رو که از ترس تو سنکوب کردی
روزی که، اطرافیانتم تو رو جا می‌ذارن
ولی اونایی رو که می‌کشی جاویدانن
اگرچه می‌کشی تو عده‌ای با هر سقوط موشک
اما مثل تو، در اومد حتی از تو لونه موشم
اون که مُرد دید کلی پرستو توی اون شهر
اون که، رها شد ازدنیا از دروغه توشم
من ندیده توی چهره‌ی تو ترس ُ خونده بودم
اینا جمله‌هایی بود که من سروده بودم
حتی در سکوتِ اونم یه درد نگفته‌ست
که راز و رمزش لای پرده نهفته‌ست
تو حسابت جدا من از یه خودی دلخورم
ولی شهر و کشورم رو من چطوری ول کنم
ِکسی که دستم بهش می‌رسه مدودف
ِمی‌خوام تف به روش بیارم ولی حیف تف

به ضجه‌های مادر به اشکاش قسم
تو هم تقاص پس می‌دی بشّار اسد
اگه، قرار باشه غرق خون بمیرم
حاضر نمی‌شم که خفه‌خون بگیرم
بدون که ساکت، نمی‌تونه بشینه ایرانی
تو اسمت اسدِ ولی یه شیر بی‌یالی
شیر چیه؟! چی دارم می‌گم تو کفتارم نیستی
حتی لایق این خشم توی رفتارم نیستی

Friday, March 22, 2013

Above the Palm Trees/I've Got a Friend Up Thereفوك النخل\فوق إلنا خلFoug El Nakhel/Foug Ilna Khill

We've translated many an Arabic folk song here on the blog performed by various artists, but the discussion on this song is so massive and the versions so numerous that it deserves its own post. "Fog al-Nakhel (فوق النخل)" is one of the most famous Arabic songs. It originated in Iraq and quickly spread throughout the Arabic world with the advent of radio and television. One of the earliest versions was performed by Nazem al-Ghazali, but there are others by Sabah Fakhri, Ilham al-Madfai, Kazem el-Saher and many others. Of course, the verses seem to be infinite.

I've always tried to understand the song, which eventually led me to discussion forums discussing the lyrics and meaning. That's when I discovered the open secret that the lyrics are not actually فوق النخل, or "above the palm trees," but rather فوق إلنا خل, ie "I've got a friend above/up there" however you want to translate it. According to a discussion among posters in this forum here, the original composers had intended the song to be فوق النا خل (Fog ilna khell). The story behind the song is that there is a poor young man in love with a girl that belongs to a rich family, after seeing her on their big house's balcony and exchanging glances. The song became "Foq al-Nakhel (فوق النخل)" because even though it makes the meaning quite strange, the audiences liked it better, according Sabah Fakhri and others. This explains the lyrics:

I've got a friend above
I don't know if that's the shine of your cheek or a shine above (ie the moon)
I swear I don't even want her
It's ruining me/It's causing me a problem

فوق إلنا خل فوق يابا فوق النا خل فوق
مدري لامع خدك يابا مدري لامع فوق
ولله ما ريده باليني بلوة

That is pretty much the standard chorus and after that the versions diverge greatly. I'll try to add as many versions as I can here, hopefully with the help of the readers, since lyrics are surprisingly scarce.

First and foremost is the Nazem al-Ghazali (ناظم الغزالي) version:

ناظم الغزالي - فوق النخل (فوق إلنا خل)

I have no hope for my soul, you're still my beloved
Everyone gets to be with you and my destiny is to be abandoned by you
I swear she's torturing me and she has no interest in me

مالي امل بالروح يبا بعدك حبيبي بعدك حبيبي
وصلك صفى للناس يبا هجرك نصيبي
والله معذبني وماعنده امروه

Here's the version by Sabah Fakhri (صباح فخري), the legendary Syrian singer hailing from Aleppo. I haven't included the lyrics for "albulbul nagha", which he usually performs alongside "foug al nakhel".

It contains this additional verse:

Oh river, go say hi to them for me
The separation is hard for me
I miss them

بالله يا مجرى الماي يابا سلم عليهم
صعبان الفرقه علي يابا اشتقنا إليهم

Here is the Kazem el-Saher version I found on I'd like to point out that Kazem days no say "yaba" rather he uses "3ayni" which means about the same thing: nothing.

Here is an Ilham al-Madfai (إلهام المدفعي) version. Note the excessive palm trees in the video.

Here's some new verses, I'll do my best:

Your cheek shined, my love, and lit up the country
I can't make my soul patient or bear this separation
I swear she's torturing me with her beautiful eyes

All the faces pass, and my eyes are only on yours
May the lord give you my love
I swear she's torturing me and she has no interest

خدك لمع ياهواي وأضوى على البلاد
مقدر أصبر الروح واتحمل البعاد
والله معذبني بعيونه الحلوة

كل البلام تفوت يابه عيني على بلمك
ومن الهوى والروح ربي يسلمك
والله معذبني وما عنده مروة

There's more versions available, but I don't really have lyrics for them.

Here is a stupid version by Dania (دانيا)

Here is George Wassouf (جورج وسوف)

Here is Palestinian band Zaman (زمان) with a flamenco version

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Youssra el-Hawari - The Wallsيسرا الهواري - السورEssour

In order to prevent protests, SCAF, the military government ruling over Egypt following Mubarak's ousting, erected large walls in the city of Cairo. These walls have become a site of resistance in the form of graffiti and the like, and in this song, an even simpler expression of discontent.

Youssra el-Hawari - The Wall

In front of the wall
In front of the ones who built it
In front of the wall
In front of the ones who erected it
And in front of the one who guards it as well
A poor man stopped to pee
On the wall and those who built it, erected it, and guard it
On the wall and the ones who built it, the man peed

يسرا الهواري - السور

قدام السور قدام اللي بانيه
قدام السور قدام اللي معلّيه
قدام السور قدام اللي بانيه
قدام السور قدام اللي معلّيه
وكمان قدام اللي واقف يحميه
وكمان قدام اللي واقف يحميه
وقف راجل غلبان وعمل.. پيپي
وقف راجل غلبان وعمل.. پيپي
عالسور واللي بانيه واللي معليه واللي بيحميه
عالسور واللي بانيه الراجل عمل پیپی

وكمان قدام اللي واقف يحميه
وكمان قدام اللي واقف يحميه
وقف راجل غلبان وعمل پيپي
وقف راجل غلبان وعمل پيپي
عالسور واللي بانيه واللي معليه واللي بيحميه
عالسور واللي بانيه واللي معليه واللي بيحميه
عالسور واللي بانيه واللي معليه واللي بيحميه
عالسور واللي بانيه الراجل عمل پیپی

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Souad Massi - Storytellerسعاد ماسي - راويRaoui

Updated media and translation

Souad Massi - Storyteller

Oh storyteller tell us a story
Make it a tale
Tell me about the people of old
Tell me about 1001 Nights
And about Lunja the daughter of the Ghoul
And about the son of the Sultan

I'm about to tell a story (I'm just told that this phrase--hajeetak majeetak--is what is said before you tell a story, I have no idea what it could mean)
Take us far from this world
I'm about to tell a story
Everyone of us has a story in his heart

Narrate and forget we're adults
In your mind we're young
Tell us about heaven and hell
About the bird that never flew in his life
Help us understand the meaning of the world

Oh storyteller, tell it just as they told you
Don't add anything, don't leave anything out
We could see into your mind
Narrate to make us forget this time
Leave us in the world of once upon a time

سعاد ماسي - راوي

يا راوي حكي حكاية
مادابك تكون رواية
حكي لي على ناس الزمان
كي لي على ألف ليلة وليلة
وعلى لنجة بنت الغولة
وعلى ولد السلطان

حانجيتك مانجيتك
دنا بعيد من هادي دنيا
حاجيتك ماجيتك
كل واحد منا في قلبه حكاية

حكي وانسى بلي احنا كبار
في بالك رانا صغار
حكي لنا على الجنة حكي لنا على النار
على طير عمره ما طار
فهمنا معانى الدنيا

يا راوي حكي كما حكوا لك
ما تزيد ما نقص من عندك
كاين نشفوا على بالك
حكي لنسينا في هاد زمان
خلينا في كان يا ما كان

Saturday, January 28, 2012

City Band – I Am Hereسيتي باند - أنا موجودAna Mawgood

This song and video have been produced in solidarity with the Egyptian youth that have died and sacrificed in the continuing revolution.

The title phrase of the song "ana mawgood" (أنا موجود) means "I am present," "I am here," or "I exist." I've translated it here in different ways depending on the context, and I've also translated it as "here I am" in some spots to give it a better sound in English. Let me know if you have any comments about the word choice.

City Band – I Am Here

I exist, but my title keeps changing
My name is youth, and I am young
I am willing to live a short life
And I am not afraid to die
Here I am

I exist, and I don’t have a card or ID
Put all your flaws on me
Throw me on the ground and stomp all over me
Keep me from making any sound
But I am here

Say that I’m spreading fitna (discord) and I am always undermining the stability
Say that I’m a kafir (infidel) and a traitor and that I’m going to hell
You are free to say what you will
I won’t object to any kind of dialogue
Yes, I’m a killer and my weapon is some stones
I am here

Here I am
Do what you want to me
And when I die, nobody ask why they killed me
And I beg you do not cry
Whoever wants to laugh can laugh, it’s not important
Nobody call out “we will not forget you”
No forget me, but don’t forget
The one who killed me is still out there
And I am gone

سيتي باند - أنا موجود

أنا موجود لكن عنوان بيتغير
أنا اسمي شباب سنه صغير
ومش رافض أعيش عمر قصير
ومش خايف أموت
أنا موجود

انا موجود لا معايا بطاقه ولا هويه
داروا عيوبكم كلها فيا
شيلوا وحطوا ودوسوا عليا
امنعوا يطلع منى الصوت
أنا موجود

وقولوا عليا بعمل فتنة وبهدم دائماً الاستقرار
وقولوا عليا كافر خاين ومكاني هيكون النار
وقولوا كلامكم بحرية أنا مش هامنع أي حوار
ايوه انا قاتل وسلاحي شوية طوب
أنا موجود

أنا موجود اعملوا فيا اللي تحبوه
ولما هاموت ما حدش يسأل ليه قتلوه
وأرجوكم ما تبكوش
اللي عايز يضحك يضحك ما يهموش
وما حدش يهتف لا ننساك لا انسوني بس ما تنسوش
اللي قتلني لسه موجود
وأنا مش موجود

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Mehrnoosh - Your Eyes are So Beautifulمهرنوش - تو كه چشمات خیلی قشنگهCheshmat Kheili Qashange

Persian song, by request

Mehrnoush - Your Eyes are So Beautiful

Your eyes are so beautiful
Their color is so strange
The way that you look at me is warm and pure

Did you know that your eyes look like a painting that could be drawn in childhood (meaning he's innocent)
Did you know that or not?
Did you know that or not?
Did you know that in your eyes you can see all the colors of the rainbow
Did you know that or not?
Did you know that or not?
You knew that and you didn't stay
And you really broke my heart/made me feel bad (literally burned my heart/make me feel sorry/regretful, different than دلم را شكستی / you broke my heart)
You took your eyes away from me and brought me to tears
Did you know that you're my eyes (my life) and you're all my hope
Did you know that you are always in every moment (of my life, meaning she's always thinking of him)

Did you know that I gave up all my desires to focus on your beautiful eyes
Did you know that or not?
Did you know that or not?
Did you know that I burned my youth for these strange eyes of yours
You knew that and you didn't stay
And you really broke my heart
You took your eyes away from me and brought me to tears
Did you know that you're my eyes (my life) and you're all my hope
Did you know that you are always in every moment (of my life, meaning she's always thinking of him)

مهرنوش - تو كه چشمات خیلی قشنگه

تو که چشمات خیلی قشنگه
رنگ چشمات خیلی عجیبه
تو که این همه نگاهت واسه چشمام گرم و نجیبه

میدونستی که چشات شکل یه نقاشیه که تو بچگی میشه کشید
میدونستی یا نه
میدونستی یا نه
میدونستی که توی چشمای تو رنگین کمون میشه دید
میدونستی یا نه
میدونستی یا نه
میدونستی که نموندی
دلمو خیلی سوزوندی
چشاتو ازم گرفتی منو تا گریه رسوندی
میدونستی که چشامی همه ی آرزوهامی
میدونستی که همیشه تو تموم لحظه هامی
تو که چشمات خیلی قشنگه
رنگ چشمات خیلی عجیبه
تو که این همه نگاهت واسه چشمام گرمو نجیبه
تو که چشمات خیلی قشنگه
رنگ چشمات خیلی عجیبه
تو که این همه نگاهت واسه چشمام گرمو نجیبه
میدونستی همه ی آرزوهامو واسه ی چشم قشنگ تو پروندم رفتش
میدونستی یا نه
میدونستی یا نه
میدونستی که جوونیمو واسه چشم عجیب تو سوزوندم رفتش
میدونستی یا نه
میدونستی یا نه
میدونستی که نموندی
دلمو خیلی سوزوندی
چشات و ازم گرفتی منو تا گریه رسوندی
میدونستی که چشامی همه ی آرزوهامی
میدونستی که همیشه تو تموم لحظه هامی

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Mayada el-Hennawi - Never Againميادة الحناوي - توبةToba

Mayada el-Hennawi is a Syrian singer born in Aleppo, but in this song she is singing in the Egyptian dialect.

"Toba توبة" is an exclamation that expresses regret and the lack of desire to repeat an action used to swear off an undesirable behavior so as to say "I'll never do it again" or "I swear it's the last time." Of course, Mayada begins the song by saying "never again, never again," only to explain that she doesn't believe in "never again." A song with the same title and similar theme was popularized earlier by Abdel Halim Hafez.

Mayada al-Hennawy - Never Again

Never again, never again, never again, never again
So many people have said "I'll never love again," only to go back and write love poems and songs once more
I want to be in love this once
My life and my destiny are awaiting me

I want to sing for joy for once
I want to be happy tomorrow
At least I'll have lived
No matter how much I regret or feel sorrow

So what am I afraid of?
What am I afraid of?
I can hear my heart calling him
Why am I afraid of falling in love when it's my destiny (literally "written on my forehead")
I'll be with him, fall in love, adore him, and feel for him

Who has ever encountered love without drowning in it?
Who has ever been burned by love, swore it off and never came back to it? (meaning they always come back)
Who? Who?

ميادة الحناوي - توبة

وتوبه ...توبه توبه .... توبه توبه ...
ياما قالوا من الحب توبه
و رجعوا تانى قالوا فيه شعر و أغانى
بس اعيش الحب نوبه يا زماني و قسمتى مستنيانى

نفسى أغنى للفرح مرة
نفسى يجى هنايه بكره
اسمي عشت مهما ندمت ولا حزنت
اسمى عشت اسمي عشت

طيب خايفة ليه ؟
انا خايفة ليه ؟
سامعه قلبى يناديه
خايفه ليه من الهوى و الجبين مكتوب عليه
انى اقابله و ادوب فى حبه و اعشقه و احس بيه

وهو مين صادفه الهوى فى دنيته ما غرقش فيه
و لا مين جرحه الهوى و حلف يتوب ما رجعش ليه
مين ؟ مين ؟

Monday, July 25, 2011

Sana Mousa - Your Eyesسناء موسى - عيونكOyounik

Sana Mousa is a Palestinian singer who sings mainly folk songs.

Sana Musa - Your Eyes

My bird, you'd say (maybe "you'd swear" in English to convey the meaning of extreme impeccability) that her eyes are like cups
Cups full of coffee

Your beautiful, dark eyes
Oh your eyes

My bird, you'd say that her teeth were coral (whitish coral I'm assuming)
Coral mixed with pearl

Your beautiful, dark eyes
Oh your eyes

سناء موسى - عيونك

وعيونها يا طير وتقول فنجان
فنجانة بالقهوه ممتليه
يا عيونك سود وحلوه
يا عيونك

وسنونها يا طير وتقول مرجان
مرجانة على اللولو مختليه
يا عيونك سود وحلوه
يا عيونك

Soapkills - Corn on the Cobالصابون يقتل - عرانيسAranees

Soapkills (Soap Kills) is a band from Lebanon. They are heavily influenced by electronic and trip-hop styles. This song is made up of different sounds one encounters in Beirut. The words don't make so much sense except when explained in that context (the title is عرانيس after all), so I'll explain line by line for this one as best as I can, though I should say there's not total agreement on the correct lyrics for this song.

بويا ؟؟؟؟تيريله

These are examples of "sale calls" one might here along the Corniche in Beirut. "Aranis (عرانيس)" are corn cobs, and they are sold in baked or boiled form. "Boya (بويا)" is shoe polish, and she is imitating the call of a shoeshiner, though I must say I can't figure out what she says immediately after "boyaaaa."

تعا نركب اوتوبيس
دورة, متحف, كرنيش

"Let's get on a bus from Dawra/Dora to Museum-Corniche." Dora is a neighborhood in the suburbs north of Beirut and a huge hub for buses. The Museum is a landmark in the center, the corniche being the long stretch along the water. So she's describing getting on a bus and going downtown.

قرب عالطيب قرب
لمسات شفافة جرب

"Come to this nice smell," maybe the call of somebody selling purfume. If anyone understands what the other line here refers to please tell me. She says something like "try transparent/clear/innocent touches" I don't think I've understood correctly.

عالسكين يا بطيخ
ترمس, ترمس عرانيس

"On the knife, watermelon," the call of a guy selling watermelon. "Termos, termos, aranis." Termos is a kind of bean that you can buy as a snack, called Lupin in English. Aranis again is corn on the cob.

كله نظيف, كله نحيف
كله مهفهف, كله لطيف

"It's all clean, it's all slick, it's all cool, it's all fine." You can translate these words for describing something that's "cool" in a number of ways I guess.

اه يا لطيف, تطلطف بالصبايا, يا لطيف, يا لطيف

"ya latif (يا لطيف)" basically means "daaamn." I guess this might be something like "daaamn, look at all the girls."

هرج ومرج, سوق الفرنج

"harj wa marj (هرج ومرج)" is like "hustle and bustle." "Souq el-frenj" is a market

تاكسيات بتكرج كرج

"taxis parking"

كله نظيف, كله خلنج

"it's all clean, it's all brand new"

والاسواق زي الشطرنج

"and the markets are like chess"

نظيفة ظريفة زي الثلج

"clean and cool as ice"

فيها الشبان بتتمايل

"there's guys leaning/swaying," maybe this refers to walking with swagger. normally I would think "tamayul (تمايل)" describes the way girls walk but from the context it could be referring to the way guys walk to get attention, since the following line is:

والبنات بتغنج غنج

"and the girls are flirting/making eyes." "ghanj (غنج)" refers to the actions associated with being flirtatious.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Mashrou' Leila - Dressesمشروع ليلى - فساتينFasateen

Mashrou' Leila is a Lebanese band. This song is about a guy and a girl who agree to be together just for love's sake, without any of the traditional trappings of marriage and domesticity, but in the end she changes her mind and leaves him.

Mashrou' Leila - Dresses

Do you remember when you told me that you'd love me (the way I am) without money or a house?
Do you remember that you used to love me even though I'm not from your religion?
Do you remember how it used to be like that?
Do you remember when your mom caught me sleeping in your bed, and she told me to forget you
And we agreed to continue this way without playing any roles or showing off, without any neckties or morning visits (from the ladies) (here we have some cultural things طنطنات is like putting on airs and صبحيات is when the ladies come over to visit and gossip in the morning over coffee. in short, they agree not to do any of the traditional stuff typical of marriage in middle class Lebanese society)

Without any millions
Without any dresses (I think wedding dresses here, i.e. not traditional)

You took my hand and promised me some revolution
How could you forget me?
You brushed my hair and sent me off to work
However you brushed, you brushed me the same

You took my hand and promised me some revolution
How could you forget me?

Do you remember when you told me that you intended to leave me with no money and no house

مشروع ليلى - فساتين

تتذكري لما قلتيلي
انك رح تتزوجيني
بلا فلوس وبلا بيت

تتذكري كنتي تحبيني
مع اني مش داخل دينك
تتذكري كيف كنا هيك

تتذكري لما امك
شافتني نايم بتختك
وقالتلي انسى عنك

واتفقنا نضلنا هيك
بلا ادوار وبلا طنطنات
بلا كرافات وصبحيات

بلا ملايين
بلا فساتين

مسكتيلي ايدي ووعديتيني بشي ثورة
كيف نسيتي كيف نسيتيني
ومشطتينيلي شعري وبعتيني عالدوام
كيف بتمشطي مشطيني

مسكتيلي ايدي ووعديتيني بشي ثورة
كيف نسيتي كيف نسيتيني

تتذكري لما قلتيلي
انك ناوية تتركيني
بلا فلوس وبلا بيت

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Samira Tawfiq - Stop Coming to Our Neighborhoodسميرة توفيق - بسك تيجي حارتناBassek Tiji Haretna

Samira Tawfiq (also Tawfik, Toufic, Toufiq etc) is a Lebanese singer who became very popular in 70s and 80s (and was a minor obsession, for example, in Mohamed al-Maghout's "I Will Betray My Country سأخون وطني"). Her style is heavily influenced by the folk music and dialects of rural Lebanese society much like Najwa Karam in the following generation.

Samira Tawfiq - Stop Coming to Our Neighborhood

Stop coming to our neighborhood (my dear)
And looking all around us (oh God) (here titlaffat تتلفت describes the action of wandering around the neighborhood looking at everybody kind of turning the head when something interesting, like girls for example, pass by)
Are your eyes on our neighbor? (my dear)
Or are your eyes on us/me? (oh God)

What brought you to our neighborhood anyway (my dear)
You're hiding in the alleys (my God)
You won't find any brides here (my dear)
Waya 3awayd al-khizrani (my God) (عويد الخيزراني is apparently a beating stick, so she's saying that he won't find any girls that like you here, just a stick to beat you back)

Between Beirut and Damascus/Sayda/Hamra etc (the folk song allows for variations to mention different locations that the listeners might be familiar with or be from, this implies that the audience/speaker in the song is in a village somewhere along the road between two points)
A red car passed by (in other verses she says a white car or a green car for variation)
That was your car my dear
I knew it from the license plate

سميرة توفيق - بسك تيجي حارتنا

بسك تجي حارتنا (يا عيوني)
وتتلفت حوالينا (الله الله)
عينك على جارتنا (يا عيوني)
ولا عينك علينا (الله الله)

وايش جابك على حارتنا
وتتخبى بالقراني
وعرايس ماكو عندنا
ويا عويد الخيزراني

بين بيروت وبين الشام
مرقت سيارة حمرا
وهاي سيارتك حبيبي
وانا عرفتها من النمرة

Monday, June 6, 2011

Makhoul Kassouf - The Doors of Happinessمخول قاصوف - بواب الفرحBwab al Farah

This is in my opinion one of the nicest songs recorded in Arabic. The artist, Makhoul Kassouf (مخول قاصوف) often is off the radar of most Arabic music listeners, however, his music has been a major contribution to the modern Lebanese music scene, and he has often collaborated with such artists as Ziad Rahbani.

"The Doors of Happiness (بواب الفرح)" was recorded at the end of the 1980s, and reflects the growing feeling of distress that by that time had become despair after more than a decade of continuous civil wars in Lebanon. It is sung by Sami Hawat (سامي حواط).

Click here to download

Makhoul Qassouf - The Doors of Happiness

I banged on the doors of happiness so much that the planks fell off
The echo hiding behind the threshold escaped
The children scattered
Nothing remains in the shadow of these walls
Not even ruins to say there was a country here

مخول قاصوف - بواب الفرح

من كترما دقيت ع بواب الفرح هرهروا الخشبات
فـل الصدى اللاطي ورا العتبة
فلفلوا الولاد
ما ضل بفي هالحيطان ولو خربة تقول
هون كان في بلاد

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Fouad Ghazi - I'll Plant You a Rose Gardenفؤاد غازي - لزرعلك بستان ورودLazraa lik Bustan Wuroud

Updated lyrics, translation and info

Fouad Ghazi is a Syrian singer from the Hama province. He was very popular during the 1980s and was known for his distinctly "mountain (jabali)" style of singing typical of the Syrian coast. Although he withdrew from the spotlight during the nineties, his music remains popular today. "Rose Garden (بستان ورود)" is arguably his most famous work.

Fouad Ghazi - I'll Plant You a Rose Garden

I'll plant you a rose garden
And a little tree to give you shade
And spin for you from the light of the sun
A bracelet to adorn your hand

And I'll bring you from the farthest sea
The prettiest pearl you can find
And I'll steal for you from around the full moon
The most beautiful star and keep it

And I'll build you a lofty palace
And carry you on my wings
And spin for you from the light of the sun
A bracelet to adorn your hand

If you want pearls and corals
I'll bring you a whole chest-full
And if you want the hat of a fairy
I'm not gonna tell you no, no no

And if you want, oh willow branch
I'll hide you in my eyes (meaning he'll watch over her)
And spin for you from the light of the sun
A bracelet to adorn your hand

My beauty, there's a secret in your eyes
Enchanting me and melting me (i.e. making me fall in love)
Words stronger than pearl
My love for you is always keeping me up

Being near you is bitter and so is being close
And so is the myrrh tree in your eyes (I think referring to the tree in keeping with the theme of nature imagery)
I'll spin for you from the light of the sun
A bracelet to adorn your hand

فؤاد غازي - لأزرعلك بستان ورود

لزرعلك بستان ورود
وشجره صغيرة تفييكي

واغزلك من نور الشمس
اسواره تزين ايديكي

و رح جبلك من ابعد بحر
احلا درة بلائيها
و اسرئلك من حول البدر
اجمل نجمة و خبيها

و عمرلك بالعالي قصر
و عجناحاتي وديكي
واغزلك من نور الشمس
اسواره تزين ايديكي

لو بدك لولو ومرجان
راح اجيبلك خزنه بحالها
ولو بدك طاقية الجان
ماني راح اقولك لا لا لا

ولو بدك ياغصن البان
جوه عيوني بخبيكي
واغزلك من نور الشمس
اسواره تزين بايديكي

يا حلوة بعيونك سر
ساحرني ومدوبني
كلماتك اقوى من الدر
وحبك دوم مسهرني

قربك مر وبعدك مر
ومر المر فى عنيكي
لغزلك من نور الشمس
اسواره تزين بايديكي

Lyrics transcription from here

Friday, February 11, 2011

Mohamed Munir - Raise Your Voiceمحمد منير - علي صوتكAlli Sotak

Updated translation and media

The translation in the youtube video is good too, but there are some added words that I'm not sure are really in the lyrics, that is, it is a translation designed to convey to the viewer a similar meaning, but with added words to make it sound better.

Muhammed Munir is a musician and actor from Nubia, in Upper Egypt.

Mohamed Munir - Raise Your Voice

Raise your voice in song
We can still sing
And song is still so much part of our lives

Raise your voice in song, song is still possible
Raise your voice in song, song is still possible

And if one day you feel you'll break
You must stand tall
Standing just as a palm tree stretching towards the sky
Don't be defeated, don't break down
Don't be afraid
Be a dream blossoming in the desert

Raise your voice in song
We can still sing

Your song among the chorus shakes my joyous heart
Healing all my wounds
When you dance, I dance, I'm compelled to dance
Our dreams become intertwined
When you dance, I dance, I'm compelled to dance
Don't be defeated, don't break down
Don't be afraid
Be a dream blossoming in the desert

Raise your voice in song
We can still sing

محمد منير - علي صوتك

على صوتك بالغنى لسه الاغانى ممكنة, ممكنة
ولسه يامه ياما ياماه فى عمرنا
على صوتك بالغنى لسه الاغانى ممكنة, ممكنة

ولو فى يوم راح تنكسر لازم تقوم
واقف كما النخل باصص للسما للسما
ولا انهزام ولا انكسار ولا انهزام ولا انكسار
ولا خوف ولا ولا حلم نابت فى الخلا

على صوتك بالغنى لسه الاغانى ممكنة, ممكنة

غنوتك وسط الجموع تهز قلبى اللى انفرح
تداوى جرحى اللى انجرح
غنوتك وسط الجموع تهز قلبى اللى انفرح
تداوى جرحى اللى انجرح

ترقص ارقص غصب عنى ارقص
غصب عنى غصب عنى ارقص
ينشبك حلمك فى حلمى
ترقص ارقص غصب عنى غصب عنى ارقص
ولا انهزام ولا انكسار ولا انهزام ولا انكسار
ولاخوف ولا ولا حلم نابت فى الخلا

علي صوتك بالغنى لسه الاغانى ممكنة, ممكنة, ممكنة

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Amel Mathlouthi - My Word is Freeأمال مثلوثي - كلمتي حرةKelmti Horra

The lyrics here are for a more complete version than that found in this performance. This song predates the recent events in Tunisia and Egypt but has gained particular resonance in light of what has transpired.

Emel Mathluthi - My Word is Free

I am those who are free and never fear
I am the secrets that will never die
I am the voice of those who would not give in
I am the meaning amid the chaos

I am the right of the oppressed
That is sold by these dogs (people who are dogs)
Who rob the people of their daily bread
And slam the door in the face of ideas

I am those who are free and never fear
I am the secrets that will never die
I am the voice those who would not give in
I am free and my word is free
I am free and my word is free
Don't forget the price of bread
And don't forget the cause of our misery
And don't forget who betrayed us in our time of need

I am those who are free and never fear
I am the secrets that will never die
I am the voice those who would not give in
I am the secret of the red rose
Whose color the years loved
Whose scent the rivers buried
And who sprouted as fire
Calling those who are free

I am a star shining in the darkness
I am a thorn in the throat of the oppressor
I am a wind touched by fire
I am the soul of those who are not forgotten
I am the voice of those who have not died

Let's make clay out of steel
And build with it a new love
That becomes birds
That becomes a country/home
That becomes wind and rain

I am all the free people of the world put together
I am like a bullet
I am all the free people of the world put together
I am like a bullet

أمال مثلوثي - كلمتي حرة

انا احرار ما يخافوش
انا اسرار ما يموتوش
انا صوت إل ما رضخوش
انا في وسط الفوضى معنى
انا حق المظلومين
يبيعو فيه ال ناس كلاب
الي تنهب في قمح الدار
و تسكر في البيبان
قدام وهج الأفكار

انا احرار ما يخافوش
انا اسرار ما يموتوش
انا صوت إل ما رضخوش
انا حر و كلمتي حرة
انا حر و كلمتي حرة
ما تنساش حق الخبزة
و ما تنساش زارع الغصة
و ما تنساش خاين الويل ......

انا احرار ما يخافوش
انا اسرار ما يموتوش
انا صوت إل ما رضخوش
انا سر الوردة الحمراء
الي عشقو حمرتها سنين
الي دفنو ريحتها نهار
و خرجت بلحافها النار
تنادي عالأحرار

انا وسط الظلمة نجمة
انا في حلق الظالم شوكة
انا ريح لسعتها النار
انا روح إل ما نسيوش
انا صوت إل ما ماتوش
نصنع مالحديد صلصال
و نبني بيه عشقة جديدة
تولي أطيار
و تولي ديار
و تولي نسمة و امطار

انا احرار الدنيا واحد
انا واحد من كرتوش
انا احرار الدنيا واحد
انا واحد من كرتوش

Monday, February 22, 2010

Ahmed al-Harmiأحمد الهرمي - مشتاق لك موتMishtag Lak Mawt

Ahmad al-Harmi - I Miss You to Death

I miss you to death
And you've been gone for so long
My longing is has been killing me in your absence
I think of you every day and I die, and you bring me back to life
And I say where are you
Why haven't you come to ask me how I'm doing?

I miss you to death, I swear
Come back to my, my life, come on
My life is yours
I beg you my precious love, come back
You don't have anyone but me, and I don't have anyone but you

I remember the days of your love, while you've forgotten me
My longing grows and tears fall from my eyes
The night takes me to you, and I wake up calling you
I need you my darling, don't leave me

People ask me how I'm doing
I say "fine" but I'm not fine, my precious

I'm tired my love, I won't rest til I'm close to you
And I will see nothing good until I see you before me

أحمد الهرمي - مشتاق لك موت

مشتاق لك موت يالي طول غيابك ذبحني الشوق وانت عني موداري
اذكرك كل يوم واموت واحيابك واقول وينك تجي تسأل عن أخباري

مشتاق لك موت والله عود ياعمري يالله كل عمري فداللك
أرجوك ياحب غالي عود مالك بدالي وانا مالي بداللك

أذكر أيام حبك ياللي ناسيني يزيدالشوق يهل الدمع من عيني
ياخذني الليل لك واصحى اناديلك
محتاج لك ياحبيبي لاتخليني

تسالني الناس عني كيفها احوالي
اقول بخير وماني بخير ياالغالي

تعب ن انا ياحبيبي راحتي قربك
والخير ماشوفه إلا بشوفك قبالي

مشتاق لك موت والله عود ياعمري يالله كل عمري فداللك
ارجوك ياحب غالي عود مالك بدالي وانا مالي بداللك

Lyrics transcription from here

Nadim Nour - Oh God, I Miss You So Muchنديم نور - يا الله شو مشتاقلكYa Allah Shou Mishta'lak

Nadim Nour - Oh God, I Miss You So Much!

Oh God, I miss you so much
Oh God, it's unbelievable
I miss you and I want to tell you
But I can't

You're always on my mind, always on my mind
You're all I can think of (literally, "I'm preoccupied by your love")
You're on my mind day and night, day and night, day and night
And in your absence my heart is in hell, in hell, in hell
I loved you from the moment I saw you (literally, "from a glance, my whole life became love and happiness")

Oh God, I miss you so much
Oh how I miss you so
I'm melting with love for you, missing you
I'm waiting to see you after being apart for so long

نديم نور - ياالله شو مشتاق لك

يالله شو مشتقلك ... يالله مش معقول
مشتاق وبدي قلك ... لكن ما في قول
يالله شو مشتقلك ...يالله مش معقول
مشتاق وبدي قلك ... لكن ما في قول

على بالي على طول ... على طول على طول
بهواكي مشغوول ... مشغول مشغول
على بالي ليل نهار ... ليل نهار ..ليل نهار
وفي بعدك قلبي بنار ...قلبي بنار...قلبي بنار
من نظرة عمري صار شوق وهنى

على بالي على طول ... على طول على طول
بهواكي مشغوول ... مشغول مشغول
على بالي على طول ... على طول على طول
بهواكي مشغوول ... مشغول مشغول

يا الله شو مشتاق شو مشتاق شو مشتاق
دايب حبي واشواق ... مشتاق
ناطر من بعد فراق شوفك أنا

على بالي على طول ... على طول على طول
بهواكي مشغوول ... مشغول مشغول
على بالي على طول ... على طول على طول
بهواكي مشغوول ... مشغول مشغول

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Ronza - Do You Thinkرونزا - قولكAwlak

Ronza was popular in the 80s, with many songs composed by the Rahbani Brothers after Fairuz and Assi's divorce.

Ronza - Do You Think?

Do you think we'll ever meet again and go out?
And talk like we used to when we were young
And walk together, and sing together
Do you think?

Do you think the old times will ever come back and we'll walk down this road again?
And the wind will blow and take us away together
And you'll tell me I love you and I am jealous about you (there is an idea that if you love someone you will get jealous a lot because you covet them)
Do you think?

If only the days would come back to me each night
And I could see his eyes again and that bright smile
And he would be mine as long as I live
And I could keep him in my heart and eyes

رونزا - قولك

قولك قولك قولك رح نتلاقى بعد بشي مشوار
نحكي متل الماضي وقت كنا صغار
ونتمشى سوى ونغني سوى

قولك بعد بيرجع الزمن العتيق
نمشي أنا وانت عهاد الطريق
ويهب الهوا وياخدنا سوا
وانت تقول لي بحبك وانا عليك بغار

يا ريت اليام ترجع لي ليلية
وارجع شوف عيونه والضحكة المضوية
ويبقى لي عطول مهما العمر يطول وخبيه بقلبي وعيني

Lyrics transcription from here

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Rosanna عالروزانا الروزاناAl Rozana

The song "Al Rozana (ع الروزانا)" is a folk song native to the region of the Levant or بلاد الشام, ie Syria, Lebanon, and Palestine. The story behind it is that at the height of the intense wheat famine that the region experienced at the beginning of the 20th century, and Italian ship called "The Rosanna" was said to have been sent carrying food to the starving population of the Levant. Everybody was waiting in anticipation for the ship's arrival, but when it finally landed as the story goes in the song, it was carrying nothing but apples and grapes, on of the foods that the region was actually overflowing with at that time. The people cursed the ship for this reason.

Here are the lyrics.

Oh the Rosanna, the Rosanna, everything good is inside her
What has the Rosanna done?
God punish her!
Oh the Rosanna the Rosanna, all happiness is inside her
What has the Rosanna done?
God punish her

Hey you who are going to Aleppo, my love went with you
Hey you who are carrying grapes and on top of that apples
Everyone is with their beloved and my beloved has gone
Oh lord, may the breeze bring my lover back to me

عالروزانا عالروزانا كل الحلى فيها
شو عملت الروزانا ألله يجازيها
عالروزانا عالروزانا كل الهنا فيها
شو عملت الروزانا الله يجازيها
يا رايحين ل حلب حبي معاكم راح
يا محملين العنب فوق العنب تفاح
كل من حبيبه معه وأنا حبيبي راح
يا ربي نسمة هوى ترد الولف ليا

In an article in al-Watan, Bandar Khalil explains the cultural significance of this event in the present day like this:

With this genuine Arabic song, many questions arise in the mind of the genuine Arab. For example, how many of our people have had all of their rosy dreams met with dark disappointment, and all their hopes were squandered on an endless range of despair, frustration and helplessness? How many of us have waited and were patient and bore all of the their pain, only to find that when our Rosanna came and dropped anchor in the harbor of their dreams, nothing came out of it... We as an Arab people that has spent its whole life waiting for numerous "Rosannas" which still have never arrived, while carrying further disappointment for our dreams, how many times must we hear this song each day?

Yet, we shouldn't take this song as perceived by every listener as a song that sums up the broken dreams of the Arab people. Nonetheless, the theme of disappointment pervades discussion of the song. One poster in another forum describes the song as perfect for expression the feeling of disappointment by some soccer team. The point is this folk song is very much a song about getting your hopes up only to find that the thing you were waiting for was a mirage.

I've supplied many different versions so everyone can find their favorite.

Sabah Fakhri (صباح فخري)

Tony Hana (طوني حنا) with Gypsy Band

Lena Chamamian (لينا شماميان)

Amal Marcus (أمل مرقص)

Monday, September 21, 2009

Sofia Marikh - I Love You So Muchصوفيا مريخ - نبغيك بزافBizzaf

Sofia Marikh - I Love You So Much

I love you so much, so much my darling
And I love you to death
Nobody but you has changed my life
Nor is anyone but you ever on my mind
You are so dear to my heart my darling

Your love is growing inside of me and I hope it continues to
Every day I feel something new

Nobody but you has changed my life
Nor is anyone but you ever on my mind
I love you so much, so much my darling
And I love you to death

صوفيا مريخ - بزاف

بزاف بزاف يا حبيبي بزاف بزاف نبغيك ونموت عليك انا بزاف بزاف
بزاف عليك يا حبيبي بزاف بزاف نبغيك ونموت عليك انا بزاف بزاف
ولا غيرك غيرلي ايامي ولا غيرك ابدا على بالي
ولا غيرك غيرلي ايامي ولا غيرك ابدا على بالي
غالي يا حبيبي غالي على قلبي بزاف
بزاف عليك يا حبيبي بزاف بزاف نبغيك ونموت عليك انا بزاف بزاف
حبك يكبر فيي واكتر كي يزيد
انا كنشعر يوميي باحساس جديد
حبك يكبر فيي واكتر كي يزيد
انا كنشعر يوميي باحساس جديد
ولا غيرك غيرلي ايامي ولا غيرك ابدا على بالي
ولا غيرك غيرلي ايامي ولا غيرك ابدا على بالي
غالي يا حبيبي غالي على قلبي بزاف
بزاف بزاف يا حبيبي بزاف بزاف نبغيك ونموت عليك انا بزاف بزاف
بزاف بزاف يا حبيبي بزاف بزاف نبغيك ونموت عليك انا بزاف بزاف
بزاف بزاف يا حبيبي بزاف بزاف نبغيك ونموت عليك انا بزاف بزاف

Lyrics transcription from here Sitemap Generator