Showing posts with label Egyptian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Egyptian. Show all posts

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Youssra el-Hawari - The Wallsيسرا الهواري - السورEssour

In order to prevent protests, SCAF, the military government ruling over Egypt following Mubarak's ousting, erected large walls in the city of Cairo. These walls have become a site of resistance in the form of graffiti and the like, and in this song, an even simpler expression of discontent.

Youssra el-Hawari - The Wall

In front of the wall
In front of the ones who built it
In front of the wall
In front of the ones who erected it
And in front of the one who guards it as well
A poor man stopped to pee
On the wall and those who built it, erected it, and guard it
On the wall and the ones who built it, the man peed

يسرا الهواري - السور

قدام السور قدام اللي بانيه
قدام السور قدام اللي معلّيه
قدام السور قدام اللي بانيه
قدام السور قدام اللي معلّيه
وكمان قدام اللي واقف يحميه
وكمان قدام اللي واقف يحميه
وقف راجل غلبان وعمل.. پيپي
وقف راجل غلبان وعمل.. پيپي
عالسور واللي بانيه واللي معليه واللي بيحميه
عالسور واللي بانيه الراجل عمل پیپی

وكمان قدام اللي واقف يحميه
وكمان قدام اللي واقف يحميه
وقف راجل غلبان وعمل پيپي
وقف راجل غلبان وعمل پيپي
عالسور واللي بانيه واللي معليه واللي بيحميه
عالسور واللي بانيه واللي معليه واللي بيحميه
عالسور واللي بانيه واللي معليه واللي بيحميه
عالسور واللي بانيه الراجل عمل پیپی

Saturday, January 28, 2012

City Band – I Am Hereسيتي باند - أنا موجودAna Mawgood

This song and video have been produced in solidarity with the Egyptian youth that have died and sacrificed in the continuing revolution.

The title phrase of the song "ana mawgood" (أنا موجود) means "I am present," "I am here," or "I exist." I've translated it here in different ways depending on the context, and I've also translated it as "here I am" in some spots to give it a better sound in English. Let me know if you have any comments about the word choice.

City Band – I Am Here

I exist, but my title keeps changing
My name is youth, and I am young
I am willing to live a short life
And I am not afraid to die
Here I am

I exist, and I don’t have a card or ID
Put all your flaws on me
Throw me on the ground and stomp all over me
Keep me from making any sound
But I am here

Say that I’m spreading fitna (discord) and I am always undermining the stability
Say that I’m a kafir (infidel) and a traitor and that I’m going to hell
You are free to say what you will
I won’t object to any kind of dialogue
Yes, I’m a killer and my weapon is some stones
I am here

Here I am
Do what you want to me
And when I die, nobody ask why they killed me
And I beg you do not cry
Whoever wants to laugh can laugh, it’s not important
Nobody call out “we will not forget you”
No forget me, but don’t forget
The one who killed me is still out there
And I am gone

سيتي باند - أنا موجود

أنا موجود لكن عنوان بيتغير
أنا اسمي شباب سنه صغير
ومش رافض أعيش عمر قصير
ومش خايف أموت
أنا موجود

انا موجود لا معايا بطاقه ولا هويه
داروا عيوبكم كلها فيا
شيلوا وحطوا ودوسوا عليا
امنعوا يطلع منى الصوت
أنا موجود

وقولوا عليا بعمل فتنة وبهدم دائماً الاستقرار
وقولوا عليا كافر خاين ومكاني هيكون النار
وقولوا كلامكم بحرية أنا مش هامنع أي حوار
ايوه انا قاتل وسلاحي شوية طوب
أنا موجود

أنا موجود اعملوا فيا اللي تحبوه
ولما هاموت ما حدش يسأل ليه قتلوه
وأرجوكم ما تبكوش
اللي عايز يضحك يضحك ما يهموش
وما حدش يهتف لا ننساك لا انسوني بس ما تنسوش
اللي قتلني لسه موجود
وأنا مش موجود

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Najat al-Saghira - I Love the Seaنجاة الصغيرة - انا بعشق البحرAna Bashak el Bahr

A love song performed by Egyptian singer Nagat al-Saghira (born 1936), who was very popular in the 1960's.

Najat al-Saghira - I Love the Sea

I love the sea, tender as you are
And at times, like you, crazy
Migrating, traveling.
At times, like you, confused
At times, like you, angry
At times full of silence.
I love the sea.

I love the sky
Because, like you, it's forgiving
Sown with stars and joy
A lover and a stranger.
And because, like you, it's distant
And sometimes, like you, near,
with eyes that sing.
I love the sky.

I love the road
Because on it is our meeting,
Our joy and our sorrow,
Our friends and our youth,
And on it our tears laughed
And our candles wept,
And a friend was lost.
I love the road.

I love the sea,
And I love the sky
And I love the road
Because they are life
And you, my love,
You are life itself.

نجاة الصغيرة - انا بعشق البحر

انا بعشق البحر انا بعشق البحر
زيك يا حبيبتى حنون
وسعات زيك مجنون
ومهاجر ومسافر
وسعات زيك حيران
وسعات زيك زعلان
وسعات مليان بالصمت
انا بعشق البحر

انا بعشق السما
علشان زيك مسامحة
مزروعة نجوم وفرحة
وحبيبة وغريبة
وعشان زيك بعيدة
وسعات زيك قريبة
بعيون متنغمة
انا بعشق السما

انا بعشق الطريق
لانة فية لقانة
وفرحنا وشقانا
واصحابنا وشبابنا
وفية ضحكت دمعنا
وفية بكيت شمعنا
وضاع فية الصديق
انا بعشق الطريق

انا بعشق البحر
وبعشق السما
وبعشق الطريق
لانهم حياة
وانتى يا حبيبتى
انتى كل الحياة

Monday, August 29, 2011

Om Kalthoum - Oh Night of Eidام كلثوم - يا ليلة العيدYa Leilat el Eid

The song "Ya Laylat al-`Eid" celebrates the end of the month of Ramadan and the beginning of the celebration (Eid means holiday/celebration) that follows. Laylat al-`Eid is the celebration that takes place after sunset on the last day of Ramadan, meaning the last day of fast is finished.

The last verse can be seen as separate from the song since it is a nationalist expression and not related really to the feelings surrounding Eid. It is specific to Egypt in this case, and since this song has spread throughout the Arab world, there are an alternate versions referring for example to the Tigris الدجلة to make the song unique to Iraq. Other verses can also appear in other versions.

The song centers on the concept/feeling of انس (ons), which can translate as "delight" or "togetherness" or "a friendly atmosphere." It is exactly the feeling that one gets when all the family and friends gather to celebrate a holiday or maybe a wedding. We don't have an exact word for this in English though certainly the feeling exists. Thus, the general sentiment of the song is one of togetherness and joy.

Oum Kalsoum - Oh Night of Eid

Oh (Night of) Eid, you've delighted us and renewed our hope

Oh Eid, your (crescent) moon has appeared before our eyes

It filled us with happiness and we sang

And we said that happiness/fortune will come to us

Upon your arrival, oh Night of Eid

You've brought all the close friends back together

And the cup has passed among the companions (here nudaman should be a plural of nadim "drinking companion" or "close friend")

And the birds are singing in the trees to greet the dawn

Oh Night of Eid

As my beloved's ship sails, my soul travels on the wind

Tell him, my dear (literally, my pretty), it's early

Sleep is forbidden (haram) on the Night of Eid

Oh Nile, your waters are sweet

You spread light throughout the fields

May you live long and prosper, oh Nile

And enjoy many Nights of Eid

ام كلثوم - يا ليلة العيد

يا ليلة العيد أنستينا

و جددت الأمل فينا

يا ليلة العيد

هلالك هل لعينينا

فرحنا له وغنينا

و قلنا السعد حا يجينا

على قدومك يا ليلة العيد

جمعتي الأنس ع الخلان

ودار الكأس ع الندمان

وغنى الطير على الأغصان

يحيي الفجر ليلة العيد

حبيبي مركبه تجرى

وروحي بالنسيم تسرى

قولوا له يا جميل بدري

حرام النوم في ليلة العيد

يا نيلنا ميتك سكر

و زرعك في الغيطان نور

تعيش يا نيل و نتهنا

و نحيي لك ليالي العيد

Friday, February 11, 2011

Mohamed Munir - Raise Your Voiceمحمد منير - علي صوتكAlli Sotak

Updated translation and media

The translation in the youtube video is good too, but there are some added words that I'm not sure are really in the lyrics, that is, it is a translation designed to convey to the viewer a similar meaning, but with added words to make it sound better.

Muhammed Munir is a musician and actor from Nubia, in Upper Egypt.

Mohamed Munir - Raise Your Voice

Raise your voice in song
We can still sing
And song is still so much part of our lives

Raise your voice in song, song is still possible
Raise your voice in song, song is still possible

And if one day you feel you'll break
You must stand tall
Standing just as a palm tree stretching towards the sky
Don't be defeated, don't break down
Don't be afraid
Be a dream blossoming in the desert

Raise your voice in song
We can still sing

Your song among the chorus shakes my joyous heart
Healing all my wounds
When you dance, I dance, I'm compelled to dance
Our dreams become intertwined
When you dance, I dance, I'm compelled to dance
Don't be defeated, don't break down
Don't be afraid
Be a dream blossoming in the desert

Raise your voice in song
We can still sing

محمد منير - علي صوتك

على صوتك بالغنى لسه الاغانى ممكنة, ممكنة
ولسه يامه ياما ياماه فى عمرنا
على صوتك بالغنى لسه الاغانى ممكنة, ممكنة

ولو فى يوم راح تنكسر لازم تقوم
واقف كما النخل باصص للسما للسما
ولا انهزام ولا انكسار ولا انهزام ولا انكسار
ولا خوف ولا ولا حلم نابت فى الخلا

على صوتك بالغنى لسه الاغانى ممكنة, ممكنة

غنوتك وسط الجموع تهز قلبى اللى انفرح
تداوى جرحى اللى انجرح
غنوتك وسط الجموع تهز قلبى اللى انفرح
تداوى جرحى اللى انجرح

ترقص ارقص غصب عنى ارقص
غصب عنى غصب عنى ارقص
ينشبك حلمك فى حلمى
ترقص ارقص غصب عنى غصب عنى ارقص
ولا انهزام ولا انكسار ولا انهزام ولا انكسار
ولاخوف ولا ولا حلم نابت فى الخلا

علي صوتك بالغنى لسه الاغانى ممكنة, ممكنة, ممكنة

Amr Diab - One of Usعمرو دياب - واحد مناWahed Menena

This song was made for Hosni Mubarak, FORMER President of Egypt. Congratulations Egypt that you can finally watch this video and laugh.

Amr Diab - One of Us

He who sacrificed for his country in order to bring back the day (this could be "the one who" or "those who," i.e. generic genderless third person but we know it's about him)
And for whom the name of Egypt represented strength and victory

He whose dream is our dream
He whose joy is our joy
The Nile flows in his blood and ours

He is one of us, yes one of us

What is Egypt but trueness and people with good hearts?
Egypt is the hand building for our children the dream of tomorrow and years ahead

And he who holds her (Egypt's) name high
Is worth more to us than our own lives

He is one of us, yes one of us

عمرو دیاب - واحد مننا

اللي ضحي لأجل وطنه لأجل ما يعود النهار و اللي أسم مصر دايما كان له طاقة الإنتصار ..

اللي حلمه حلمنا .. و اللي فرحه فرحنا .. اللي نهر النيل بيجري جوه دمه و دمنا ..
يبقي واحد مننا .. أيوة واحد مننا ..

مصر إيه غير الأصالة و القلوب الطيبين
مصر إيد تبني لولادنا .. حلم بكرة و السنين

و اللي يرفع أسمها .. يبقي أغلي عندنا من حياتنا نفسها ..
يبقي واحد مننا .. أيوة واحد مننا

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Abdel Halim Hafez - Wandererعبد الحليم حافظ - سواحSawwah

I've seen "sawwah" translated as "vagabond," but I'm gonna use wanderer because vagabond has negative connotations that I don't think are intended. The word is inteded to convey the idea of someone who wanders or roams around, which a vagabond does, but vagabonds have a reputation for being beggars or thieves or having other negative attributes. This is one of Abdel Halim's classics. Shame on all of you who found this song for by searching for Ishtar's cover of this song called "Habibi Sawwah"

Abdel Halim Hafez - Wanderer

A wanderer
Walking in the countryside
And the distance (literally step) between my and my beloved is vast
In a faraway land where I am a stranger
The night approaches as the day leaves

And if you find my love say hi to her for me
Reassure me about how she is doing so far away from me (here Abdel Halim's beloved is is "esmer," a word used to express the dark skin tone of people who are between white and black. The image of the attractive dark-skinned man/girl is a common trope in Arab poetry and song. perhaps something along the lines of "mr. tall, dark and handsome" in English)

A wanderer walking in the nights
Not knowing what I'm doing
What has this separation from my love done to me?

For years I've been melting with desire and longing
I just wanna know where is the way to her

My eyes, ah, my eyes (i.e. his beloved)
Where are you, what's happened to you and what are you doing?
My worries, ah my worries
Get away from me, I don't need this
I'm confused about her as it is
And I can't rest
I'm lost, a wanderer

Oh moon, oh you who forgets me
Take me to the one who is absent
Give me light and show me the trail of my darling
I've enjoined you with my last will and you are my witness
Tell her what's going on with me and what I've suffered in the nights

عبد الحليم حافظ - سواح

سواح وماشي في البلاد سواح
والخطوة بيني وبين حبيبي براح
مشوار بعيد وأنا فيه غريب
والليل يقرب والنهار رواح

وان لقاكم حبيبي سلموا لي عليه
طمنوني الأسمراني عامله إيه الغربة فيه

سواح وأنا ماشي ليالي سواح
ولا داري بحالي سواح
من الفرقة يا غالي سواح
إيه اللي جرى لي سواح

وسنين وأنا دايب شوق وحنين
عايز أعرف بس طريقه منين

يا عيوني..آه يا عيوني
إيه جرى لك فين إنت وبتعمل إيه
يا ظنوني..آه يا ظنوني
ما تسيبوني مش ناقص أنا حيرة عليه
لا أنا عارف أرتاح
وأنا تايه سواح

يا قمر يا ناسيني رسيني عاللي غايب
نور لي .. وريني سكة الحبايب
وصيتك وصية يا شاهد عليا
تحكي له عاللي بيه واللي قاسيته في لياليا

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Amr Diab - When I Look at Himعمرو دياب - عيني وانا شايفهAyni Wana Shayfo

Amr Diab - When I Look at Him

When I look at him, what more could my eye want?
When I met him, my heart told me "my soul is his"

He's the one I love
He's calm and I'm suffering
And who but me
Could love him the way I do?

He's the one I love, why would I hide it?
He's the one I love, why would I leave him?

He's the one my heart chose
He's the one on my mind
God, he's so beautiful
What have they seen?

عمرو دياب - عيني وانا شايفه

عيني وانا شايفه عايزة تاني ايه
قلبي وانا عارفه قاللى روحي فيه
عيني وانا شايفه عايزة تاني ايه
قلبي وانا عارفه قاللي روحي فيه

ده حبيب قلبي انا
يرتاح واتعب انا
وانا مين غيري انا
يهواه زيي انا

عيني وانا شايفه عايزة تاني ايه
قلبي وانا عارفه قاللى روحي فيه
عيني وانا شايفه عايزة تاني ايه
قلبي وانا عارفه قاللي روحي فيه

قاللى ده حبيبي يبقى اداري ليه
هو ده حبيبي يبقى اسيبه ليه

ده حبيب قلبي انا
يرتاح واتعب انا
وانا مين غيري انا
يهواه زيي انا

عيني وانا شايفه عايزة تاني ايه
قلبي وانا عارفه قاللى روحي فيه
عيني وانا شايفه عايزة تاني ايه
قلبي وانا عارفه قاللي روحي فيه

ده حبيب قلبي انا
يرتاح واتعب انا
حبيب قلبي انا
فداه عمري انا

عيني وانا شايفه عايزة تاني ايه
قلبي وانا عارفه قاللى روحي فيه
هو ده اللى قاله
ده اللى على باله
الله يا جماله
هما شافوا ايه
عيني وانا شايفه عايزة تاني ايه
قلبي وانا عارفه قاللي روحي فيه
عيني وانا شايفه
قلبي وانا عارفه
قلبي وانا عارفه
قالى روحي فيه

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Amr Diab - What Can We Say? (I'm Yours)عمرو دياب - نقول ايه | أنا ليكNeoul Eh (Ana Leek)

Amr Diab - What Can We Say? (I'm Yours)

What can we say?
That's it, there's nothing left for us to say
We've reached a level of love that nobody in this world has every reached

I'm yours, my darling, and I will never be anyone's but yours
My heart (literally, soul) needs you
This moment that you are far from me
How can my heart survive it?

My darling, how can I express how happy I am with you
It's tough
You've given me more than I ever dreamed of

عمرو دياب - أنا ليك

نقول ايه خلاص انا و انت حبيبي مفيش حاجة نقولها
واصلين لدرجة حب محدش في الدنيا وصلها

انا ليك و عمري ما اكون يا حبيبي غير ليك روحي شاغلها
دي الثانية و انت بعيد ازاي قلبي هيستحملها
انا ليك و عمري ما اكون يا حبيبي غير ليك روحي شاغلها
دي الثانية و انت بعيد ازاي قلبي هيستحملها

يا حبيبي أوصف فرحتي بيك ازاي صعب عليا
أكتر يا قلبي ما بحلم بقى ملكي و بقى في إيديا

انا ليك و عمري ما اكون يا حبيبي غير ليك روحي شاغلها
دي الثانية و انت بعيد ازاي قلبي هيستحملها
انا ليك و عمري ما اكون يا حبيبي غير ليك روحي شاغلها
دي الثانية و انت بعيد ازاي قلبي هيستحملها
انا ليك و عمري ما اكون يا حبيبي غير ليك روحي شاغلها
دي الثانية و انت بعيد ازاي قلبي هيستحملها

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Amr Diab - Light of My Eyeعمرو دياب - نور العينHabibi Ya Nour el AynLumière De Mes Yeux

Updated media and translation

This is one of the most well known modern Arabic pop songs in the world. I think it was made around 1996. It made this Egyptian singer, Amr Diab the preeminent popstar of the Arabic world to this day.

The video appears to be set in a sort of Andalusian/North African village setting and the flamenco guitars and accordion add to this motif.

Amr Diab - Light of My Eye

My darling, light of my eye, you live in my imagination
I've adored you for years with nobody else on my mind

Darling, darling, darling, light of my eye
Darling, darling, darling, light of my eye
Darling, darling, darling, light of my eye
Darling, darling, darling, light of my eye
You live in my imagination

The most beautiful eyes I've ever seen in the universe
God be with you and their magic
Your eyes are with me, your eyes are enough
Your eyes are with me, your eyes are enough
To light up the nights

Your heart called out to me and said you love me
God be with you, you reassured me

With you is the beginning, with you is the whole story
With you is the beginning, with you is the whole story
I'm with you until the end

عمرو دياب - نور العين

حبيبى يا نور العين يا ساكن خيالى
عاشق بقالى سنين ولا غيرك فى بالى

حبيبى حبيبى حبيبى يا نور العين
آه حبيبى حبيبى حبيبى يا نور العين
حبيبى حبيبى حبيبى يا نور العين
آه حبيبى حبيبى حبيبى يا نور العين
يا ساكن خيالى

اجمل عيون فى الكون انا شفتها
الله عليك الله على سحرها

عيونك معايا عيونك كفايا
عيونك معايا عيونك كفايا
تنور ليالى

قلبك ندانى وقال بتحبنى
الله عليك الله طمنتنى

معاك البدايه وكل الحكايه
معاك البدايه وكل الحكايه
معاك للنهايه

Friday, September 11, 2009

Tamer Hosny - Loveتامر حسني - حبHob

Tamer Hosny - Love

Where was love before I loved you
Tomorrow, no I don't want tomorrow unless with you

If I will live calling one word may it be your name
If I will live dreaming of tomorrow may it be from you
You are my favorite topic
My life began anew when I first saw you

If you leave me I will not live again after you
I have never experienced affection except when I was beside you
Oh you who is inside my heart I've inscribed your image
All my hope in my life is to remain in your embrace

تامر حسني - حب

حب كان فين الحب قبل ما أهواك
بكرة مش عايز بكرة الا و أنا وياك
حب كان فين الحب قبل ما أهواك
بكرة مش عايز بكرة الا و أنا وياك
لو حعيش أنده بكلمة تبقى أسمك
لو حعيش أحلم ببكرة يبقى منك
يلى أحلى سيرة لما بتيجى سيرتك
يلى عمرى أبتدى من يوم ما شوفتك
لو حعيش أنده بكلمة تبقى أسمك
لو حعيش أحلم ببكرة يبقى منك
يلى أحلى سيرة لما بتيجى سيرتك
يلى عمرى أبتدى من يوم ما شوفتك

حب كان فين الحب قبل ما أهواك
بكرة مش عايز بكرة الا و أنا وياك
حب كان فين الحب قبل ما أهواك
بكرة مش عايز بكرة الا و أنا وياك
لو تسبنى مش حعيش أنا تانى بعدك
عمرى ماشوفت الحنان غير و انا جنبك
يلى جوه جوه قلبى حفرت صورتك
كل أملى فى الحياة أفضل فى حضنك
لو حعيش أنده بكلمة تبقى أسمك
لو حعيش أحلم ببكرة يبقى منك
يلى أحلى سيرة لما بتيجى سيرتك
يلى عمرى أبتدى من يوم ما شوفتك

Lyrics transcription from

Monday, September 7, 2009

Amr Diab - With Herعمرو دياب - وياهWayah

Amr Diab - With Her

This is what I've always wanted
For chance to bring her together with me
Why would I waste the chance of a lifetime?
No way

She's looking into my eyes
This is more than I've ever dreamed of
This is the day that I've been waiting for
So I could say...

With her
Life will be sweeter by her side
This is what I've been hoping for
And when I see her, I feel
That she is the most beautiful and special person
She made my heart tell me, "that's it, calm down, we've found her"

Yeaaah, I'm gonna say it again and again
She's right here beside me, not far away
My heart's so happy it's like a holiday
Waiting for her

C'mon, the time has come
I'm not gonna wait another day
I gotta tell her I've had my eyes on her for so long

عمرو دياب - وياه

ده اللي كان نفسي فيه
لو تيجي صدفة تجمعني به
فرصة عمري أضيعها ليه ؟
مش معقول

عيني قدام عنيه
ده أكتر من اللي حلمت به
ده اليوم اللي أنا مستنيه
علشان أقول

الحياة هتحلي وأنا معاه
هو ده اللي أنا بتمناه
واللي عيني شايفاه إحساس
أنه أحلي وأغلي الناس
خلي قلبي يقولي خلاص
أهدى بقه لقيناه

أيوه هقول وأعيد
مهو بقه جنبي ومش بعيد
فرحة قلبي كأنه عيد

يا الله أهو جه الأوان
مش هستنى اليوم كمان
لازم أقوله انا من زمان
عيني عليه

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Mohamed Abdel Wahhab - Don't Kiss Me on the Eyeمحمد عبد الوهاب - بلاش تبوسني في عنياBalash Tebousni fi Anaya

This song requires a piece of cultural knowledge. When kissing someone goodbye, if it is going to be a long separation or even permanent farewell you might kiss them on their eye. Thus, Mohamed Abdel Wahhab says "don't kiss me on the eye" because he does not want it to be a final farewell.

There is a common misunderstanding of this lyric to be بلاش تبصني في عنيا by some because this phrase, which means "don't look me in the eye", sounds a lot like بلاش تبوسني في عنيا and is a much more common phrase.

I could not find the full lyrics online and don't dare try to decipher them since they are very long and the recording is old. If anyone can find the full lyrics it would be appreciated.

Mohamed Abdel Wahab - Don't Kiss Me on the Eye

Don't kiss me on the eye
Kissing the eye means splitting up
But maybe one day you'll come back to me
And my heart's dream will come true

Let's say goodbye without kissing
So that I can have some hope
Don't kiss me on the eye

محمد عبد الوهاب - بلاش تبوسني في عنيا

بلاش تبوسني في عينيا
دي البوسه في العين تفرق
يمكن في يوم ترجع اليا
والقلب حلمه يتحقق
خلي الوداع من غير قبل
علشان يكون عندي أمل
وبلاش تبوسني في عينيا

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Sara Al Hani - If I Had to Chooseسارة الهاني - لو خيرونيLaw Khayarouni

المتصفح الذي لديك لايدعم مشغل الأغاني. دبر حالك و روح نزل البرنامج أو .<A HREF="">اضغط هنا</A> لسماع الأغنية.

لو خیّرونی
If I had to choose

لو خیّرونی ما بین عیونی وبین هواک أسیب عیونی
If I had to choose between my eyes and your love.. I'd give up my eyes
اختار حبیبی أروح معاک الاحبیبی
I would choose my love and go with you
کل الانا عایزة من الدنیا لؤاک
All I want in this life is to be with you
لو قالولک تبعد عنّی خلیها النهارده
If they told you to leave me.. Well you can do it today
عیّشنی اللیلادی حبیبی وانا بالیلة هارضة
Make my live for tonight.. and I will be satisfied with it
انا من امتی بحبک وانت ولا بحال
I've been in love with you for a long time, but you don't know how I feel
نفسی احکیلک عاللی ف قلبی واللی شاغللی بای
I wanna talk to you about my feelings and what I am thinking of

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Mustafa Amar - Protect Meمصطفى قمر - خبينيKhabini

The verb خبى means "to hide" "to hold" or "to protect" or perhaps "to shield." Here I've used protect me, but know that it simultaneously means "hold me" in these sentences.

المتصفح الذي لديك لايدعم مشغل الأغاني. دبر حالك و روح نزل البرنامج أو .<A HREF="">اضغط هنا</A> لسماع الأغنية.

Mostafa Amar - Protect Me

Protect me from the cold of night
Hold me in your embrace and keep me warm
Protect me from everyone, it doesn't matter where you take me

Let's escape from the fear of the nights
Let's forget the universe around us
Protect me, protect me

I see in your eyes dreams calling me
And when your eyes take me
I dream with you and get lost in your love
When I'm just standing in place

مصطفى قمر - خبيني

خبينى من برد الليل واحمينى فى حضنك دافينى
خبينى من برد الليل واحمينى فى حضنك دافينى
خبينى من كل الناس ولا حسبا لفين هتودينى
خلينا نهرب من خوف ليالينا
خلينا ننسى الكون من حوالينا
خبينى خبيني
خلينا نهرب من خوف ليالينا
خلينا ننسى الكون من حولينا
شايف فى عينك احلام تناديك وعينيك
وخدانى احلم وياك واتوه فى هواك
وانا واقف فى مكانى
خلينا نهرب من خوف ليالينا
خلينا ننسى الكون من حولينا
خبيني خبينى

Lyrics transcription from

Friday, August 7, 2009

Tamer Ashour - It Looks Like It's Goneتامر عشور - باينه ضاعBaynu Daa

Tamer Ashour - It Looks Like It's Gone

I'm afraid to get close
Someone listening is coming from afar
Coming to shatter our beautiful hopes
And I'll live alone afterwards
Today is the day that we had never considered
Whenever our eyes meet I go back in time
And I remember the word that made us fall in love and tenderness
I feel sorry for myself, my heart's torment is increasing

Oh, we dreamed of everything, except we never dreamed of this
We never once said that our love might someday be lost
The dream that's beginning was I love you's end turns out to be goodbye
We said that throughout our days all the other loves would be jealous of us
My dream was that I would die beside after many years
But that dream in a moment changed, or it looks like it's gone

Do you hear my heart begging to you stay here with me?
My hunger for you would never die
What should we do?
Our farewell is knocking at the door, my darling, it's calling us
Try to get used to it and I'll adjust
Don't you dare forget me
Please remember that I'll remember you every day
Take care
Our fate is to be separated
It's our destiny

تامر عشور - باينه ضاع

خايف قرب جاي علينا سامع من بعيد
جاي يكسر احلي امالينا واعيش بعده وحيد
هو اليوم اللي احنا حبيبي ما عملناش حسابه
كلما عيني تيجي في عينك برجع بالزمان
وافتكر الكلمة اللي مالتنا بالشوق والحنان
ترجع تصعب نفسي عليا قلبي يزيد عذابه

أة حلمنا بكل حاجة الا ده ما حلمنا بيه
عمرنا في مرة ما قلنا ان شوقنا تروح عليه
والحلم اللي بدايته بحبك تبقي نهايته وداع
قلنا هنفضل طول ايامنا حاسدنا العاشقين
كان حلمي اني اموت وانا جنبك بعد سنين جايين
بس الحلم في لحظة اتغير ولا باينه ضاع

سامع قلبي بيطلب منك تبقي قصاد عنيه
انا عمري ما بشبع منك بس هنعمل ايه
والله وداع بيدق علي بابنا حبيبي ينادينا
عود نفسك وانا هتعود واياك تنسي يوم
خليك فاكر ان انا فاكرك دايما كل يــــــــــوم
خد بالك منك ده نصيبنا فراق مكتوب علينا

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Somaya - Beating Around the Bushسمية - لف ودورانLiff wa Dawaran

Leff wa Dawaran لف ودوران is an Arabic expression that means the equivalent of "beating around the bush" or not directly saying what you want to say.

المتصفح الذي لديك لايدعم مشغل الأغاني. دبر حالك و روح نزل البرنامج أو .<A HREF="">اضغط هنا</A> لسماع الأغنية.

Somaya - Beating Around the Bush

What's with you man
Let me go
No matter what you say I won't come back to you
You're causing a problem for me
Do you remember me saying that I would come back?

I don't wanna beat around the bush
I know that your eyes wander (meaning, he's looking at other girls)
So you think that when you try to trick me I'll be happy with you

Frankly, you're fooling yourself
If you're gonna lie, lie well
Go act and try to fool somebody else
I feel sorry for you

As far as I'm concerned, I've removed you from my mind
Actually, what happened to me with you was too hard for me to forget
Oh my God, you're coming back again
Saying insincere sweet nothings and I don't understand them

This is how I feel
Stop talking nonsense
Wake up my darling and listen to me
Why are you making this into an ordeal?
Stop doing this with me and go, it's enough
Oh, spare me

Are you seriously coming to try to make me feel sorry for you?
I'm standing here before you stunned
How can you think that so easily I'll cave and soften towards you
You're lying to yourself
And I'm more than capable of repelling you and keeping up with you
I know all your words in full
So let's go, you poor boy

سمية - لف ودوران

مالك خيالتني ياعم حلني ده مهما قولتلي
مش هسمع
عامل لي مشكلة متهدى مش كده فاكرني قال كده
قال انا هرجع
لف ودوران انا مش عايزة انا عارفة ان انت عنيك زايغة
ومفكر لما هتخدعني انا هفرح بيك
بتضحك على شكلك بصراحة
اكدب بس اكدب بنصاحة
روح مثل واضحك على غيرى
انا صعبة عليك

انا بالنسبالي شيلتك من بالي
اصل اللى جرالي معاك اصعب من اني انساه
اه منك ياني راجع من تاني بتقول لي كلام حلو مزوق وانا مش فهماه
مالك خيالتني ياعم حلني ده مهما قولتلي
مش هسمع

انا قلبي هيدادي بلاش كلام فاضي اصحالي ياحبيبي
عاملها ليه حكاية بلاش كده معايا وروح كده كفاية
اه وارحمني
جاي بتتمسكن معقولة
انا واقفة قصادك مذهولة
ومفكر قال ايه بسهولة هضعف وهلين
تبقي انت بتكدب على نفسك
وانا قادرة اصدك وانافسك
ده انا حافظة كلامك بالملي يلا يا مسكين

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Abdel Halim Hafez - I Love Youعبد الحليم حافظ - اهواكAhwak

Abdel Halim Hafez - I Love You

I love you
And if I forget you I hope I forget my soul
And if I lose it you can keep it
If you forget me

So I forget you and forget your cruelness
Only to miss my torment with you and find my tears remember you
And then I go back to you again

When you come to me the whole world comes with you
And it's wish is your wish
And at that time my deprivation from your love might end

And I'll find you thinking of me and I of you
And our eyes meeting once again
And their words will be all over you even though you try to hide it (meaning she won't be able to hide her feelings)

And I'd take care of you
And awake in the night calling out to you
And send you my soul to wake you up
Get up, oh you who's preoccupied me, and experience the hell I've been through

عبد الحليم حافظ - أهواك

أهواك واتمنى لو انساك
وانسى روحي وياك
وان ضاعت يبقى فداك لو تنساني

وانساك وتريني بانسى جفاك
واشتاق لعذابي معاك
والقى دموعي فاكراك ارجع تاني
في لقاك الدنيا تجيني معاك
ورضاها يبقى رضاك
وساعتها يهون في هواك طول حرماني

والاقيك مشغول وشاغلني بيك
وعيني تيجي في عينيك
وكلامهم يبقى عليك وانت تداري

واراعيك واصحى من الليل اناديك
وابعت روحي تصحيك
قوم ياللي شاغلني بيك جرب ناري

Lyrics transcription from here

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Hakim - Nobody Blame Meحكيم - ما حدش يلومنيMa Hadesh Yiloumni

Sounds like a nice song, but it's about taking revenge on people who have hurt you.

المتصفح الذي لديك لايدعم مشغل الأغاني. دبر حالك و روح نزل البرنامج أو .<A HREF="">اضغط هنا</A> لسماع الأغنية.

Hakeem - Nobody Blame Me

Nobody blame me or criticize me
These guys inflicted a large wound in my heart (literally, "not small)
I gotta humiliate them and make them stay up all night in tears
And injure their hearts in return 100 times

Nobody tell me "nevermind, forgive them"
And nobody remind me of the past
I've been wronged so much and experienced so much cruelty

Oh night, tell them
They hurt me and left me in pain and misery
I've been hurt so much and experience so much cruelty

I gotta humiliate them and make them stay up all night in tears
And injure their hearts in return 100 times

Nobody blame me or criticize me
These guys inflicted a large wound in my heart

حكيم - ماحدش يلومني

محدش يلومني ولا يعتب عليا
دول جرحوني فى قلبي جرح مش شويه
لا زم اذلهم واسهر دمعهم

واجرح قلبهم بدال الجرح ميه
محدش يقولي معلش وسماح
ولا حد يفكرني بالماضي اللى راح
انا اتظلمت كتير وشوفت قسوة كتير

يا مسهر عيوني احكيلهم ياليل
جرحوني وسابوني بين عذاب وويل
انا اتجرحت كتير وشوفت قسوة كتير
لا زم اذلهم واسهر دمعهم
واجرح قلبهم بدال الجرح ميه

محدش يلومني ولا يعتب عليا
دول جرحوني فى قلبي جرح مش شويه

Lyrics transcription from here

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Samira Said - A Night My Darlingسميرة سعيد - ليلة حبيبيLeyla Habibi

Updated media and translation

A really old Samira Said song with some really good synthesizer guitar

Thought that was bad? See her perform is with an amateur on Star Academy

Samira Said - A Night

A night my darling
My darling
Just a night
If you come you'll see my life is yours
A night darling
A night
Come to me one night
A night

My soul and my years yearn for you
And no more sadness and no more wounds
You embrace my time when I am in your arms
Return my precious I miss you
Throughout the nights I call you
Don't be gone again I need you
Stay, because my soul is in you
A night my darling
Stay with me
A night my darling
Without end
A night my darling
Inside of me is a neverending desire
I can't live without your love
Why have the nights taken you so far?
When you my precious are my only love
A night my darling
Stay with me
A night my darling
Without end
A night my darling

سميرة سعيد - ليلة حبيبي

ليله يا حبيبي
يا حبيبي
بس ليله
لو تجيني حتلاقيني عمري ليك
ليله حبيبي
ليله تجيني
روحي وسنيني مشتاقة ليك
ولاحزن تاني
ولا جرح تاني
تحضن زماني وانا بين اديك
ارجع ياغالي مشتاقة ليك
طول الليالي بنده عليك
ماتغبش تاني محتاجه ليك
خليك عشان انا روحي فيك
ليله حبيبي
خليك معايا
ليله حبيبي
مالهاش نهايه
ليله حبيبي
جوايا شوق مابينتهيش
من غير هواك مش قادره اعيش
ليه الليالي وخداك بعيد
وانت ياغالي حبي الوحيد
ليله حبيبي
خليك معايا
ليله حبيبي
مالهاش نهايه
ليله حبيبي Sitemap Generator