Showing posts with label DAM. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DAM. Show all posts

Saturday, June 11, 2011

DAM - Stranger in My Countryدام - غريب في بلاديGhareeb Fi Blady

The intro is a sample of Tawfiq Ziad's poem "Unadikum (I'm calling you)," which has been performed by Ahmed Qabour here.

DAM - Stranger in My Country

Tawfiq Ziad:

I'm calling you
I shake your hand
I kiss the ground beneath your feet and tell you "I will redeem you"
And I give you the light of my eyes
And the warmth of my heart
And the tragedy which I live
Is that my fate is just like yours


All the boats pass us by leaving a sadness to drown our hearts
So we becomes guests of the darkness in our homes
And the verse is flipped again
We've become guests who are unwelcome
Strangers in our own land, separated from our country
Who cares about our worries?
A slow death runs in our blood
A democratic Zionist regime is ruling us
Democratic to those who are Zionist
And Zionist to those who are Arab
In other words, what is forbidden for him is forbidden for me
And what's allowed for him is forbidden for me
And what's allowed for me is undesirable for me
Because it denies my existence
It erased and continues to erase my colors
History has forgotten my ancestors and brainwashes my children
That wake up to a present that doesn't represent them
The blue citizenship (Israeli citizenship) we piss out and drink of its water
You tell us we are part of the people and the people make us feel like foreigners
I am a stranger in my country

Amal Basharat:

Where can I go, strangers have occupied my home?
My soul told me, "the embrace of your family will protect you my dear"
Where can I go?
My brothers and sisters didn't care about my situation
My soul told me, "walk with your head held high!"


We see faces that don't want us around
Glances that fear us, whispers that curse us
Gestures driving us away and oppressing us
They're forgetting that our ancestors built these buildings
And our brothers are still building their foundations
And their foundation is the Arabs of the Mosques and the Churches
In the end people from another country screaming "transfer" at me
We're complaining to laws that digest our rights
Suppress our voices
Inside the green line (ie the division between Israel and the Occupied territories) destroying our homes
Unemployment encircles us
We grow up in poverty and poverty raises our minds
But our hearts live and preserve our roots
Those who call us traitors
No no no no
I have never been worthless in my country
The tragedies of my people are what have written my fate
The world until this point has treated us like Israelis
And Israel is always going to treat us like Palestinians
I'm a stranger in my country


Thirteen martyrs, destiny is near
With rocks in hand, thirteen martyrs
The greatness of our country, the pillar of our country
Black October proved that it's in our blood
If everyone is born under occupation
How can they not throw back at the past? (reference to stone throwing)
Rather, throw himself like a sword
Battling the weapons that consider our blood water
Killing the peaceful voice with live ammunition
As a tear of pain cries "I am running down an Arab cheek"
Muhammad and Jesus Christ, we're a mountain that the wind cannot shake
We keep representing nationalism
Symbols of freedom
The flame of our grandfathers lights the soul of the youth
I am a stranger in my country
But I thank the lord that I hold onto my heritage
They called me a traitor
An Arab inside the 48 boundaries (Arabs who stayed in Israel after most of the Arabs were driven out in 1948 to establish an Arab state are view by other Palestinians and Arabs as traitors sometimes)
While you got your hand on your head
We are the roots of Palestine
Forever and always

دام - غريب في بلادي

: توفيق زياد
اناديكم . اشد على اياديكم
وابوس الرض تحت نعالكم
واقول افديكم. واهديكم ضيا عيني
ودفء القلب اعطيكم . فمأساتي اللتي احياها
نصيبي من ماسيكم

: محمود

كل السفن تفوتنا
تاركة الحزن يغرق
قلوبنا راضية نكون ضيوف الظلم ببيوتنا
والاية انقلبت كمان مرة
صرنا ضيوف اللي غير مرغوب فينا
مكتوب لينا نضلنا غراب على ارضنا
بعاد من وطنا
مين يهمه همنا
موت بطيء يجري بدمنا
حاكمنا حكم صهيوني ديموقراطي
ديموقراطي للنفس الصهيونية
وصهيوني للنفس العربية
يعني الممنوع اله ممنوع الي
المسموح اله ممنوع الي
والمسموح الي مكروه الي
لأنه ينكر حياتي
محى وما زال يمحي الواني
تاريخ ناسي جدادي
يغسل دماغ ولدي
اللي توعى على حاضر ما يمثلها
الجنسية الزرقة نبلها ونشرب ميتها
تقلنا انو احنا من الشعب والشعب يحسسنا انه احنا غربى
انا غريب في بلدي

: امل بشارات

لوين اروح
الغربة احتلت داري
قالتلي الروح
حضن اهلك يحمي الغالي
لوين اروح
اخواتي ما اهتموا بحالي
قالتلي الروح
منتصب القامة امشي

: سهيل

احنا شايفين وجوه مش رايدانا
نظرات قرفانانا
همسات سابانا
اشارات طردانا قاهرانا
ناسية انه اجدادنا اسسو المباني
واخوانا ما زالو يعمرو اساسها
واساسها عرب المسجد والدير
اخرها الناس من بلد غير
تصرخلي ترانسفير
احنا شاكيين لقوانين هاضمة حقوقنا
كاتمة صوتنا
داخل الخط الأخضر هادمة بيوتنا
البطالة تحومنا
نربى بفقر وفقر يربي عقولنا
لكن تحيي قلوبنا اللي تحيي جذورنا
اللي ينادونا خونا
لا لا لا لا
انا ما هنت في وطني
مآسي شعبي كتبتلي قدري
انه العالم لليوم بعاملنا اسرائيليين
واسرائيل لبكرة تعاملنا فلسطينيين
غريب في بلدي

: تامر

ثلاثة عشر شهيد والقدر قريب
لما الحجر باليد 13 شهيد
علء وطنا. عماد وطنا
اكتوبر السود اثبت انه
القياد بدمنا
اذا الكل فيهم وليد تحت الحتلل
كيف مش رامي الماضي
بل رامي حاله كالسيف الماضي
يعارك سلح الحاسب دمنا مي
يقتل الصوت المصلح برصاصه الحي
ودمعة الم تصيح انا اسيل عخد عربي
محمد والمسيح يا جبل ما يهزنا ريح
نضل رامز القومية
وسام الحرية
شعلة اجدادنا منورة الروح الشبابية
انا غريب في بلدي
لكن احمد ربي اني متمسك بتراثي
نادوني خاين
عربي الداخل ال 48
وايدك عراسك احنا جذور فلسطين
لطول العمر

Monday, September 28, 2009

DAM - I Have No Freedomدام - ما إلي حريةMali Hurriye

DAM - I Have No Freedom

Everywhere I go I see borders, imprisoning humanity
How come all the children in the world are free, but I have no freedom?

We've been living for more than fifty years behind the bars of the laws that are imprisoning me in a reality that never changes
We don't get to feel any light except a fence from it
We see a blue sky with white clouds
In the middle of a star that reminds me I'm tied up (ie Israeli flag)
But no I'm resilient, living optimistically
You won't keep me from hoping with a dividing wall
And even if this barrier surrounds me I am tied to Palestine like a fetus to an umbilical chord
My legs are the roots of the olive tree in the earth that keeps producing and regrowing branches
Every branch outstretched in peace
Every branch subject to occupation, refusing to give up
So why don’t I have freedom?
Because I refuse to live in slavery

We searched for peace among the leaders of war
Generals of war, with them we've all become children of war
Asking for freedom from the prisons that mean to keep us blinded
Our eyes staring at the free children
While we keep rolling to the bitter life
And our leaders are only good at sweet-talking
Meanwhile they're crippling our country
We use power because of our weakness
We put up with death so that life will treat us kindly and not with oppression
We were born into this life
And when we found that we were not in control of it, we tried to take it by force
So we died, when all we ever asked for was a breath
And what we've sacrificed is our souls
So you tell me
How come I have no freedom when all the children in the world are free

I don’t want to live on my knees
And I don't want to die on my feet
I still see the Occupation reaching out its hand
Not for peace
Not for equality
Rather to strangle me
Another massacre
And a wall that’s separating me from myself that doesn't let me see the light of day
While the mother of the 51st state (ie America) raises another state
They who have been raised at the expense of another (ie Israel) are just like their mother
We're like the American Indians
Instead of protecting us they brainwash us
They tell us that we're the problem
But all the armies in the world can't stop freedom!

Little Girl Reading Poem:

We want an angry generation
To plow the horizon
To tear up history by its roots
To rip out thought from its depths
We want a new generation
That does not forgive for past mistakes
Nor bow down nor know any hypocrisy
We want a bold generation of giants

دام - مالي حرية

لازمه-علاء عزام
وين ما اروح باشوف حدود
ساجنه الأنسانيه
ليه أطفال العالم حره
وأنا ما الي حريه ?!

تامر نفار
فوق ال 50 سنه احنا عايشين ورى
سجون البنود اللي ساجنيني انا
بواقع, ما يتغير مش حاسين ولا
نور الاّ سياج منها احنا شايفين سما
لونها أزرق غيمها أبيض
بالنص نجمه تذكرك انت مقيد
بس لا, انا صامد, عايش متفائل
ما تعزل مني الامل بجدار فاصل
ولو, السور يدور انا مربوط
بفلسطين كجنين لحبل الطابور
اجري بالأرض جذور شجر زتون
تضل تولد تجدد وتجدد غصون
كل غصن, ممدود للسلام, كل غصن
معروض لاحتلال, ما يريد استسلام
طب ليه, ليه أنا اللي ما اله حريه ?
لأني أنا رافض أني أعيش بعبوديه
لازمه *2
محمود جريري
احنا بندور عالسلام بين قواد حرب
رواد حرب معاهم صرنا أولاد حرب
نطلب الحريه من السجون المعنيه
انه نكون مع عيون دايما معميه
من التفرج عأطفال العالم الحره
دايما نضل بتدحرج للحياه المره
وقوادنا شاطرين بس بتبهرج الكلام
كلهم ماخدين تخرج بتعرج الأوطان
واحنا بنستعمل القوه عشان الضعف
بنتحمل الموت عشان الحياه تعاملنا بلطف
ومش بعسف, للحياه انولدنا
ولما لقيناها مش بايدنا جربنا نوخدها
فمتنا, وكل اللي طلبنا كان نفس
و اللي ضحينا عشانه برضو كان نفس
انت قل لي, ليش أطفال العالم حره
وانا ما الي انا ما الي حريه?!
لازمه *2
سهيل نفار
انا بديش اعيش عركبي
وانا بديش اموت عاجري
وانا لساتني شايف الاحتلال
مادد ايد, مش للسلام
مش مساواه بل تايهديني
حبل مشنقه, كمان مجزره
وجدار اللي فاصل بيني وبين حالي
اللي ما مخلليني اشوف ضو السماء
وأم ال 51 ولايه
تربي كمان ولايه
اللي تربى على حساب غيرها
متأثره من امها, الهنود الحمر
متأمله تمحينا تغسل دماغنا
تقللنا انه المشكله هي احنا
بس حتى جيوش العالم
كلها ما تقدرعالحريه
لازمه *2
عنات اغباريه:
نريد جيلا غاضبا
نريد جيلا يفلح الأفاق
وينكش التاريخ من جذوره
وينكش الفكر من الأعماق
نريد جيلا قادما مختلف الملامح
لا يغفر الأخطاء لا يسامح
لا ينحني لا يعرف النفاق
نريد جيلا, رائدا عملاق

Lyrics transcription from here

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

DAM - Who's a Terrorist?مين إرهابيMin Irhabi?Qui est un terroriste?

For more, DAM's page

DAM - Who's a Terrorist?


Who's a terrorist? I'm a terrorist?
How am I a terrorist while I live in my country
Who's a terrorist? You're a terrorist!
You're swallowing me while I live in my country

Killing me like you killed my ancestors
Go to the law? Why bother, my enemy
You play the role of witness, lawyer and judge
Upon the judge my end begins
Your dream is that we grow fewer and moreover that we are a minority
Your dream is that the minority become a majority in the graveyards
Democracy? I swear you're Nazis
With all the times you raped the Arab spirit
It got pregnant and birthed a boy called the suicide bomber
And here you are calling us terrorists
I mean you hit me and wept, and beat me to complaining about it
When I reminded you that you started it, you sprung up and said
"You let the little kids throw stones.
Don't they have a family to keep them under lock at home?"
As if you forgot that your weapons put their family under the stones
So now when my pain retaliates you call me a terrorist?


Why a terrorist? Because my blood is not calm? It's feverish!
Because I raise my head and my land up high
You killed my beloved, now I'm alone
My family is displaced, but I will keep calling out
I'm not against peace, the peace is against me
It wants to eradicate me and erase my heritage
And whoever says something zealous to speak out
He's oppressed and you get rid of him completely
And who are you? Just when did you grow up
Take a look at how many you've killed and how many you've orphaned
Our mothers are weeping, our fathers are complaining
Our lands are disappearing, I reiterate who are you?
You grew up spoiled while we grew up in poverty
Who grew up in plenty and who grew up in a hole?
Became a freedom fighter, you turned him into a criminal
And you my terrorist are calling me a terrorist?


When will I no longer be a terrorist?
Perhaps when you slap me and I turn the other cheek?
How do you expect me to thank who hurt me
Ok you know what? First how do you want me to be
Down on my knees with my hands tied
My eyes to the ground with corpses all about
Destroyed houses and displaced families?
Orphaned children, freedom in handcuffs?
You command and we'll fullfill your wish
What we must do is be patient and mask our pain
The most important thing is that you feel secure
Relax and leave the pain to us, what's our blood?
The blood of dogs
Wait no, when a dog is dying there's the animal's rights organization
That means our blood is less valuable than the blood of a dog?
No! My blood is precious
And I'm going to defend myself if you call me a terrorist

مين إرهابي؟ - DAM


مين ارهابي ؟ انا ارهابي؟
كيف ارهابي وانا عايش في بلادي؟
مين ارهابي ؟ انت ارهابي؟
ماكلني وانا عايش في بلادي؟

قاتلني زي ما قتلت جدادي
اتجه للقانون؟ عالفاضي مانت يا عدو
بتلعب دور الشاهد المحامي والقاضي
علي قاضي بنهايتي بادي
حلمك نقل فوق ماحنا اقلية
حلمك الأقلية تصير في المقابر اكترية
ديموقراطية ؟ والله انكم نازية
من كتر ماغتصبتوا النفس العربية
حبلت , ولدت ولد اسمو عملية انفجارية
وهين ناديتنا ارهابية
يعني ضربتني وبكيت , سبقتني واشتكيت
لما ذكرتك انك بديت ,نطيت وحكيت
مانتوا بتخلوا ولاد صغار يرمو حجار ,ملهمش اهل
يضبوهم في الدار؟!" ايش؟؟
كنو نسيت انو سلاحك ضب الأهل تحت الحجار؟
وهلأ لما وجعي ثار بتناديني ارهابي؟


ليش ارهابي؟ علشان دمي مش هادي؟ حامي؟
علشان رافع راسي وارض بلادي
قتلوا حبايبي , انا لحالي
اهلي تشردوا , راح اضلني انادي
انا مش ضد السلام , السلام ضدي
علي بدو يقضي ,تراثي بدو يمحي
واللي بحكي كلمة بشد ورى همة
بكون زلمة!!بتعملوا منو رمة
ومين انتو؟!لسا ايمتا كبرتو؟
اتطلعو اديش قتلتو واديش يتمتو
امياتنا ببكو , ابياتنا بشكو
اراضينا بختفو انا بألكم مين انتو
انت كبرت بدلع احنا كبرنا بفقر
مين كبر في وسع؟! ومين كبر في جحر؟
صار فدائي , عملتو منو اجرامي
وانت يا ارهابي بتناديني ارهابي


امتا ببطل ارهابي ؟
لمل تضربني كف واعطيك خدي التاني؟
كيف تتوقع مني اشكر الي اذاني؟
تعرف ايش؟! انت اولي كيف بدك اياني؟
راكع على ركبي وادي مربطات؟!
عيون في الأرض وجثث مزتتات ؟
بيوت مهدومة عائلات مشردات؟
اطفال يتيمة ,حرية كلبشات؟
انت اامر , انت ااتل احنا بنأبر
ما علينا بنصبر وجعنا بنستر.
اهم اشي انك تحس بامان
اتريح وسيبلنا الآلام مهو دمنا
دم كلاب , حتى لا
لما الكلب يموت , في الرفق بالحيوان
يعني دمنا ارخص من دم لكلاب؟
لأ دمي غالي
وراح ادافع عن حالي لو تناديني ارهابي

Thursday, May 3, 2007

DAM - Born Hereهون انولدتNe Ici

DAM is a Palestinian rap group known for politically charged lyrics. This a rough translation of the Arabic version of their song "Born Here." Some of the lines are a bit difficult and it needs work, so suggestions would be great. The lyrics to the Hebrew version are completely different aside from the chorus.

DAM - Born Here

The first thing we must possess is the initiative
Listen, understand, wake up, you could call it civilization

We’re in a conflict that we’ve been stuck in for so long

They call it conspiracy and lack of consciousness is what allows it to remain

Let me introduce myself I’m from the land known as Lod

Within her are those who kill without paying the price and those who destroy

The people who make the mistake of building on their land

And everything that happens is just because they are alone

Change, take the noble position and look around

The minds forever understand that the power is with the collective and never with the individual

Usually if we think this way then we’re solitary from the group

And the mistake is that we think with the group

But this is a mistake because it is true and must continue

And we said hand in hand we didn't mean finger

To take you must demand and the power is with the collective


Our neighborhood is embarrassed not dressed in silk (If the fear remains within us)

A bride without a veil waiting for her turn to beautify (ethnic cleansing is knocking at our doors)

Time has passed her by and forgotten her (that’s why)

Her hope has become a prisoner to the separation wall

Every bird will break free from its cage take off and fly (I was born here and here I will stay)

Among us the destruction of houses is like a whisper

The more we remain silent the body of the people dies

But if it screams “no,” you drown it in a sea of truth

Listen, I can understand every eye that has cried from sadness

But I don't understand those who do not wipe their eyes

Letting them stream onto the land while they sit paddling through their tears

What’s become of us? What’s all this that’s happened to us?

Maybe its because we’re the ones who are opening our legs?

What a travesty that time there was a demonstration against the destruction of houses

There was a hundred people, 90 of them Jews

If today you stand and watch how are they sitting forsaking your neighbor

Tomorrow when they inch closer to your house

you neighbor like you will just stand and watch your place

The chain is long but the end result is a loss of capability

The weak sees and knows but is scared

If fear remains within us our kids will just be shut up

And what do we say to the weakest link? See ya later


Our neighborhood is embarrassed not dressed in silk (If the fear remains within us)

A bride without a veil waiting for her turn to beautify (ethnic cleansing is knocking at our doors)

Time has passed her by and forgotten her (that’s why)

Her hope has become a prisoner to the separation wall

Every bird will break free from its cage take off and fly (I was born here and here I will stay)


Our eyes see our children turn toward the future whose limits are the sky

The slogan that is from the dust of destruction is erased

Yet the light does not go out

Our lives are the toilet of the Zionism that drops its filth on us on our own property

We’re oppressed but nobody flushes not even us

And the filth multiplies more and more

At any moment it’s going back where it came from

But the closer it gets, in reverse the doer becomes the one who is acted upon

And just purifies what’s close to him

And he expects that it’s the time it all boils over

In order to emphasize every word

And like this everyone stands up

And like this we stop the wall

And like this we stop the train

And the steel fence will become far from our home

And eventually we’ll put an end to destroyed houses and displaced families


Our neighborhood is embarrassed not dressed in silk (If the fear remains within us)

A bride without a veil waiting for her turn to beautify (ethnic cleansing is knocking at our doors)

Time has passed her by and forgotten her (that’s why)

Her hope has become a prisoner to the separation wall

Every bird will break free from its cage take off and fly (I was born here and here I will stay)

DAM - هون انولدت

اول اشي لازم نمتلكه هي المبادرة
اسمع افهم استيقظ , بتقدر تناديها محاضرة
احنا بمصارعة اللي من زمان ثبتونا فيها
بنادوها مؤامرة وعدم وعي اللي مخليها
اعرفكم على نفسي انا من بلد اسمها اللد
فيها اللي بيقتل ما بدفع الثمن وفيها اللي بهد
للناس اللي عملوا غلط وبنوا على ارضهم
وكل اللي بيصير بس عشانهم لوحدهم
غير ‘,وقف على موقف اللي يشرف
ودير,العقول وابدا فهم
انه القوة بالمجمع ولا ولا مرة بالمفرد
وعادة اذا فكرنا هيك احنا بمفرد
عن الكل والغلط انه فكرنا بالكل
بس هادا الغلط لانه صح ولازم يدوم
ولما قلنا ايد بايد مكنش قصدنا اصبع
ولتوخد لازم تطلب والقوة بالمجمع

اللازمة :

مع انه حارتنا خجولة مش
لابسة حرير (اذاالخوف ضل فينا ساكن )
عروس بلا طرحة, مستنية
دورها للتجميل (التهجيرعلى بوابنا قادم)
الزمن سبقها , نسيها . املها
(عشان هيك) للتفريق صار اسير
كل طير راح يكسر قفصه, اخرته
يحلق ويطير (انا هون انولدت وهون راح اضل ساكن)

عنا الهدم بيوت زي الهمس تكون
كلما نضل بسكوت بدان الشعب بتفوت
بس لو تصرخ لا ,تغرقها في بحر الحق ,اسمع
بقدر افهم كل العيون اللي من حزن , تدمع
بس ما بفهم اللي ما يمسح عيونه
تايه يسال على اليابسه وهو قاعد يجدف بدموعه
ايش بيصير هينا ؟ مال الكل يطلع علينا ؟
يمكن عشان احنا اللي فاتحين اجرينا ?
يا زلمة المرة هاديك بمظاهرة ضد هدم بيوت
كان فيها 100 واحد , 90 منهم يهود
اذا اليوم بتوقف تطلع كيف قاعدين بهجروا جارك
بكرة يقربوا عدارك , جارك زيك يوقف يتطلع مكانك
السلسلة طويلة بس الها اخرة السقوط للقدرة
العاجزة شايفة , عارفة بس خايفة
اذا الرعب فينا ساكن اطفالنا تبطل ساكنة
وايش بنقول للحلقة الاضعف ؟؟ مع السلامة

اللازمة :

مع انه حارتنا خجولة مش
لابسة حرير (اذاالخوف ضل فينا ساكن )
عروس بلا طرحة, مستنية
دورها للتجميل (التهجيرعلى بوابنا قادم)
الزمن سبقها , نسيها . املها
(عشان هيك) للتفريق صار اسير
كل طير راح يكسر قفصه, اخرته
يحلق ويطير (انا هون انولدت وهون راح اضل ساكن)

عينينا تشوف اطفالنا تدور على
مستقبل اللي حدوده تكون السما
شعار اللي من غبار الهدم انمحى
بس ...... لسا النور ما طفى

حياتنا بيت مي للصهيونية
اللي تنزل فينا وسخها واحنا عمالنا
ننظلم و ولا حدا
بفتح المي ولا حتى احنا
والوسخ بيكتر , اكتر واكتر
وبأي لحظه برجع من وين ما أجى
بس كلما يقرب , على الافا
الفاعل بصير مفعول فيه وبس
ينظف القريب عليه
بتأمل انه مرة كله يفور برة
تشدبدا على كلمة كله
وهيك الكل بيوقف ع اجريه
وهيك احنا بنوقف الجدار
وهيك احنا بنوقف القطار
وسكةالحديد بتصير بعيدة عن الدار
وبردو منوقف
بيوت مهدومة عائلات مشردات

مع انه حارتنا خجولة مش
لابسة حرير (اذاالخوف ضل فينا ساكن )
عروس بلا طرحة, مستنية
دورها للتجميل (التهجيرعلى بوابنا قادم)
الزمن سبقها , نسيها . املها
(عشان هيك) للتفريق صار اسير
كل طير راح يكسر قفصه, اخرته
يحلق ويطير (انا هون انولدت وهون راح اضل ساكن)

Monday, February 26, 2007

Palestinian Music

The lack of a fully viable Palestinian state due to the Israeli population leads to a general lack of national structure that facilitates albums, videos and things generally associated with pop music. However, there are many Palestinian musicians know throughout the world.

Palestinian music is markedly different from the music found in other Arab countries because of its elevated political consciousness. Hip-hop is found more in Palestine than any other Arab country. The most famous rap group, DAM (Da Arab Mcs), is well known for rapping in both Arabic and Hebrew to spread their political messages to the very different Israeli and Palestinian populations. The song "Min Irhabi (Who's a Terrorist?)," in which DAM turns the lens back on Israel to criticize their oppression and mistreatment of the Palestinian people, had a huge impact in terms of raising awareness through its dissemination on the internet.

The most famous Palestinian musician, although he is in fact born as a Lebanese Christian, is probably Marcel Khalifa, who sings both in dialect and in Standard Arabic, deriving many of his lyrics from the poems of Mahmoud Darwish. These songs use a folk style and are often highly political in nature.

The Palestinian cause is of international concern, especially among Arab nations, and almost every prominent artist makes a tribute to Palestine or Jerusalem at some point. Also, many Arabs in other nations claim Palestinian descent and nostalgia figures prominently in the works of Fairuz. Sitemap Generator