Showing posts with label Religious. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Religious. Show all posts

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Abdel Halim Hafez - The Messiahعبد الحليم حافظ - المسيحEl Maseeh

Updated media and translation

The lyrics to this song hold quite a few surprises. Disguised as a song about Jesus Christ, this is really song of outrage against Israel over the occupation of Jerusalem.

Abdel Halim Hafez - The Messiah

Oh my words, circle the whole world far and wide
And open the eyes of mankind which have inherited the Earth
On the Earth the Messiah left his footprint
On the Earth the Messiah bled out his pain

In Jerusalam on the Via Dolorosa
And in Hebron the bells of the churches rang
In the desert the Bible was born
How long will justice remain lost in you oh Via Dolorosa?
And how long will the light in the conscience be off
And the stars of peace?
And how long must messiah after messiah march, wounded there on this land?
How long must they continue crying out?

With crown of thorns upon his forhead and a cross upon his shoulder
Now oh Jerusalem your son, like the Messiah was, is a stranger
With crown of thorns upon his forhead and a cross upon his shoulder
They betrayed him... Those same Jews betrayed him
Now, oh Jerusalem, your son, like the Messiah, must return
To the land/earth (same word, double meaning)

عبد الحليم حافظ - المسيح

ياكلمتي لفي ولفي الدنيا طولها وعرضها
وفتحي عيون البشر للي حصل علي ارضها
علي ارضها طبع المسيح قدمه
علي ارضها نزف المسيح ألمه

في القدس في طريق الآلام ..
وفي الخليل رنت تراتيل الكنايس
في الخلا صبح الوجود انجيل

تفضل تضيع فيك الحقوق لامتي ياطريق الآلام
وينطفي النور في الضمير وتنطفي نجوم السلام
ولامتي فيك يمشي جريح ..
ولامتي فيك يفضل يصيح
مسيح ورا مسيح ورا مسيح علي أرضها

تاج الشوك فوق جبينه وفوق كتفه الصليب
دلوقت ياقدس ابنك زي المسيح غريب غريب
تاج الشوك فوق جبينه وفوق كتفه الصليب
خانوه... خانوه نفس اليهود
ابنك ياقدس زي المسيح لازم يعود ..
علي أرضها

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Hamada Helal - Teach Meحمادة هلال - علمنيAllemni

Hamada Helal - Teach Me

Teach my heart patience oh lord
And teach my your name inside my heart oh lord
And reassure me
Make me patient
Make me able to bear all the injustice that befalls me
The days of the years pass
Everyday children die
And I suffer and speak and nobody utters a single word
My friends and most precious people left me forever
I missed them when they left me and their absence made my eyes cry
Oh lord, oh lord, oh lord teach me

Oh lord

I scream and say to the unjust ones "no!"
And they hear me when we die in the name of what's right
And what does it mean?
I will bear it and finish and nobody can stop me
We are your servants oh lord
I give my word
And the designer of my life (God)
I will not submit if there are borders between me and him
I am outside on the path of God
And I am confidence in the triumph of God
And I will awaken the feelings of everyone who is lost
If I die I will die a witness to God (martyr)
And if I live the day I return this celebration will make me stronger and protect me
Oh lord, oh lord, oh lord, oh lord, oh lord

Make me able and patient oh lord

حمادة هلال - علمني

علم قلبي الصبر يا ربي وعلمني إسمك جوا فقلبي ياربي وطمني
صبرني قدرني على كل ظالم يظلمني
أيام السنين بتفوت أطفال كل يوم بتموت وأتألم وأتكلم ومحدش بينطق صوت
أصحابي وأغلى الناس سابوني وفاتوني خلاص وحشوني لما فاتوني وبعادهم بكى عيوني
النار جوا قلبي تإيد والدار بكرا آخدوا أكيد قويني واحميني
ياااااارب ياااااارب ياااااارب علمنا


أصرخ قول للظالم لأ وسمعني لما نموت علشان الحق وإيه يعني
أتحمل وأكمل ولاحد قادر يمنعني
وحيات ربنا العبود أنا حالف لحقي يعود ومصمم عمري ماسلم لو بيني وبينو حدود
أنا خارج في سبيل الله وأنا واثق من نصر الله وحصحّي إحساس كل واحد تاه
لو متّ حبقى متّ شهيد ولو عشت يوم رجوعي ده عيد قويني وإحميني
ياااااارب ياااااارب ياااااارب ياااااارب ياااااارب ياااااارب

قدرني صبرني يارب

Lyrics transcription from

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Hamada Helal - Mohammed Our Prophetحمادة هلال - محمد نبيناMohammed Nabina

Hamada Helal - Mohammed Our Prophet

Mohammed our prophet gave us his light
From Mecca his light was glaring on Medina
He who prays his prayers and tries to improve his attributes
How lucky is he who walks in his shadow
And adds to him with his death

Oh our Imam, the secure one, the support prop for Muslims
My beloved Mohammed
Oh son of Abdullah
You completed the prophecies completely
And you hold the seal (of the prophets)
Throughout my life and in my prayers I call praying to him

Mohammed our prophet gave us his light
From Mecca his light was glaring on Medina
He who prays his prayers and tries to improve his attributes
How lucky is he who walks in his shadow
And adds to him with his death

From the first day in my life that I heart my mother and father praying to him
It made me love faith and feel secure and I was indelibly attached to it
God pray, protect and bless him
God pray, protect and bless him

I see you myself in my sleep, oh messenger of God
And I cry on your should and sleep there, oh beloved of God
And I attain honor with your accompaniment
And I walk among the ranks of your Umma
And I am protected by you

Mohammed our prophet gave us his light
From Mecca his light was glaring on Medina
He who prays his prayers and tries to improve his attributes
How lucky is he who walks in his shadow
And adds to him with his death

Oh beloved oh pure one oh deliverance from the maze
You changed the world in our eyes between a night and its morning (referring to the night journey)
He who prays his prayers and tries to improve his attributes
How lucky is he who walks in his shadow
And adds to him with his death

حمادة هلال - محمد نبينا

محمد نبينا بنوره هدينا من مكة حبيبى نوره ساطع ع المدينة
من صلى صلاته واتحلى بصفاته يابخت اللى فى ضله ماشى يشفع له فى مماته
يا إمامنا يا أمين يا سند للمسلمين
ياحبيبى يا محمد يا ابن عبد الله تمت الرسالات تمام والحبيب مسك الختام
طول حياتى وفى صلاتى بدعى أصلى وراه
محمد نبينا نوره هدينا من مكة حبيبى نوره ساطع ع المدينة
من صلى صلاته واتحلى بصفاته يابخت اللى فى ضله ماشى يشفع له فى مماته
من أول يوم فى عمرى سمعت أبويا وأمى بيصلو عليه - اللهم صلى عليه - حببنى فى الإيمان حسسنى بالأمان واتعلقت بيه
الله صلى وسلم وبارك عليه
الله صلى وسلم وبارك عليه
نفسى أشوفك فى المنام يا رسول الله
وابكى على كتفك وانام ياحبيب الله
وانول شرف لقى صحبتك واخطى فى صفوف امتك واتحامى فيك
محمد نبينا بنوره هدينا من مكة حبيبى نوره ساطع ع المدينة
ياحبيبى يا طه يا نجاة من المتاهة غيرت الدنيا فى عنينا بين ليلة وضحاها
من صلى صلاته واتحلى بصفاته يابخت اللى فى ضله ماشى يشفع له فى مماته

Lyrics transcription from here

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Fairuz - Oh Mother of Godفيروز - يا أم اللهYa Um Allah

This is a song for to the Virgin Mary, similar to the "Hail Mary" in English speaking Christian communities.

Fairouz - Oh Mother of God

Oh mother of God oh compassionate one
Oh treasure of mercy and assistance
You are our refuge and our hopes
Intercede on our behalf oh virgin
Feel pity for our deaths

And if your body was far from us
Her miracle is the virginity of our mother
Your benediction accompanies us
And you are wil us and preserve us

With the high rank of who exhalted you above the cosmos
When a cleaer a manifestation appeared from you
Ask him on behalf of the sinners
For mercy for all eternity

You are mother and our hope
You are our pride and refuge
Intercede on our behalf through your son
So that he may forgive us with mercy for our sins

Do not neglect us oh compassionate one
One who is full of all goodness
Yet, save all your servants
So we may thank you for all eternity

فيروز - يا أم الله

يــــا أمَّ اللــــه يــــا حنــــونــــة
يــــا كنــــزَ الـــرحمــــة والمعــــونــــــَــة
أنــــتِ ملجـــــانـــــا وعليـــــكِ رجـــــانــــــا
تشفّعـــــي فينــــــا يــــــا عـــــــذراء
وتحنّنـــــي علـــــى مــــوتـــــانــــا

وإن كــــان جسمُــــكِ بعيــــداً منّـــــــا
أيتُــهـــــا البتـــــول أمّنــــــــا
صلَــــواتُــــــكِ هــــي تَصحَــبُـــــنـــــا
وتكــــون معنـــــا وتحفظنـــــــا

بجــــاه مَـــــن شـــرّفــِـــكِ علــــى العـــــالَميــــن
حيــــن ظهَــــر منــــكِ ظهـــــوراً مبيــــــن
أطلُبــــي مِنـــــه للخــــاطئيــــــن
المــــراحــــم لــــدهـــرِ الــــداهــــريــــــن

أنــــتِ أمّنــــــا ورَجـــــانــــــا
انــــتِ فخــــرنـــــا ومَلجــــانــــــا
عنــــدَ ابنـــِـــكِ إشفعــــــي فينـــــــا
ليغفــــر بـــرأفتـــــه خطــــــايـــــانــــــا

لا تُهمِلينــــــا يــــــا حنــــونــــــة
يـــــا مملــــوءة كــــــلَّ نِعــمَـــــــة
بـــــل خلّصـــــي عبيـــــدَكِ أجمَعيـــــــن
لنَشكُــــرَكِ لـــــدَهـــــر الــــــداهـــــريـــــن Sitemap Generator