Showing posts with label Julia Boutros. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Julia Boutros. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Julia Boutros - Lebanon Is Victoriousجوليا بطرس - انتصر لبنانIntasara Lubnan

This song was performed after Israeli forces withdrew from Lebanon in 2006

Julia Boutros - Lebanon Is Victorious

He who has sullied my land with his blood
Has now gone
He has run away confused and humiliated
Like any coward
And he has understood that so long as he remains, the stars will not shine in the sky
He will never be met with anything but sorrow
He has been defeated now, he has been defeated
Lebanon is victorious

His spiteful face has now been smashed
The oppressor was insulted because I continued to fight back
And forever defend my family/people
From the mountain top to the plains
For the truth is more powerful than ignorance and oppression

جوليا بطرس - انتصر لبنان

من لوّث أرضي بدمائه
قد رحل الآن
و فرّ كذليلٍ تائه
كأيّ جبان

و أيقن أنّ ببقائه .. لن يسطع نجم في سمائه
لن تأتي أبداً للقائه .. إلاّ الأحزان

قد هُزِم الآن .. قد هُزِم
انتصـــر لبنـــان

قد سُحِق الآن
وجه الحاقد و الظالم
و كان مُهان .. لأنّي ما زلت أقاوِم

و أدافع دوماً عن أهلي
من قمّة جبلي إلى سهلي
فالحقّ أقوى من الجهل و من الطغيــان

من لوّث أرضي بدمائه
قد رحل الآن
و فرّ كذليلٍ تائه
كأيّ جبان

و أيقن أنّ ببقائه .. لن يسطع نجم في سمائه
لن تأتي أبداً للقائه .. إلاّ الأحزان
قد هُزِم الآن .. قد هُزِم

Julia Boutros - We are the Uprising and the Outcryجوليا بطرس - نحنا الثورة والغضبNihna al-Sawra wal-Ghadab

One note about the translation: The most common translations for the words ثورة and غضب are "revolution/rebellion" and "anger" respectively. Here, those words have those meanings, but carry more the connotation of public outcry, outrage or fury and popular uprising. Revolution is too political science (anway, in this context, Lebanon's struggles with Israel wouldn't be a revolution) and anger sounds too irrational in English and give the wrong meaning in the wider context of the song.

Julia Boutros - We are the Uprising and the Outcry

We are the uprising and the outcry
We are the hope of the generations
From here and from us is written the history of the victors (heroes)
We are the dawn that is breaking
We are the sword that is cutting
Our place is in the hearts of the people
We are the joy of our children

You will forget those hard days, oh forgotten people
Throughout these years of estrangement we've been exiled in our own country
What does this "freedom" have?
Forgotten tears of joy
This long-awaited victory is dear to you and me

جوليا بطرس - نحنا الثورة والغضب

نحنا الثورة والغضب
نحنا امل الأجيال
من هون من عنا انكتب
تاريخ الأبطال
فجر اللي طالع نحنا
والسيف القاطع نحنا
قلوب الناس مطارحنا
نحنا فرح الأطفال

رح ننسى الأيام الصعبة
ياهالناس المنسيين
كنا طول سنين الغربة
بوطنا منفيين
شوفي يا هالحرية
دموع الفرح المنسية
غالي عليكون وعليي
هالنصر اللي طال

Monday, February 22, 2010

Julia Boutros - Perhapsجوليا بطرس - ربماRubbama

This song is based on the poem Rubbama ربما by Samih al-Qasim سميح القاسم. "Rubbama" means "perhaps" "maybe" or "might." I have translated the title as "perhaps" but in order to make the sentence more natural in english I have translate it as "you might be able to."

Julia Boutros - Perhaps

You might be able to rob me of my last bit of land
You might be able to feed my youth to the jail

You might be able to put out my torch in the night
You might be able to keep me from kissing my mother

You might be able to steal my dreams
You might be able to deprive my children of a suit on a holiday
Oh enemy of the sun!
But I will not compromise

And until my heart's last beat, I will resist

جوليا بطرس - ربما

ربما تسلبني آخر شبر من ترابي
ربما تطعم للسجن شبابي

ربما تطفيء في ليلي شعلة
ربما احرم من أمي قبلة

ربما تغنم من ناطوري احلامي غفلة
ربما تحرم اطفالي يوم العيد بدلة
ربما ترفع من حولي جدارا وجدارا وجدارا ..
يا عدو الشمس
لكن لن اساوم

والى اخر نبض من عروقي ساقاوم
والى اخر نبض من عروقي ساقاوم
والى اخر نبض من عروقي ساقاوم

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Julia Boutros - The Sun of the Truth Has Setجوليا بطرس - غابت شمس الحقGhabet Shems Al Haqq

Julia Boutros, under the influence of the politically infused music of Ziad Rahbani and others, began performing in the mid-1980s, during the (first) Israeli occupation of Southern Lebanon and the subsequent Lebanese Civil Wars. Although she is a Christian, as a Lebanese nationalist she has been a supporter of the resistance and Hezbollah in their role as defenders of the south, and in 2006, recorded a song for the families of those who died in the conflict with Israel, which raised over 3 million dollars for the families of victims and soldiers, both from the Lebanese forces and Hezbollah. This 1985 song is one of her many early nationalist songs that catapulted her to stardom in wartorn Lebanon, a call to the people of the South to rise up and stand strong against the Israeli occupying forces in order to reclaim the land for the greater Lebanese nation.

Julia Boutros - The Sun of the Truth Has Set

The sun of the truth has set and the dawn has become dusk
The face (literally, chest or front) of the east has split and the paths have closed off

We refuse to die
Tell them we shall remain
Your land, the homes and the downtrodden people
The South is ours, my beloved South

All of them, oh South, sold you empty words
Justice has been crucified and is bleeding peace
What concern of ours is war?
We will remain here
When the whole universe comes to an end
And not a drop of your soil will be missing, oh South

Never fear misfortune, oh South
The trials of war, the torment of deprivation
Despite everything that has happened
The home shall remain ours
And the laurel tree will once again bloom with pride upon your earth, oh South

جوليا بطرس - غابت شمس الحق

غابت شمس الحق وصار الفجر غروب
وصدر الشرق انشق تسكرت الدروب
منرفض نحنا نموت قولوا لهن رح نبقى
ارضك والبيوت والشعب ال عم يشقى
هو النا يا جنوب يا حبيبي يا جنوب

كلهن يا جنوب باعوك الكلام
والعدل مصلوب عم ينزف السلام
شو همنا الحروب
رح نبقى نحن هون ويفنى كل الكون
ولا ينقص حبة بترابك يا جنوب

ما تخاف يا جنوب من غدر الزمان
من ويل الحروب من لوعة الحرمان
مع كل الي صار
رح تبقى النا الدار ويرجع شجر الغار
يزهر كرامة بارضك يا جنوب

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Julia Boutros - We Love Youجوليا بطرس - منحبك ايهMinhebak Eh

Julia Boutros is Lebanese and this song was made for the president of Lebanon, a bit touch in cheek obviously. In Syria, the song was used in as a slogan for their president, that is, "Menhebak (We Love You)" and you can find posters all over Syria like the one below with the slogan written on them. Of course the lyrics could be quite sarcastic and really satirical in this context, so the irony is quite funny.

المتصفح الذي لديك لايدعم مشغل الأغاني. دبر حالك و روح نزل البرنامج أو .<A HREF="">اضغط هنا</A> لسماع الأغنية.

Julia Boutros - We Love You

We love you, yes, we love you
You preoccupy the whole world with their love for you
My darling, your heart is so kind, we love you, yes

We love you, yes, we love you
What could you want more than this?
Oh oppressor, who could refuse you (this could be sarcasm, it is normal in Arabic songs to refer to your lover as your "oppressor" because of how much your love for them controls you, but at the same time, you could call an unjust ruler and oppressor)
We love you, yes

You're draw in/pull everyone, you're on top of the world
How do you want us to love you, we love you, yes

The people saw you and went crazy
They're talking about your charm/magic
They're all singing for your eyes
We love you, yes

You're so devoted to the cause and you call for freedom
You never rest, and we love you, yes

You're the epitome of kindness
You're so popular
You are the symbol of humanity
And we love you, yes

The Jinn is coming at the end of this story
It's going to eat the hero
We love you, yes (this line is strange, because it's saying a Jinn (a monster or "genie") is going to eat the hero, ie, the subject of the song, thus the tone intends to ridicule him)

جوليا بطرس – منحبك ايه


منحبك ايه منحبك يا شاغل هالدنية بحبك
حبيبي ما أطيب قلبك منحبك ايه

منحبك ايه أكتر من هيك شو بدك
يا ظالم مين اللي بيردك

عم بتجر العالم انت ع آخر هالعالم انت
كيف بدك نحنا منحبك منحبك ايه

شافوك الناس وجنوا سحرك عم يحكوا عنه
شافوك الناس وجنوا سحرك عم يحكوا عنه
لعيونك كلهن بيغنوا ومنحك ايه

يا مخلص للقضية وبتنادي بالحرية
يا مخلص للقضية وبتنادي بالحرية
ما بتغفى عيونك ليلية ومنحبك ايه

انت كل الحنية شو فيه عندك شعبية
انت كل الحنية شو فيه عندك شعبية
انت رمز الانسانية ومنحبك ايه

جاية الجنية جاية بآخر هالحكاية
جاية الجنية جاية بآخر هالحكاية
رح تاكل بطل الرواية ومنحبك اي

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Julia Boutros - I Breathe Freedomجوليا بطرس - بتنفس حريةBitneffes Hurriye

المتصفح الذي لديك لايدعم مشغل الأغاني. دبر حالك و روح نزل البرنامج أو .<A HREF="">اضغط هنا</A> لسماع الأغنية.

Julia Boutros - I Breathe Freedom

I breathe freedom, don't cut off my air
?Don't make it too much for me?, it's better we fall together

You can never erase me, you need to listen to me and talk to me
And if you think it's curing me, this is not the remedy
If only you would listen to me, all that happened should be enough
Force always falls, stopped in the face of ideas
This world is big enough for everyone, the truth alone remains
And if you want us to find the solution, it will only happen if we think together

The voice of freedom remains louder than all the voices
However violently the wind of oppression blows and the night covers the spaces
You could never color the universe all the same color
Or replace the order of the earth or change the current of the wind

جوليا بطرس - بتنفس حرية

انا بتنفس حرية ما تقطع عني الهوا
ولا تزيدها كتير عليّ أحسن منوقع سوا

ما بتقدر ابدا تلغيني بدك تسمعني وتحكيني
واذا فكرك عم بيداويني مش هيدى هو الدوى

يا ريتك مني بتسمع بيكفي كل اللي صار
القوة هي اللي بتوقع انوقفت بوجه الافكار
هالدنيا بتسع للكل وحدها الحقيقة بتضل
واذا بدك منلاقي الحل لولا منفكر سوا

صوت الحرية بيبقى اعلى من كل الأصوات
مهما تعصف ريح الظلم بيغطي الليل المسافات
ما فيك تلون هالكون ع بعضه بذات اللون
وتبدل نظام الأرض وتغير مجرى الهوا

Monday, July 14, 2008

Julia Boutros - Wrong Addressجوليا بطرس - مغلط العنوانMughallet al Anwan

Julia Boutros - Wrong Address

Your ideas don't suit me
Your news doesn't please me
Don't talk to me or reproach me, I forgot you so long ago
Your friends are not my friends
Your style is forbidden in my book
And he who is coming to knock on my door has got the wrong address

Forget the past and go by yourself
Solve your problems yourself
Erase me from your thoughts and your memories
Forget that which was
I can get used to your absence
My nerves are not at your disposal
Keep living with your loved ones and waste your time with them (meaning: not with me)

جوليا بطرس - مغلط العنوان

افكارك مابتناسبني
أخبارك ما عمتعجبني
لاتحاكيني ولا تعاتبني نسيتك من زمان
أصحابك لا مش أصحابي
أسلوبك ممنوع بكتابي
يللي جاي يدق بوابي مغلط بالعنوان
انسى الماضي وروح بحالك
وهمومك حلها لحالك
محيني من فكرك من بالك انسى يللي كان
بعرف اتعود عغيابك
أعصابي مانون عحسابك
ضلك عايش مع أحبابك ضيع بها الزمان

Julia Boutros - Why?جوليا بطرس - على شوAla Shou?

Julia Boutros - Why?

Why do you still love him?
Why Why?
Why are you walking on his path
Why, why?

Because of his looks? Or his charm? Or his thoughts? Or his mind?
Or perhaps because of the kindness of his heart?
Why, Why?
He doesn't see anyone in front of him and he has no concerns
Perhaps lost in his beauty or self-deluded
He forgets those who were before him
As if nobody could take his place
And he thinks he's ahead of his time
I'm asking you, why?
He spreads his ideas all over and the ideas are just madness
Everyone follow his news wherever he is
He doesn't think of anyone but himself
He does whatever he wants
And it doesn't concern him what they all say
What's your opinion, what?

جوليا بطرس - على شو

على شو بعدك بتحبه
على شو على شو
على شو ماشي على دربه
على شو على شو
على شكله على سحره على فكره على عقله
أو يمكن على رقة قلبه على شو على شو
مش شايف حدى قباله ولا ولا عنده هموم
ضايع يمكن بجماله وبحاله موهوم
ناسي يللي قبله كانوا ما حدى بياخد مكانه
ومفكر سابق زمانه دخلك على شو؟
عم بيوزع أفكاره والأفكار جنون
و الناس بتلحق أخباره مطرح ما بيكون
ما بيفكر إلا بحاله وبيعمل يللي على باله
ما بيهمه شو ما قالوا شو رأيك شو؟

Julia Boutros - Arabicجوليا بطرس - عربيArabi

Julia Boutros - Arabic

I don't understand Arabic well, explain to me what does conscience mean (this is a play on words, the word "Damiir" is also a common grammatical term in Arabic meaning "pronoun")
This word has become forgotten, deleted from the world's dictionary
So why do they talk about it so much?
I don't understand Arabic

Lying has become mandatory for them, the truth is not up-to-date
They don't read the books of Earth nor the Heavenly books
If morals are not longer important tell me what is important?
The world is only interested in money, the rest doesn't mean a lot to them
A hundred faces, a hundred colors, they faces have become hidden
The universe is destroying itself, all in the name of freedom
There is no love left in their hearts, nor did they ever have hearts to begin with
The people are strangers in their own countries
He who is unjust today has pays a high price tomorrow (literally: the unjust one has a high bill tomorrow, meaning: those who are unjust in this life pay for it on the day of reckoning)

جوليا بطرس - عربي

ما عم بفهم عربي كتير فهمني شو يعني ضمير
هالكلمة صارت منسية بقاموس العالم ملغية
وليش بيحكو فيها كتير
ما عم بفهم عربي
صار الكذب عليهن فرض الحقيقة مش عصرية
لا بيقرو بكتب الأرض ولا بالكتب السماوية
اذا ما بقى الأخلاق تهم طيب قللي شو بيهم؟
بالمال العالم مهتم الباقي ما بيعني له كتير
مية وجه ومية لون وجوههن صارت مخفية
عم بيهدم حاله الكون كله باسم الحرية
بقلبهن لا مش باقي حب ولا مرة كان عندهن قلب
والناس بموطنهن غرب الظالم بكره حسابه كبير

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Julia Boutros - Not in Your Dreamsجوليا بطرس - لا بأحلامكLa Bahlamek

Julia Boutros - Not in Your Dreams

Not in your dreams
Not in your delusions
Will you come back one day to find me
Not your greeting
Nor your words
Nor your glance will satisfy me

I have forgotten the past and that which was
In my heart you no longer have a place
So long, for so long, for so long
I wasted my years with you

You hurt my heart so much and you are unaware
I sacrificed what was most precious to me and burned in my fire
Now you want me to forget yesterday
You're coming back asking me to forgive you
No no no no

جوليا بطرس - لا بأحلامك

لا باحلامك لا باوهامك راح ترجع يوم تلاقيني
لا سلامك لا كلامك و لا منك نظره بترضيني
نسيت الماضي و يا اللي كان
بقلبي ما عندك مكان
ياما و ياما من زمان ..... من زمان ..... من زمان
معك ضيعت سنيني
لا باحلامك لا باوهامك راح ترجع يوم تلاقيني
لا سلامك لا كلامك و لا منك نظره بترضيني
ياما و ياما تجرح قلبي و انت مش داري
ضحيت باغلى ما عندي و احترقت بناري
هلق بدك انسى امبارح
راجع تطلب مني اسامح
لا لا لا لا
لا باحلامك لا باوهامك راح ترجع يوم تلاقيني
لا سلامك لا كلامك و لا منك نظره بترضيني
نسيت الماضي و يا اللي كان
بقلبي ما عندك مكان
ياما و ياما من زمان ..... من زمان من زمان
معك ضيعت سنيني

Lyrics transcription from

Friday, June 8, 2007

Julia Boutros - She Has Wilted Earlyجوليا بطرس - دبلت بكيرDiblit Bakeer

Julia Boutros - She Has Wilted Early

This flower … has wilted early, she’s still pretty, she’s still very pretty

She hasn’t seen the sun again, and the world is all trips.

Even the scent used to be a creation until the dawn laughed

When life sends her morning greetings, fear and cold, and lots of night

Say to yourself, what has happened, the concerns in your eyes are many
This remaining life is a trip… a small trip

Your heart in this world is confused, I know you have secrets
The spring has made me carry news which has colors of birds

This flower… it has wilted early.

جوليا بطرس - دبلت بكير

هالورده .. دبلت بكير حلوة بعدا حلوة كتير
هالورده .. دبلت بكير حلوة بعدا حلوة كتير

ما عادت شافت هالشمس و الدنيي كلا مشاوير
ما عادت شافت هالشمس و الدنيي كلا مشاوير

كانت حتى يكون العطر خلقت تيضحك هالفجر
لما بصيّح هالعمر خوف و برد و ليل كتير

هالورده .. دبلت بكير حلوة بعدا حلوة كتير
ما عادت شافت هالشمس و الدنيي كلا مشاوير

كانت حتى يكون العطر خلقت تيضحك هالفجر
لما بصيّح هالعمر خوف و برد و ليل كتير

قولي بحالك شو صار الهموم بعينيك كتار
هالعمر الباقي مشواااار .. مشوار زغير

قولي بحالك شو صار الهموم بعينيك كتار
هالعمر الباقي مشواااار .. مشوار زغير

قلبك بهالدنيي احتار بعرف في عندك أسرار
حمّلني الربيع خبار فيها ألوان عصافير

قلبك بهالدنيي احتار بعرف في عندك أسرار
حمّلني الربيع خبار فيها ألوان عصافير

هالورده .. دبلت بكير حلوة بعدا حلوة كتير
ما عادت شافت هالشمس و الدنيي كلا مشاوير

كانت حتى يكون العطر خلقت تيضحك هالفجر
لما بصيّح هالعمر خوف و برد و ليل كتير

هالورده .. دبلت بكير

Julia Boutros - My Darlingجوليا بطرس - حبيبيHabibi

Julia Boutros - My Darling

Maybe I didn’t tell you that you are my darling
But I presented to you my life, my darling

The best life that is coming,
I want to tell you a story.

Tell you, in it, that you are my love and my destiny.

Darling… my darling…my darling… darling

I’m going to sacrifice in my days in order to please your eyes
I’m going to gather my dreams and sprinkle flowers around you

For you is my happiness and smiles, for you is my night and tears
All of my fate, my life, is drawn in your eyes

Darling… my darling…my darling… darling

جوليا بطرس - حبيبي

يمكن ما قلتلك انك انت حبيبي
لكن قدمتلّك عمري يا حبيبي

يمكن ما قلتلك انك انت حبيبي
لكن قدمتلّك عمري يا حبيبي

يا أحلى عمر اللي جايي
بدي احكيلك حكاية

يا أحلى عمر اللي جايي
بدي احكيلك حكاية

قلك فيها انك انت حبي و نصيبي

حبيبي .. يا حبيبي .. يا حبيبي .. حبيبي
حبيبي .. يا حبيبي .. يا حبيبي .. حبيبي

رح ضحّي بأيامي تارضي عينيك
رح جمع أحلامي و رشّا ورود حواليك

رح ضحّي بأيامي تارضي عينيك
رح جمع أحلامي و رشّا ورود حواليك

لإلك فرحي و بسماتي لإلك ليلي و دمعاتي
لإلك فرحي و بسماتي لإلك ليلي و دمعاتي
قدري كلو يا حياتي مرسوم بعينيك

لإلك فرحي و بسماتي لإلك ليلي و دمعاتي
قدري كلو يا حياتي مرسوم بعينيك

حبيبي .. حبيبي .. حبيبي .. حبيبي

حبيبي .. يا حبيبي .. يا حبيبي .. حبيبي .. حبيبي
حبيبي .. يا حبيبي .. يا حبيبي .. حبيبي .. حبيبي

Julia Boutros - My Fear For My Childrenجوليا بطرس - خوفي ع ولاديKhoufi Aa Wladi

Julia Boutros - My Fear For My Children

My fear for my children … from the injustice of the days
On my ground, on my country… My fear for the dreams

I don’t know where we are going to reach, tomorrow, where
The eye does not sleep, and the heart does not sleep

My fear is for my children… my children

The stole from us, the love, they killed in us the feelings
The world has become estranged, and people have separated

They are buying the names, they are selling the honor
And the truth in front of me has become nothing but illusions

My fear is for my children… my children

Don’t ask me, my heart, what has happened with the world
This life has become hard, and the worries are many

Oh crazy world, how will you be tomorrow?
My eyes are tired from the night, and how will my eye sleep?

جوليا بطرس - خوفي ع ولادي

انا خوفي ع ولادي .. من ظلم الأيام
ع ارضي ع بلادي .. خوفي ع الأحلام

خوفي ع ولادي .. من ظلم الأيام
ع ارضي ع بلادي .. خوفي ع الأحلام

ما بعرف نحنا لوين رح نوصل لبكرا لوين
لا بتنام العين و لا القلب بينام

انا خوفي ع ولادي .. ع ولادي

انا خوفي ع ولادي .. من ظلم الأيام
ع ارضي ع بلادي .. خوفي ع الأحلام

ما بعرف نحنا لوين رح نوصل لبكرا لوين
لا بتنام العين و لا القلب بينام

انا خوفي ع ولادي .. ع ولادي

سرقوا منا المحبة قتلوا فينا الأحساس
هالعالم صار بغربة و تفرقوا هالناس

سرقوا منا المحبة قتلوا فينا الأحساس
هالعالم صار بغربة و تفرقوا هالناس

عم يشتروا الأسامي عم بيبيعوا الكرامة
عم يشتروا الأسامي عم بيبيعوا الكرامة
و الحقيقة قدامي صارت كلا أوهام

انا خوفي ع ولادي .. ع ولادي

ما تسألني يا قلبي بهالعالم شو صار
هالدنيي صارت صعبه و هموم الناس كتار

ما تسألني يا قلبي بهالعالم شو صار
هالدنيي صارت صعبه و هموم الناس كتار

يا هالأرض المجنونة بكره كيف رح بتكوني
يا هالأرض المجنونة بكره كيف رح بتكوني
تعبو من الليل عيوني و كيف بدا العين تنام

انا خوفي ع ولادي .. ع ولادي

انا خوفي ع ولادي .. من ظلم الأيام
ع ارضي ع بلادي .. خوفي ع الأحلام

ما بعرف نحنا لوين رح نوصل لبكرا لوين
لا بتنام العين و لا القلب بينام

انا خوفي ع ولادي .. ع ولادي .. ع ولادي
انا خوفي ع ولادي .. ع ولادي

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Julia Boutros - God Be With Youجوليا بطرس - الله معكAllah Maak

Julia Boutros - God Be With You

If you’re leaving, God be with you,
Don’t think I will prevent you.
If you’re leaving, God be with you,
Don’t think I will prevent you.

If you decide to leave,
I will not beg you to stay,
If you decide to leave,
I will not beg you to stay,
And I don’t want to stay with you,
And God be with you.

It’s enough, no I don’t want to count,
The hours of travel.
And I will not await your response while the night gets longer.

Last night, and its hours
And love, and its memories
Last night, and its hours
And love, and its memories
Take them my darling,
My darling with you

If you’re leaving, God be with you,
Don’t think I will prevent you.
If you’re leaving, God be with you,
Don’t think I will prevent you.

If you decide to leave,
I will not beg you to stay,
If you decide to leave,
I will not beg you to stay,
And I don’t want to stay with you,
And God be with you.

My heart, darling, is fed up and worn out
From the distance it broke
And if your absence, it is the answer,
Then extend your travel time.

Go and extend your absence,
Color your doors with alienation

Forget me, my darling, Oh
My heart is not with you,
God be with you, God be with you.

If you’re leaving, God be with you,
Don’t think I will prevent you.
If you’re leaving, God be with you,
Don’t think I will prevent you.

If you decide to leave,
I will not beg you to stay,
If you decide to leave,
I will not beg you to stay,
And I don’t want to stay with you,
And God be with you.

جوليا بطرس - الله معك

إذا رايح الله معك , ما تفكر رح أمنعك
إذا رايح الله معك , ما تفكر رح أمنعك

انت إذا قررت تفل ما راح أترجاك تضل
انت إذا قررت تفل ما راح أترجاك تضل

ولا بدي أبقى معك الله معك , الله , الله معك

إذا رايح الله معك , ما تفكر رح أمنعك
إذا رايح الله معك , ما تفكر رح أمنعك

انت إذا قررت تفل ما راح أترجاك تضل
انت إذا قررت تفل ما راح أترجاك تضل

ولا بدي أبقى معك الله معك , الله , الله معك

بيكفي لا ما بدي عد ساعات السفر
ولا أنطر أنا منك رد و يطول السهر

بيكفي لا ما بدي عد ساعات السفر
ولا أنطر أنا منك رد و يطول السهر

ليل الماضي و ساعاته و الهوى و ذكرياته
ليل الماضي و ساعاته و الهوى و ذكرياته
خدهن يا حبيبي .... حبيبي معك

الله معك الله , الله معك

إذا رايح الله معك , ما تفكر رح أمنعك
إذا رايح الله معك , ما تفكر رح أمنعك

انت إذا قررت تفل ما راح أترجاك تضل
انت إذا قررت تفل ما راح أترجاك تضل

ولا بدي أبقى معك الله معك , الله , الله معك

أنا قلبي يا حبيبي مل ع البعد انكسر
وغيابك إذا هو الحل طول بالسفر

أنا قلبي يا حبيبي مل ع البعد انكسر
وغيابك إذا هو الحل طول بالسفر

روح و طول بغيابك لون بالغربة بابك
إنساني يا حبيبي .... قلبي مش معك

الله معك الله , الله معك

إذا رايح الله معك , ما تفكر رح أمنعك
إذا رايح الله معك , ما تفكر رح أمنعك
إذا رايح الله معك , ما تفكر رح أمنعك

انت إذا قررت تفل ما راح أترجاك تضل
انت إذا قررت تفل ما راح أترجاك تضل

ولا بدي أبقى معك الله معك , الله , الله معك

Lyrics transcription from

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Julia Boutros - Quite Franklyجوليا بطرس - بصراحةBisaraha

Julia Boutros - Quite Frankly

Quite frankly my darling I've forgotten you
No longer does anything bring us together
In the past maybe I loved you
But now there's nothing

You're never thinking the same thing as me
And your nature is never the same as mine
You'll never be like me
There's nothing like me about you

Quite frankly I thought a lot
And you tortured my thoughs
What does reasonable mean?
This has become my decision

I've burned because of you
Your presence is more cruel than your absence
Your heart and your gates sweetened
I don't feel anything

I'm going to paint a new picture of my life over the past
My door sweetened and much became far from me
I've erased the page from my book

Tomorrow you will regret your condition
And the illusion will become apparent to you
You're still living in your imagination
You don't think about anything

جوليا بطرس - بصراحة

بصراحة ياحبيبي إنسيتك ماعد يجمعنا شي بالماضي يمكن حبيتك لكن هلا ولاشي

فكرك مش على فكري أبدا ولاطبعك على طبعي أبدا إنت مابتشبهني أبدا مابثشبهني بشي

بصراحة ياحبيبي إنسيتك ماعد يجمعنا شي بالماضي يمكن حبيتك لكن هلا ولاشي

بصراحة فكرت كتير وعذبتي أفكاري شو يعني معقول يصير هيدا هوقراري

عمري حرقت ع حسابك حضورك أقسى من غيابك سكر ألبك وبوابك مش حاسس بشي

بصراحة ياحبيبي إنسيتك ماعد يجمعنا شي بالماضي يمكن حبيتك لكن هلا ولاشي

راح أرسم عمري من جديد ع الماضي سكر بابي عني صرت كتير بعيد صفحة محيتها من كتابي

بكرة بتندم على حالك وبيبق الوهم قبالك ظلك عايش بخيالك متفكر بشي

بصراحة ياحبيبي إنسيتك ماعد يجمعنا شي بالماضي يمكن حبيتك لكن هلا ولاشي

فكرك مش على فكري أبدا ولاطبعك على طبعي أبدا إنت مابتشبهني أبدا مابثشبهني بشي

Lyrics transcription from

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Julia Boutrosجوليا بطرس

Julia Boutros, alternate spellings: Julia Botros, Julia Butros
جوليا بطرس

Julia Boutros was born in Beirut Lebanon on the 1st of April 1968. Her Zodiac is Aires. She studied at the Rosary Sisters Schools. She is Christian.

Julia used to sing in her school choir where she has shown an excellent talent. Around the age of 12 sang her first original song, entitled " A Maman ", the song was recorded at Elias El Rahbani studios; It was her music teacher Fouad Fadel who introduced her to El Rahbani. Later that year, Julia recorded two more songs in french " c''est la vie" and " vien dans ma vie ".

Julia''s Family always encouraged her to work and progress in her art and talent. Julia comes from a mother with a nice voice, her brother Ziad Boutros is a famous composer and a talented musician. Ziad has accompanied his sister in all her music works. Julia and Ziad Boutros were influenced by Ziad El Rahabani.

At the age of 17, Julia sang the most influential song during that time, "Ghabet Shams El Hak". With this song Julia rose to stardom in the 1980s with a series of National-themed songs which later made her second Album out to the world.

During the year 1996 Julia got married Elias Abu Saeb; vice president at the American University of Dubai. In 1997, she had her Samer, her first born baby. Julia Boutros has many hobbies including swimming, tennis, and listening to Blues; When it comes to fashion Julia she is very elegant woman with love to French Fashion.

Julia Boutros never carried any political affiliations during the Lebanese war, which was one of the main reasons behind her popularity in the Arab world. She was icon for Nationalism, mixed with her modern style.

Julia Boutros has glamour in her style of music with seriousness and social responsibility in what she sings. Most of her songs concentrate on universal themes of patriotism, responsibility and love. Her sincerity and true feelings while she sings drove her audience to respect her and cherish her style. All of Julia''s concerts are unique; her art is devoted to national and humanitarian issues. Julia has fans of all ages but has found particular fans of 20 to 35 year old people whose primary concern is nationalism and serious issues in life.

Julia Boutros lives mostly in Dubai with her Husband.

Biography from Sitemap Generator