Showing posts with label Ragheb Alama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ragheb Alama. Show all posts

Thursday, January 26, 2012

History of Music in Lebanon Podcas

From Ottoman History Podcast

Lebanon is a country of just a few million, but its musical output has historically rivaled its much larger neighbors in the Arab world. This episode of the Ottoman History Podcast provides an overview of the the history of music in modern Lebanon as well as an overview of the history of modern Lebanon through music. We discuss topics such as nationalism, war, migration, and gender, all while listening to some of the most memorable and beloved songs and artists that the country has produced.

Artists include:

Nasri Shamseddine, Wadih El Safi, Sabah, Fairuz, Mansour and Assi Rahbani, Zaki Nassif, Melhem Barakat, Samira Tawfik, Farid al-Atrache, Sami Clark, The Bandaly Family
Marcel Khalife, Ahmad Kaabour, Ziad Rahbani, Joseph Saqr, Julia Boutros, Makhoul Kassouf, Sami Hawat, Azar Habib, Majida El Roumi
Najwa Karam, Ragheb Alama, Nawal El Zoghbi, Wael Kfoury, Nancy Ajram, Elissa
Soapkills, Mashrou' Leila, Charbel Rouhana, Ziad Sakhab

Select Bibliography:

Stone, Christopher Reed. Popular Culture and Nationalism in Lebanon: The Fairouz and Rahbani Nation. London: Routledge, 2008.
ʻAssāf, Aḥmad. Fayrūz wa-dawlat al-Raḥābinah. Dimashq: Dār al-Rāʼī lil-Dirāsāt wa-al-Tarjamah wa-al-Nashr, 2008.
Reynolds, Dwight Fletcher. Arab Folklore: A Handbook. Westport, Conn: Greenwood Press, 2007.
O'Ballance, Edgar. Civil War in Lebanon, 1975-92. New York, N.Y.: St. Martin's Press, 1998.
Khater, Akram Fouad. Inventing Home Emigration, Gender, and the Middle Class in Lebanon, 1870-1920. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2001.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Ragheb Alama - If Only I Could Hold Herراغب علامة - ياريت فيي خبيهاYa Reet Riya Khabiha

Ragheb Alama - If Only I Could Hold Her

If only I could hold her (or hide or keep) and not let anyone talk to her
I'd water her with my tears and present her my heart in my hands
And I'd take years off my lifetime and give them to her

If only she knew how much I love her and how much I'm suffering in my love for her
My heart, go bring me her heart
I'm gonna melt just thinking about her
I'd take years off my lifetime and give them to her

If only she knew how I pray for her to appear before me just once
This problem needs a solution (or lit. this knot needs to be untied, 3aqde is a problem, psychological complex or knot)
I've gotta go talk about it

راغب علامه - يا ريت فيي خبيها

ياريت فيي خبيها وما خلي حدى يحاكيها
بسقيها دموع عيني وقدم لها قلبي بايديه
وباخد من عمري وبعطيها بعطيها بعطيها

ياريت بتعرف شو بحبها وشو عم اتعدب بحبها
ياقلبي روح جبلي قلبها راح دوب وانا فكر فيها
وباخد من عمري وبعطيها بعطيها بعطيها

ياريت بتعرف شو بصلي لطل قبالي شي طلي
ها العقدة صار بدها حلة وصار لازم روح احكي فيها
وباخد من عمري وبعطيها بعطيها بعطيها

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Ragheb Alama - When I'm With Youراغب علامة - وأنا وياكWana Wayak

Ragheb Alama - When I'm With You

When I'm with you, my darling, it's like I'm in heaven
I found more than I could have wished for in you
I'm in another world when I'm with you
I love you and I couldn't live out my days without you
I'd never forget you

My darling, I have nothing in this world but you
I want the years of life to pass with you
I love you so much that nothing I could say to you could describe
My darling, you made this world worth living
And you've given me more than I ever dreamed of
It's like the life I lived before you never happened

Since I've been with you, I've found all my dreams came true (literally: in my hands)
You've cared for me more than anyone else in this world
Life is worth nothing in my eyes without you
Believe me, you're closer to me than anyone
I'll say it as loud as I can
I love you

راغب علامة - وأنا وياك

و أنا وياك حبيبي كأني في الجنة
لقيت يا حبيبي فيك أكثر ما بتمنى
بعيش دنيا غير الدنيا و أنا وياك
متطمن انا بهواك و مش ممكن أعيش أيامي من غيرك ولا انساك

حبيبي ماليش من كل الدنيا إلا انت
و نفسي تفوت سنين عمري معاك انت
بحبك مهما اقولهالك ده ما يكفيش
حبيبي انت اللي بيك الدنيا صالحتني
و اكتر من اللي بحلم بيك انا اديتني
انا عمري اللي كان قبلك كأنو ماكان

و أنا وياك لقيت أحلامي في ايديا
يا اكتر قلب خاف في الدنيا دي عليه
ما تسواش حاجة في عينيا الحياة بعديك
صدقني يا أقرب لي انا مني
بقولها بأعلى صوت ليا انا بهواك

Lyrics transcription from here

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Ragheb Alama - Make Me Forget the World راغب علامة - نسيني الدنياNessini El Donya

Updated media and lyrics

Ragheb Alama - Make Me Forget the World

Make me forget the world
Make me forget the world
Melt me darling
And make me tell you the most beautiful things
If there were thousand worlds
If there were thousand worlds
It wouldn't be possible for me to find a love like this

If I tell you I love you
The word love would be nothing compared to how I feel for you
If I'm away from you for a second
I return to, longing for your eyes
Hold me, stay here with me
Cmon let's live the most beautiful days

It was the most beautiful day in my life
The day I met you, my life
I can't go on without you
Without even thinking
I was melting in your love
You took me from everyone
I felt the most beautiful feelings
And I forgot the world with you darling

I carry you inside me
And this world as my witness
I'm by your side and I love you
I could never forget you darling
I hope the years go on
And I stay loving you all the way
Oh how I've dreamed to be with you

راغب علامة - نسيني الدنيا

نسيني الدنيا
نسيني العالم
دوبني حبيبي
وسبني اقولك احلي كلام
لو الف الدنيا
لو الف العالم
مش ممكن زي غرامك انت الاقي غرام

لو اقولك اني بحبك
الحب شوية عليك
لو ثانية انا ببعد عنك
برجع مشتاق لعنيك
ضمني خليك وياية
دوبني ودوب في هواية
تعال نعيش اجمل ايام

كان اجمل يوم في حياتي
يوم ماقابلتك ياحياتي
ماقدرتش اتحمل من غيرك
ماافكر لحظة
لقيتني بدوب في هواك
خدتني من كل الناس
عشت في اجمل احساس
ونسيت ياحبيبي الدنيا معاك
آه ه ه ه

انا شايلك جوه عنيّه
والدنيا دي شاهده عليّه
انا جنبك وبحبك
مش ممكن اقدر انا يا حبيبي انساك
بتمني العمر يطول
وافضل احبك علي طول
ده انا ياما حلمت اكون وياك
آه ه ه ه

Ragheb Alama - Don't Tell Me Laterراغب علامة - ما تقوليش بعدينMatouleesh Baadein

Updated media and translation

From the album Tab Leh (طب ليه)

Ragheb Alama - Don't Tell Me Later

I love you
Don't tell me later
Later doesn't matter to me
I want you to forget
And for me to forget the universe
So long as our two hearts are united
I love you
Don't tell me later

The letters of your name spell me
I'm a word in your songs
I love you and who can say I'm lying?
So long as my heart recognizes you

Days pass we don't know how many
As if our lifetime was just two hours

And besides you who understands me
From the look in your eyes
And besides you who accepts me
And can put up with my madness

راغب علامة - ما تقوليش بعدين

متقوليش بعدين
انا ميهمنيش بعدين
بحبك تنسى
الكون مادام اتوحدوا القلبين
بحبك متقوليش بعدين

حروف اسمك بتكتبنى
اكون كلمة فى اغانيكى
بحبك ومين يكدبنى
مادام قلبى اعترف بيكى

تفوت ايام ما نعرف كام
كأن العمر كان ساعتين

ومين غيرك بيفهمنى
من النظرة اللى فعيونى
ومين غيرك بيقبلنى
ويتحملنى بجنونى

Monday, June 15, 2009

Ragheb Alama - My Great Loveراغب علامة - الحب الكبيرEl Hob El Kibeer

Updated media and translation

Ragheb Alama is a Lebanese singer. This is one of the most famous songs he's put out since his renaissance.

Ragheb Alama - My Great Love

You are my great love
The first and last
No one but you my darling
My heart is captive to your love

I adore the light of your eyes
Adoring its passion and magic
My soul is in your hands
And my life is your property

I love you so much

So often I've been sleepless at night
With you on my mind and imagination
As I hope for a glance from you
And wait for a word from you
Your love, my darling, taught me the beautiful meaning of patience

Ask my heart and my eyes
They will tell you about me
I can't live apart from you
And I don't have anything in the world apart from you
It's impossible darling
For my heart to soften towards anyone but you

راغب علامة - الحب الكبير

انت الحب الكبير
الاول و الاخير
و لا غيرك يا حبيبي
قلبي لهواه أسير

انا عاشق نور عينيك
عاشق غرامها و سحرها
انا روحي ما بين ايديك
و حياتي انت ملكتها

بحبك كتيييير

ياما سهرت الليالي
و انت فبالي و خيالي

و بتمني نظره منك
بستنى كلمة منك
علمني هواك يا غالي
معنى الصبر الجميل

انا عاشق نور عينيك
عاشق غرامها و سحرها
انا روحي ما بين ايديك
و حياتي انت ملكتها

اسأل قلبي و عيني
يقولولك علي بيا

مقدرش اعيش في بعدك
و ما ليش في الدنيا بعدك
مش ممكن يا حبيبي قلبي لغيرك يلين

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Ragheb Alama - Next to you I'm on Fireراغب علامة - قربك نارUrbak Nar

Updated translation

So to explain, the crux of the song is the dichotomy of "urbak nar wa bu3dak nar (قربك نار وبعدك نار)" which is the idea that whether I'm close to you or far from you I'm on fire, when I'm close to you it's fire because of the passion, and far from you it's fire (which is the same word for "hell" in Arabic by the way) because it's torture.

Ragheb Alama is a Lebanese singer who has been around for a long time. He was popular in the early 90s, then he changed and shaved off his mustache around the turn of the millenium, which has given his career a major second wind. Also, a fan attempted to shoot him but he survived.

Ragheb Alama - Next to I'm on Fire

When I think of you
Your image leaves me sleepless
But I never cross your mind
I'm waiting for the day that you...


Next to you I'm on fire
Far from you I'm on fire (or, it's hell)
Inside of me a fire is raging
And it's not up to me to choose (whether to be near or far)
Next to you I'm on fire
Far from you I'm on fire
I need a remedy for my condition

When I think of you
Your image leaves me sleepless
But I never cross your mind
And I'm waiting for the day to come
That you say "I love you and I'm waiting for you"
And I'll wait for you to say that to me

My heart is feeling all sorts of things
And having strange feelings for you
You are beside me inside my heart, near or far
I'll never leave you
Your flames are growing
The fire of your love is consuming me

راغب علامة - قربك نار

بتيجى فى بالى وخيالك يطير من عينيا النوم
ولا بخطر على بالك وهستنى يجيلك يوم

انت قربك نار
انت بعدك نار
جوة منى نار بتغلى ومش بايدى اختار
يا دوا حالى

بتيجى فى بالى وخيالك يطير من عينية النوم
ولا بخطر على بالك وهستنى يجيلك يوم
تقول بهواك وبستناك وهستناك تقولهالى

قلبى شاعر بالمشاعر حس بيك احساس غريب
وانت جنبى جوة قلبى حتى وانت بعيد قريب
مش هسيبك زيد لهيبك نار هواك بتحلالى

دبت لكن انت ساكن جوة روحى من سنين
انت شايف انت عارف انت بالنسبالى مين
مش هسيبك زيد لهيبك نار هواك بتحلالى

بتيجى فى بالى وخيالك يطير من عينية النوم
ولا بخطر على بالك وهستنى يجيلك يوم
تقول بهواك و بستناك وهستناك تقولهالى

Monday, January 7, 2008

Ragheb Alama - Let's Go Guysراغب علامة - يالله يا شبابYalla Ya Shabab

In case anyone is curious, the other singer in this song is an Iranian called Andy. I don't know Persian so I can't translate what he's saying

Ragheb Alama - Let's Go Guys

Let's go let's go let's go guys
Let's go let's sing guys
My darling, my darling

I'm coming, coming on the wings of sparrows
I'm flying, flying, to your eyes I want to fly
And write the sweetest songs for you
And hide you in my eyes so you can sleep
And hold you in my arms and fly

Your eyes are a song I sing day and night
Your glances are enchanting they drive me wild
I named you the most beautiful names
And you completed the letters of the meanings
And I love you a lot, my life

راغب علامة - يالله يا شباب

يالله يالله يالله يالله يا شباب يالله يالله لنغني يا شبـــاب
حبيبــــــــــي ... حبيبــــــــــــي
جايه انا جايه ع جناح العصافير
طاير انا طاير لعيونك بدي طيــر
واكتبلك أحــــلى الأغــــــــــــاني
وخبيــــــــــكي بعيـوني تتنـــامي
وضمــــــــــك بين إيـــدي وطيــر

عيونــــــك غنية بغنيها ليل نهار
ونظراتك سحرية بتخليني محتار
سميتك أحـــــــلى الأســــــــــامي
وكملتـــــــــي حروف المعـــــاني
وبحبـــــــــك يا حيـــــــاتي كتيــر

Lyrics transcription from here

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Ragheb Alama - Go Crazyراغب علامة - جنيGenySois folle

Ragheb Alama - Go Crazy

My heart is used to your madness with love
Passion became madness bringing us together
So now if one day I see you in a composed state
I would search for your madness to find the cure

Go crazy, go crazy my dear
Oh how I love you and your madness

Go crazy and don't get ahold of yourself for a moment
So that the blood in my veins begins to boil
I want you to be this way
Madly in love with me madly

I know that you're jealous about me
And in your heart there is love and longing
If not for you I would be mistaken
But I make no mistakes about you my dear

If you were gone from before me for a moment
My mind could not be calm in your absence
Staying up no sleeping at night
Madly in love with you my dear

راغب علامة - جني

انا قلبي تعود على جنونك بالهوى
صار الغرام جنون يجمعنا سوا
وصرت لو مشي يوم وشفتك رايقة
افتش عجنونك تلاقي الدوا

جني جني يا عيوني
شو بحبك انت ومجنونة
جني جني يا عيوني
شو بحبك انت ومجنونة

جني ولا لحظة تروقي
ليغلي الدم اللي بعروقي
انا بدي انا هيك تكوني
مجنونة بحبي مجنونة

جني ولا لحظة تروقي
ليغلي الدم اللي بعروقي
انا بدي انا هيك تكوني
مجنونة بحبي مجنونة

جني جني يا عيوني
شو بحبك انت ومجنونة

جني ولا لحظة تروقي
ليغلي الدم اللي بعروقي
انا بدي انا هيك تكوني
مجنونة بحبي مجنونة

انا بعرف بتغاري عليا
وفقلبك حب وحنية
لولا انت غلطتي فيا
ما بغلط فيك يا عيوني

نا بعرف بتغاري عليا
وفقلبك حب وحنية
لولا انت غلطتي فيا
ما بغلط فيك يا عيوني

جني ولا لحظة تروقي
ليغلي الدم اللي بعروقي
انا بدي انا هيك تكوني
مجنونة بحبي مجنونة

لو غبت لحظة من قبالي
فغيابك ما بيهدا بالي
بسهر ما بنام الليالي
مجنون بحبك يا عيوني

لو غبت لحظة من قبالي
فغيابك ما بيهدا بالي
بسهر ما بنام الليالي
مجنون بحبك يا عيوني

جني ولا لحظة تروقي
ليغلي الدم اللي بعروقي
انا بدي انا هيك تكوني
مجنونة بحبي مجنونة

جني جني يا عيوني
شو بحبك انت ومجنونة
جني جني يا عيوني
شو بحبك انت ومجنونة

جني ولا لحظة تروقي
ليغلي الدم اللي بعروقي
انا بدي انا هيك تكوني
مجنونة بحبي يا عيوني

Lyrics transcription from

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Ragheb Alama - My Darling Can You Hear Me?راغب علامة - حبيبي سامعنيHabibi SameaniMon Amour M'entends-tu?

Ragheb Alama - My Darling Can You Hear Me?

My darling can you hear me?
My heart is calling you
My darling how can you live through the nights in my absence
Days pass and I don't forget your love
Come close to me my darling
I want to be with you again

My darling it's hard to forget when you are far
I find you forgetting me in the nights
And my desire increases
Days pass and I don't forget your love
Come close to me my darling
I want to be with you again

I feel your love
As if I was with you
When I am not with you
And hours
I say "I forget you"
When I don't really forget you
Nor do I meet you

راغب علامة - حبيبي سامعني

حبيبي سامعني
قلبي بينده ليك
حبيبي ازاي في بعدي تعيش لياليك
ايام بتعدي و انا مش بنسى هواك
قرب يا حبيبي نفسي في يوم الاقيك

حبيبي سامعني
قلبي بينده ليك
حبيبي ازاي في بعدي تعيش لياليك
ايام بتعدي و انا مش بنسى هواك
قرب يا حبيبي نفسي في يوم الاقيك

كتير يا حبيبي بنسى ان انت بعيد
الاقيك ناسيني ليالي
و شوقي يزيد
ايام بتعدي و انا مش بنسى هواك
قرب يا حبيبي نفسي في يوم الاقيك

كتير يا حبيبي بنسى ان انت بعيد
الاقيك ناسيني ليالي
و شوقي يزيد
ايام بتعدي و انا مش بنسى هواك
قرب يا حبيبي نفسي في يوم الاقيك

بحس هواك
كأني معاك
و مش بلقاك
و ساعات
بقول انساك
و مش بنساك
و لا بلاقيك

بحس هواك
كأني معاك
و مش بلقاك
و ساعات
بقول انساك
و مش بنساك
و لا بلاقيك

كتير يا حبيبي بنسى ان انت بعيد
الاقيك ناسيني ليالي
و شوقي يزيد
ايام بتعدي و انا مش بنسى هواك
قرب يا حبيبي نفسي في يوم الاقيك

كتير يا حبيبي بنسى ان انت بعيد
الاقيك ناسيني ليالي
و شوقي يزيد
ايام بتعدي و انا مش بنسى هواك
قرب يا حبيبي نفسي في يوم الاقيك

حبيبي سامعني
قلبي بينده ليك
حبيبي ازاي في بعدي تعيش لياليك
ايام بتعدي و انا مش بنسى هواك
قرب يا حبيبي نفسي في يوم الاقيك

حبيبي سامعني
قلبي بينده ليك
حبيبي ازاي في بعدي تعيش لياليك
ايام بتعدي و انا مش بنسى هواك
قرب يا حبيبي نفسي في يوم الاقيك

Lyrics transcription from

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Ragheb Alama - Then Why?راغب علامة - طب ليه؟Tab Leh?

Ragheb Alama - Then Why?

Then why do you preoccupy my heart and mind and thoughts like this
Then why do you move away and be stubborn and go back on your promise to me, my soul is with you

I remember you and you forget me
And sleep leaves my eyes while you are at ease my darling
And I suffer in your love

Oh beloved of my heart come on
Oh you who is leaving my heart by itself
If my heart forgot you I still couldn't forget you
You love is running through my veins
I need you my darling
I'm hurt, come closer my doctor
Your love is my cure and my hope is to be with you
I long for you to come back and call me

I'm calling you, hear me
Who could keep me from your love
Oh most precious beloved
Close to my heart
Listen to desire and listen to me
It's not my fault that I love you
And that I've hid you from everyone in my eyes
Enough of the separation come back to me

راغب علامة - طب ليه؟

طب لية كدة تشغل قلبى وتشغل عقلى وبالى معاك
طب لية كدة تبعد تعند تخلف وعدى يا روحى معاك
طب لية كدة تشغل قلبى وتشغل عقلى وبالى معاك
طب لية كدة تبعد تعند تخلف وعدى يا روحى معاك
بفتكرك وانت ناسينى
ويروح النوم من عينى
وانت ترتاح يا حبيبى
واتعذب انا فى هواك
بفتكرك وانت ناسينى
ويروح النوم من عينى
وانت ترتاح يا حبيبى
واتعذب انا فى هواك
طب لية تشغل قلبى وتشغل عقلى وبالى معاك
طب لية كدة تبعد تعند تخلف وعدى يا روحى معاك

يا حبيب القلب تعالى
يا سايب قلبى فى حالة
ان قلت انساك مقدرش انساك
دة بيجرى فى دمى هواك
محتاجلك انا يا حبيبى
مجروح قرب يا طبيبى
دة دوايا هواك ومنايا لقاك
مشتاق ترجع تنادينى
فتكرك وانت ناسينى
ويروح النوم من عينى
وانت ترتاح يا حبيبى
واتعذب انا فى هواك
بفتكرك وانت ناسينى
ويروح النوم من عينى
وانت ترتاح يا حبيبى
واتعذب انا فى هواك
طب لية كدة تشغل قلبى وتشغل عقلى وبالى معاك
طب لية كدة تبعد تعند تخلف وعدى يا روحى معاك
بنادى عليك اسمعنى
عن حبك مين يمنعنى
يا اغلى حبيب
من قلبى قريب
اسمع للشوق واسمعلى
مش ذنبى ان انا حبيتك
وجوة عينية داريتك
عن كل الناس يا كل الناس
ما كفاية بعاد وارجعلى
طب لية كدة تشغل قلبى وتشغل عقلى وبالى معاك
طب لية كدة تبعد تعند تخلف وعدى يا روحى معاك
طب لية طب لية طب لية طب لية

Lyrics transcription from

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Ragheb Alama - Tell Me You Miss Meراغب علامة - قلي اشتقتلكOulli Ishtatlak

Ragheb Alama - Tell Me You Miss Me

My darling tell me you miss me
And are still thinking of me
Don't leave me or make your heart affectionless
I swear to God I love you more than my heart and eyes my precious

Oh how often I've stayed up all night
My confused heart keeping me awake
And preoccupying my thoughts
You expose me to the jealousy of your absence
Leaving me by myself
Living in fire that is precious to my heart
You're my precious no matter what

Oh how I love you even though you forget my darling
For shame, you are my love, family, and my people
The dream of dreams
Your love melts my feelings
Make me live in passion
Make your heart care for me oh cruel one
And return to me at once

راغب علامة - قلي اشتقتلك

يا حبيبي قلي اشتقتلك بعدك عم بتفكر فيي
لا تبعد عني ولا تخلي قلبك من دون حنية
انا والله بحبك يا غالي اكثر من قلبي وعينيي

انا ياما سهرت الليالي قلبي محتار مسهرني
وشاغلي بالي تعرفني بغار بعدك
تاركني لحالي عايش على نار غالي على قلبي يا غالي لو مهما

شو بحبك مع انك ناسي يا حبيبي
حرام انت حبي واهلي وناسي
حلم الاحلام حبك دوبلي احساسي عيشني غرام حننلي قلبك يا قاسي وارجعلي اوام

Ragheb Alama - I've Missed Youراغب علامة - اشتقتلك اناEshtatlak Ana

Ragheb Alama - I've Missed You

If you don't see with your eyes
What you're doing to me
I'm going to give you my eyes
See and experience the world through my eyes
See the love that is killing me

You know what is in me
From what I say, my glances and the touch of my hands

Get closer to me
Flood me with affection
Until my heart is in contact with your heart
Until my soul is in contact with your soul
My darling

I miss you
Whenever I look up I see you before me
Closer to myself than myself
My heart and my passion
Don't leave my eyes for a moment
Even in my dreams
With the minutes
With the seconds
You accompany my days

راغب علامة - اشتقتلك انا

لو بعيونك مش شايف
شو عامل في

رح اعطيك عيوني
و جرب شوف بعيني
شوف الحب الي قاتلني

بتعرف شو في
من حكاياتي من نظراتي و لمسة ايدي

قرب اكتر قرب مني
غمرني بحنان
حتى قلبي يلامس قلبك
حتى روحي تلامس روحك

اشتقتلك انا

كل ما بطلع عمرايه
بشوفك قدامي
اقرب من حالي عحالي
و قلبي و غرامي
ما بتفارق
لحظه عيوني
حتى بأحلامي
و بالثواني
مرافق ايامي

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Ragheb Alama - It Goes Without Sayingراغب علامة - مش بالكلامMish Bil Kelam

Ragheb Alama - It Goes Without Saying

It goes without saying
You own my eyes
And my heart
And you make me love you
If so much is said on the words
There was too many words before your love

Because I live my days for you
It makes me see my dreams in you
And I always feel you beside me
If you're beside me or not in front of me

It goes without saying

May you be close
May you be affectionate
May I always feel for you
The most beautiful passion
Goes without saying
These things appear only in your eyes

You are my passion
You are in my words
And I would do so much for you my darling
Feel for me
Worry for me
Remain in my eyes
The greatest love

راغب علامة - مش بالكلام

مش بالكلام تملك عينيا
و قلبي و تخليني احبك
لو عالكلام اتقلي ياما
كتير كلام من قبل حبك

علشان اعيشلك ايامي
خليني اشوف فيك احلامي
و احس بيك دايما جمبي
لو جمبي او مش قدامي

مش بالكلام

خليك قريب
خليك حنين
خليني دايما احس بيك
احلى الغرام
مش بالكلام
دي حاجات تبان بس بعينيك

انت غرامي
انت فكلامي
و عشان حبيبي اعمل كتير
حس الي بيا
و خاف عليا
تبقى في عنيا
حب الكبير

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Ragheb Alama - Not Importantراغب علامة - مش مهمMish Muhim

Ragheb Alama - Not Important

It's not important after goodbye
There's nothing important left for me
It's not important after goodbye
There's nothing important left for me

You were everything in my life
The dream, the light, the way

You said good by
The dream was lost
And all the meaning in my heart was lost
Even the pain is not important
Not important, not important

My heart that your love began
Returns to believing in time
You took this dream from it
From the first time your heart sold out and betrayed

Everything beautiful inside it died
And the dawn in its eyes appeared to be night
And joy became sadness and hell
And fear took the place of faith

راغب علامة - مش مهم

مش مهم بعد الوداع
ما عدش فاضل شيء مهم
مش مهم ما الحلم ضاع
ما كانش عندي غيره حلم

كنتِ في حياتي كل شيء
الحلم والنور والطريق

قلتِ الوداع
الحلم ضاع
وكل معنى في قلبي ضاع
حتى الألم بقى مش مهم
مش مهم.. مش مهم

قلبي اللي حبك وابتدى
يرجع يآمن للزمان
ضيعتي منه الحلم ده
أول ما قلبك باع وخان

مات كل شيء جواه جميل
والفجر بان في عيونه ليل
والفرح بات أحزان وويل
والخوف بقى زي الأمان

Monday, February 26, 2007

Lebanese Music

Lebanon may be considered the center of pop music for the Arab world. While the population is only 4 million, scores of Lebanese pop artists are popular throughout the Arabic speaking world and beyond.

The most notable Lebanese artists is of course Fairuz, who became popular during the 1960s and continues to perform to this day. The Rahbani brothers typically produced music for their sister Fairuz, in a classical Arabic style and sometimes in what might be considered a more Westernized style. Fairuz starred in many musicals about Lebanon and Palestine that dealt with the hardship of these peoples during the 1960s and 1970s. Nostalgia for a homeland is certainly a theme that arises in much of her music. Today, Fairuz is not just one of the most famous Arab singers ever, but also a cultural icon that is tied to a modern Arab and Lebanese national identity.

Other classic Lebanese artists include Sabah, Warda and Farid al-Atrache.

A number of women have attained superstardom in the more recent Lebanese pop music movement. Elissa is multimillion-dollar earning singer who has been recording for over 10 years. Nawal al-Zoghbi is another artist who has been singing for about the same amount of time. These artists were at the forefront of the Westernization of Lebanese pop musical styles, and comparing an early Nawal al-Zoghbi CD to a more recent one will illustrate this change. One artist, Najwa Karam, has been particularly stubborn about making her music and pronunciation "less Lebanese" to conform to expectations of the modern global audience.

Ragheb Alama is among the most famous male acts. He was very popular in the early 1990s and is notable for having made a huge comeback in the year 2000 with his album 'Tab Leh?.'

Modern Lebanese pop has flooded the Arabic music market with artists. The most famous currently is Nancy Ajram, who has become a prominent and controversial figure in the world of Arab pop because of her tendency to push the boundaries of sexuality. Haifa Wehbe, a former model, is another rising star in Lebanese pop and has successfully starred in some films such as "Wawa." Modern female Lebanese stars, especially those like Haifa Wehbe and Dana, are pushing the boundaries of the risque in the Arabic pop music scene and Lebanon. Many of these artists have been banned from performing in more socially conservative Arab states including Egypt because of what has been considered an overly sexual image. Although their lyrics and wardrobes may seem mild compared with the blunt sexuality of modern Western pop music, one must bear in mind that the transformation has been much more rapid and less inline with mainstream values in the Arab world.

Yuri Murqadi is another popular musician who often sings in Standard Arabic, similar to Kazem el-Saher. Here is a list of some of the most prominent Lebanese pop artists:

Nancy Ajram
Haifa Wehbe
Nawal al-Zoghbi
Ragheb Alama
Wael Kfoury
Yuri Murqadi
Joanna Malah
Carol Samaha
Najwa Karam Sitemap Generator