Showing posts with label Azar Habib. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Azar Habib. Show all posts

Thursday, January 26, 2012

History of Music in Lebanon Podcas

From Ottoman History Podcast

Lebanon is a country of just a few million, but its musical output has historically rivaled its much larger neighbors in the Arab world. This episode of the Ottoman History Podcast provides an overview of the the history of music in modern Lebanon as well as an overview of the history of modern Lebanon through music. We discuss topics such as nationalism, war, migration, and gender, all while listening to some of the most memorable and beloved songs and artists that the country has produced.

Artists include:

Nasri Shamseddine, Wadih El Safi, Sabah, Fairuz, Mansour and Assi Rahbani, Zaki Nassif, Melhem Barakat, Samira Tawfik, Farid al-Atrache, Sami Clark, The Bandaly Family
Marcel Khalife, Ahmad Kaabour, Ziad Rahbani, Joseph Saqr, Julia Boutros, Makhoul Kassouf, Sami Hawat, Azar Habib, Majida El Roumi
Najwa Karam, Ragheb Alama, Nawal El Zoghbi, Wael Kfoury, Nancy Ajram, Elissa
Soapkills, Mashrou' Leila, Charbel Rouhana, Ziad Sakhab

Select Bibliography:

Stone, Christopher Reed. Popular Culture and Nationalism in Lebanon: The Fairouz and Rahbani Nation. London: Routledge, 2008.
ʻAssāf, Aḥmad. Fayrūz wa-dawlat al-Raḥābinah. Dimashq: Dār al-Rāʼī lil-Dirāsāt wa-al-Tarjamah wa-al-Nashr, 2008.
Reynolds, Dwight Fletcher. Arab Folklore: A Handbook. Westport, Conn: Greenwood Press, 2007.
O'Ballance, Edgar. Civil War in Lebanon, 1975-92. New York, N.Y.: St. Martin's Press, 1998.
Khater, Akram Fouad. Inventing Home Emigration, Gender, and the Middle Class in Lebanon, 1870-1920. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2001.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Best of Azar Habib Podcast

Azar Habib Podcast
عازار حبيب

Click play to hear the podcast

For translations of Azar Habib on the site click here

The most-repeated of the Azar Habib (عازار حبيب) truisms is that he was the first Arab musician to blend a "light western style" with "eastern rhythm." To me, this is a pretty banal way to describe Habib's music which combines some of the most innovative and catchy beats to ever come from a synth. Testament to the Lebanese singer's popularity is how his songs are in constant rotation on Damascus and Beirut radio stations, but there were missteps along the way.

Much like one wonders what Elvis was thinking in his Vegas days, one wonders what Habib was thinking recording songs that harken a carnival or, even odder, some type of vampire shakedown. Yet much to his credit, even when his songs teeter on kitsch, redeemable loops abound and he's never uninteresting.

This podcast is a sample of my favorite Azar Habib songs, between tracks that I instantly loved -- and tracks that on first-listen sounded campy, but then developed into undeniable classics.

Track List

1. The Pearl Drop on Your Cheek (translation available)
على خدك حبة لولو
2. Cheeky Cheeky Baba (translation available)
شيكي شيكي بابا عيني عيني يأبا

This song is actually performed by the Lebanese one-hit wonder Adonis Aqel

3. Going round to the "Dayer-dayer" (translation available)
عالداير داير مندار
4. It's Hard For Me to Sleep (translation available)
عازز عليّ النوم
5. When My Beloved Left Me (lyrics available)
انا والحبيب لما هجرني
6. Not Important (translation available)
مش مهم
7. I Love You
8. Pharmacist (translation available)
9. Tell Me (translation available)
10. I Love Her Eyes (translation available)
بحب عيونها
11. Everything That's Happening (translation available)
كل اللي صاير
12. I'm Gathering My Affection (translation available)
عم لملم حناني
13. Since You're Going to Our Village (translation available)
يا رايح عضيعتنا

Azar Habib - I'm Gathering My Affectionعازار حبيب - عم لملم حنانيAm Lamlem Hanani

Azar Habib - I'm Gathering My Affection

I'm gathering my affection and writing you songs with the most beautiful of meanings, my life
And my eyes are dreaming of two letters from this alphabet, my life (those two letters probably spell "love")

On the dew drops
On my voice
On its echo
I won't tell anyone
I'm drawing your eyes (on all those things)

From the sun of the morning
From the darkness of the night
I'm making you a bouquet to adorn your eyes (because those things could be used as makeup, that's the idea anyway)

عازار حبيب - عم لملم حناني

عم لملم حناني واكتب لك اغاني بأحلى المعاني يا حياتي
وعم تحلم عينيي بحرفين هدية من هالابجدية يا حياتي

ع حبات الندى ع صوتي عـالصدى
ما رح احكي لحدا عم برسم عينيكي

من شمس الصبحية من عتم العشية
زارع مزهرية تتكحل عينيكي

Azar Habib - Everything That's Happeningعازار حبيب - كل اللي صايرKol Elly Sayer

Azar Habib - Everything That's Happening

Everything that's happening
Happening in my heart
Is cuz of you
You who lives in my heart

And if my heart didn't love your eyes
It wouldn't be carrying any love at all

Everything that is happening in my heart
Is from you who lives in my heart

How could I not stay up singing while the light of your eyes is missing
Oh you who keeps me up
Come back to me and my heart will be strong again

Your name is sacred, your light is precious
While your image in this light is before me
I make myself happy and forget my situation
Whenever my heart is hurting me

عازار حبيب - كل اللي صاير

كل اللي صاير .. صاير بقلبي
منّك يا ساكن .. ساكن بقلبي
ولوما قلبي .. يحبّ عيونك
ماكان بيحمل .. بيحمل محبّة
كل اللي صاير بقلبي
منّك يا ساكن بقلبي

كيف ما بدّي أسهر غنّي .. ونور عيونك غايب عنّي
ندر عليّي يا مسهّرني .. ارجع لي بيرجع يقوى قلبي

ولوما قلبي .. بيحب عيونك
ماكان بيحمل .. بيحمل محبّة
كل اللي صاير بقلبي .. منك ياساكن بقلبي

أسمك عالي ونورك غالي .. وطيفك بهالنور قبالي
بهنّي حالي وبانسى حالي .. كل ما عميوجعني قلبي

ولوما قلبي .. بيحب عيونك
ماكان بيحمل .. بيحمل محبّة
كل اللي صاير بقلبي .. منك ياساكن بقلبي

Azar Habib - I Love Her Eyesعازار حبيب - بحب عيونهاBaheb Oyouna

Azar Habib - I Love Her Eyes

I love her eyes and I can't hide it
Cuz my eyes are giving me away
My love is bigger than my heart
Bigger than my name
And bigger than me

I want everyone to know that I love her
If someone has feelings he shouldn't hide it
I've given her a home in my eyes
Her eyes mean so much to me
They are what made me sing

I want a love song to sing and make her happy
I want the voice of my heart to rise and call out to her
I gave her all my secrets and all my thoughts
And I'll let my journey tell her about me

عازار حبيب - بحب عيونها

حب بحب عيونها وما بقدرخبي عبيحكو عينوني عبيحكو عني
حبي أكبر أكبر أكبر من قلبي اكبر من اسمي من اسمي ومن اسمي ومني

بدي كل الناس تعرف اني بحبها اللي عنده احساس لازم ما يتخبى
سكنتها بعيوني عيونها بهموني وهنن اللي خلوني خلوني غني

بحب بحب عيونها وما بقدرخبي عبيحكو عينوني عبيحكو عني
حبي أكبر أكبر أكبر من قلبي اكبر من اسمي من اسمي ومن اسمي ومني

بدي لحن الحب غني تاهنيها بدي صوت القلب يعلى ويناديها
سلمتها اسراري وهديتها افكاري ورح خلي مشواري يخبرها عني

بحب بحب عيونها وما بقدرخبي عبيحكو عينوني عبيحكو عني
حبي أكبر أكبر أكبر من قلبي اكبر من اسمي من اسمي ومن اسمي ومني

Azar Habib - Say What You Wantعازار حبيب - قولي شو بدك قوليOulli Shou Badiek

Azar Habib - Say What You Want

Say what you want, say it
Say it, cmon really?
Say "I'm jealous and my heart is on fire"
And don't you dare say "I don't love you"

The girls are jealous of you
They returned all the gifts
They left my heart to finish the road
And they knew all of my intentions

Say "I love you" don't be scared
Your name is like a song on my lips
Enjoy our love
And let it wake up this guy who's heart is sleeping (ie him)

عازار حبيب - قولي

قولي شو بدك قولي قولي اخوت معقولة
قولي بغار وقلبي نار وما بحبك اوعى تقولي

ويلي نار نار ما بحبك اوعى تقولي

منك غاروا الصبايا ردوا كل الهدايا
تركوا القلب يكفي الدرب وعرفوا كل النوايا

ويلي نار نار ما بحبك اوعى تقولي

قولي بحبك لا تخافي اسمك نغمة عشفافي
هني الحب وخلي الحب يوعي اللي قلبه غافي

ويلي نار نار ما بحبك اوعى تقولي

Azar Habib - It's Not Importantعازار حبيب - مش مهم تكوني حديMish Muhim

Azar Habib - It's Not Important

It's not important for you to be beside me for me to sing
It's not important for the sound to carry and speak about me

I don't write, my dear
Nor do I play a line of music
Nor do I compose or sing
Except for my art, except for my art
And you are my art

No matter how far you are from me
You're still the light of my candle
You're my joy

I wanna love you however you are
I wanna love you no matter what you say
I wanna love you wherever you are
Even if you stay far away

عازار حبيب - مش مهم تكوني حدي

مش مهم تكوني حدي حتى غني
مش مهم الصوت يودي ويحكي عني

انا ما بكتب يا رفيقة
ولا بعزف جملة موسيقى
انا ما بلحن ما بغني
إلا لفني ..إلا لفني
وانتي فني

مهما كنتي عني بعيدة..عني بعيدة
إنتيي نور الشمعة ..إنتي عيدي

بدي حبك كيف ما كنتي
بدي حبك شو ما قلتي
بدي حبك وين ما كنتي
حتى لو ضليتي بعيدي

Azar Habib - It's Hard to Sleepعازار حبيب - عازز عليا النومAziz Alay al Noum

Azar Habib - It's Hard to Sleep

It's hard for me to sleep
Your image is in my mind
Only praying and fasting can give me patience

I swear I wouldn't have loved you if not for my heart
My tears over your absence lament my situation

I'm in love, longing for your beauty and passion
Being separated form your love is so hard my precious

I never said an "ah" (in pain) before I met you
Your image took me away and made forget my song

عازار حبيب - عازز علي النوم

عازز علي النوم طيفك على بالي غير الصلاة والصوم ما يصبر حوالي
غير الصلاة والصوم ما يصبر حوالي
حالف ما كنت أهواك لو ما القلب بهواك دمعي على فرقاك يبكي على حاله
عازز علي النوم طيفك على بالي غير الصلاة والصوم ما يصبر حوالي
غير الصلاة والصوم ما يصبر حوالي
هايم أنا مشتاق للحسن والاشواق الفراق ما اصعب الفراق عن حبك يا غالي
عازز علي النوم طيفك على بالي غير الصلاة والصوم ما يصبر حوالي
غير الصلاة والصوم ما يصبر حوالي
عمري ما قلت الآه من قبل ما القاك طيفك أخدني معاه نساني موالي
عازز علي النوم طيفك على بالي غير الصلاة والصوم ما يصبر حوالي
غير الصلاة والصوم ما يصبر حوالي

Monday, July 13, 2009

Azar Habib - Going Round to the "Dayer-dayer"عازار حبيب - عالداير داير مندارA Dayer Dayer Mindar

So the context of the song is they are dancing around to a debke song, ie folk music, called the "dayer-dayer". This form of dance you dance in a big circle holding hands. In this case, they are distributed in a boy-girl configuration, and he finds himself surrounded by two beautiful girl, and now he has to choose, although he seems to be contemplating the idea of just taking both of them in the last verse.

Azar Habib - Going round to the "dayer-dayer"

We're going round to the "dayer-dayer"
And there's too many pretty girls around me
This brunette has beautiful eyes
And the blonde is getting jealous
Who should I pick? I can't decide

The way the blonde moves is gonna drive me out of my mind
If I'm gone for a minute she misses me no matter how long the trip
Damn she's nice, she's so jealous
Who should I pick? I can't decide

This brunette with such dark beautiful lashes
Where did this magic come from (cuz she's encanting him)
I gave her my heart by the well when we were little kids
And now that we've grown up who should I pick?
I can't decide

Oh Lord, give me two hearts and two worlds and let me go back and forth between them
I can't choose on my own
My whole youth is going to go by (literally, "the flowers of my life will wilt" and he says this because he is spending so long confused and undecided)
Who should I pick? I can't decide

عازار حبيب - عالداير داير مندار

عالداير داير مندار حوالي الحلوين كتار
هالسمرا عيونها حلوين والشقرا علي بتغار مين بدي نقي محتار

شقرا نقلتها نقلة رح بتطير لي عقلي غبت دقيقة بتشتاق لي كيف ما نطولت المشوار
يخرب ذوقها شو بتغار ومين بدي نقي محتار

عالداير داير مندار حوالي الحلوين كتار
هالسمرا عيونها حلوين والشقرا علي بتغار مين بدي نقي محتار

سمرا بكحلة ريف العين من جابت هالسحر مين
سلمت لها قلبي عالعين كنا يومها ولاد صغار وهلق لما صرنا كبار مين بدي نقي محتار

عالداير داير مندار حوالي الحلوين كتار
هالسمرا عيونها حلوين والشقرا علي بتغار مين بدي نقي محتار

يا رب عطيني قلبين ت في ارضي التنتين وقضيها مابين وبين مش قادر وحدي اختار
رح تدبل وردات العمر مين بدي نقي محتار

عالداير داير مندار حوالي الحلوين كتار
هالسمرا عيونها حلوين والشقرا علي بتغار مين بدي نقي محتار

Azar Habib - Mr. Pharmacistعازار حبيب - صيدلي يا صيدليSaydali Ya Saydali

This hasn't been uncommon theme in the folk music of the Middle East, that is, songs about asking a doctor or in this case a pharmacist for a cure from the disease of love. Popular culture says that in Arabic, unlike other languages as it is claimed, love is a sickness. Thus, this motif has appeared many a time in Arabic poetry and song, as well as in songs of other languages such as this song performed by Turkish singer Candan Erçetin.

This song was also mentioned by Syrian author Mohamed al-Maghout in his satirical play "I Will Betray My Country (سأخون وطني)" when an Arab citizen goes to a doctor complaining of various ailments, which are metaphors for political and social problems, and says the only thing he can hear out of his ear is "Saydali ya saydali," a clever reference to this song which was immensely popular at that time. As a side note, the song is also featured in al-Maghout's film starring Durayd Lahham entited "The Borders (الحدود)"

Azar Habib - Mr. Pharmacist

Mr. Pharmacist, oh pharmacist
Oh pharmacist
I need a cure for her and I need a cure for me

Her heart is becoming a flame
And my heart is boiling
It's boiling, it's boiling
Hurry Mr. Pharmacist
It's boiling, it's boiling
My heart, Mr. Pharmacist

We came so you could heal us
They directed us to you, be kind to us

I want you to give me a pill
That brings my heart and hers together
And will light my path for me and solve my problem

Everyone who sees us doesn't even recognize us
They think we are specters passing by

We'd like you to help us
Bring us together and don't split us apart
It's enough what we've been through and the pain (literally, "boiling") we've endured

عازار حبيب - صيدلي يا صيدلي

صيدلي ياصيدلي ياصيدلي
بدي دوا الها وبدي دوا الي

قلبها صاير صاير صاير شعلة نار
وقلبي قلبي قلبي عم يغلي غلي

عم يغلي عم يغلي عجل ياصيدلي
عم يغلي عم يغلي قلبي ياصيدلي

نحن جينا جينا لتداوينا
دلونا لعندك توصى فينا

بدي منك حبه
تجمع قلبا وقلبي
وتنورلي دربي وتحل المسألة

عم يغلي عم يغلي عجل ياصيدلي
عم يغلي عم يغلي قلبي ياصيدلي

كل اللي شافونا ماعرفونا
خيالات و عمتمرق فكرونا

ساعدنا بتسعدنا
اجمعنا ولاتشرِّدنا
بيكفي شو نوَعَدْنَا وشو حمِلنا غلي

عم يغلي عم يغلي عجل ياصيدلي
عم يغلي عم يغلي قلبي ياصيدلي

صيدلي ياصيدلي ياصيدلي
بدي دوا الها وبدي دوا الي

قلبها صاير صاير صاير شعلة نار
وقلبي قلبي قلبي عم يغلي غلي

عم يغلي عم يغلي عجل ياصيدلي
عم يغلي عم يغلي قلبي ياصيدلي

Azar Habib - The Pearl Drop on Your Cheekعازار حبيب - عخدك حبة لولوAkhaddik Habbat Lulu

Here pearl drop is code word for a teardrop I would think.

Azar Habib - There's a Pearl Drop on Your Cheek

There's a pearl drop on your cheek that made me search throughout the night
For the secrets of love so that I may know what it's effect is

The color of love in your eyes draws me closer to you
My love is yours, don't be afraid of what they say

Cruel, love is so cruel
It's always the same
It is in command of us
That's what those who love say

عازار حبيب - على خدك حبة لولو

عخدك حبة لولو خلتني الليل بطوله
فتش عن اسرار الحب تاعرف شو مفعوله

لون الحب بعينيكي... بيقربني ليكي...
حبي حبي وما عليكي وما تخافي شو ما يقولوا

عخدك حبة لولو خلتني الليل بطوله
فتش عن اسرار الحب تاعرف شو مفعوله

قاسي قاسي الحب كتير
ما عنده لا كبير ولا صغير
امير بيبقى امير اللي بيحبوا هيك بيقولوا

عخدك حبة لولو خلتني الليل بطوله
فتش عن اسرار الحب تاعرف شو مفعوله

Monday, July 6, 2009

Azar Habib - When My Beloved Left Meعازار حبيب - الحبيب لما هجرنيEl Habib Lamma Hajarni

Azar Habib - When My Beloved Left Me

Translation coming soon

عازار حبيب - الحبيب لما هجرني

أنا والحبيب لما هجرني هجرني خلى للعادل ملام
وانا قلت إله يا حلو واصل واصلني
قالي دوق نار الغرام
نار الغرام نار الغرام ولله

وانا كلما نامت عيوني يحسبوا العاشق ينام
والعاشق مغرم صبابه ما على العاشق ملام

من زمان يا حلو غايب يا غايب عن عيوني لك زمان
واخذوك البيض عني اه يا عيني وحرمو عيني المنام

Monday, February 16, 2009

Azar Habib - Since You're Going to Our Villageعازار حبيب - يا رايح عضيعتناYa Rayeh Adayetna

there is some confusion about how to spell this name in Arabic, so for those looking for عازر حبيب and عزار حبيب this is the same guy

المتصفح الذي لديك لايدعم مشغل الأغاني. دبر حالك و روح نزل البرنامج أو .<A HREF="">اضغط هنا</A> لسماع الأغنية.

Azar Habib - Since You're Going to Our Village

Since you're going to our village
Head my way on your return
We've been gone for so long
May you live long, don't be gone too long

This village in which I was raised
And I know by heart house by house
In it I was loved and loved
And experienced my first love
We've really been gone for too long
May you live long, don't be gone too long

On your way stop by my father's house for me
The earliest image in my mind
And sing a song about me
And let the mawals ring (mawal is a form of Arabic singing, slow, vocal solo kind of)
We've really been gone for too long
May you live long, don't be gone too long

Lucky you, what are you sad about?
Our wonderful village is in front of you
You're next to see my family and relatives
Wish well upon me
we've been gone for so long We miss them and
May you live long, don't be gone too long

عازار حبيب – يا رايح ع ضيعتنا

يا رايح ع ضيعتنا
برجوع صوبي حول
طالت عنها غيبتنا
يطول عمرك لا تطول

هالضيعة اللي فيها تربيت
ومغيبها بيت وبيت
فيها انحبيت وحبيت
ولبيت الحب الأول
ولله طالت غيبتنا
يطول عمرك لا تطول

شوف لي بدربك بيت بيي
أول صورة بعيني
وغني عني أغنية
وخلي الموال يمول
ولله طالت غيبتنا
يطول عمرك لا تطول

نيالك شو ع بالك
ضيعتنا الحلوي قبالك
عيلة وأهلي عقبالك
بخير عليا فول
اشتقنا وطالت غيبتنا
يطول عمرك لا تطول

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Azar Habib - Your Cheek on My Cheekعازار حبيب - خدك على خديKhaddik Ala Khaddi

The context of the song is they're dancing.

المتصفح الذي لديك لايدعم مشغل الأغاني. دبر حالك و روح نزل البرنامج أو .<A HREF="">اضغط هنا</A> لسماع الأغنية.

Azar Habib - Your Cheek on My Cheek

Your cheek, on on on my cheek
Finer than a rose, my rose
And your hands in mine
Over the sound of the music we're talking truth (meaning we're not hiding our true feelings, speaking frankly)
A drowning man and a drowning woman in a sea of tenderness
We forgot, forgot everyone
We forgot where we were
We didn't know what we said, what we said
What our two hearts said
Perhaps everyone around us was pointing at us
And for our sakes left us with our freedom
A drowning man and a drowning woman in a sea of tenderness

The songs ended and the lovers parted ways
I played you some of my tunes in order to prevent the departure
We didn't sleep, nor did hear the voices of them calling us
We left our names as a gift for the days
A drowning man and a drowning woman in a sea of tenderness

عازر حبيب – خدك على خدي

خدك على على على خدي أنعم من الوردة يا وردة
وايديكي بايدي
وع صوت الموسيقى عم نحكي الحقيقة
غريق وغريقة ببحر الحنية

كل الناس نسينا نسينا نسينا نحن وين
ما عرفنا شو حكينا شو حكينا شو حكيوا القلبين
يمكن دلوا علينا كل اللي حوالينا
وكرامة عينينا عينينا تركونا بحرية
غريق وغريقة ببحر الحنية

خلصت الأغاني أغاني فرقوا العشاق
سمعتك ألحاني تبعت الفراق
لا غفينا ولاوعينا ع صوت منادينا
تركنا أسامينا للأيام هدية
غريق وغريقة ببحر الحنية Sitemap Generator