Showing posts with label Carol Samaha. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Carol Samaha. Show all posts

Monday, August 31, 2009

Carol Samaha - Like a Dreamكارول سماحة - مثل الحلمMitl el HilmComme un rêve

Updated media and translation

Carol Samaha - Like a Dream

Like a dream
We were two unlike anyone
The dream was lost
And we split in two
Waiting for a word

We are not thinking the same
We never agree with each other
Despite that from my heart I love you and you likewise

But your heart alone will not suffice for the whole journey
There's many things we don't agree on
Let's make a decision

كارول سماحة - مثل الحلم

مثل الحلم كنا اتنين ما بنشبه حدا
ضاع الحلم صرنا اتنين كلمة ناطرين

فكرك مش على فكري
دايما مختلفين
مع اني من قلبي بحبك وانت كمان

قلبك وحده ما بيكفي لكل المشوار
باشيا كتيرة ما اتفقنا خلتنا نختار

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Carol Samaha - Precious to Meكارول سماحة - غالي عليّGhali AlayPrécieux pour moi

This video is pretty interesting, although not entirely exceptional in Lebanon. It depicts rural Lebanese (Christian) life as imagined and romanticized, with its subjects picking grapes and smashing them to make wine.

Carol Samaha - Precious to Me

From the first moment we met
There is something strange
It changed my life and sweetened my days
My eyes no longer see anyone but you before me
Suddenly that which I felt was too much for me to handle
And what I had dreamed for so long came true

You're precious to me
Hold me close and look into my eyes
I no longer can live a minute without you
Precious to me, precious to me

Come closer to me
Don't deny me your love
Care for me
Protect me and bring me closer to you
Get close to me, get close to me

I never imagined in my life that there was a person
Whomever he be
Able to keep me up at night with a single word
And that when he was away his voice would remain in my head
Suddenly that which I felt was too much for me to handle
And what I had dreamed for so long came true

كارول سماحة - غالي عليّ

من أول ما تلاقينا أنا وياك
في شي غريب
غير عمري وصار يحلي أيامي
ما عاد عيوني يشوفو غيرك إدامي
فجأة يللي حسيته
أكبر من اللي لاقيته
وتحقق يللي حلمته من زمان

غالي علي
غمرني وخدني لعيونك
ما عاد فيي عيش دقيقة من دونك
غالي عليي غالي عليي

قرب لي
لا تحرمني من حبك
خاف عليي
احميني واتركني بقربك
قرب ليي قرب ليي

ما تصورت بحياتي في انسان
لو مين ماكان
تقدر كلمة منه تسهرني ليالي
ولما يبعد يبقى صوته ببالي
فجأة يللي حسيته
أكبر من اللي لاقيته
وتحقق يللي حلمته من زمان

Carol Samaha - Look at Me كارول سماحة - اتطلع فيهRegarde-moiEttalla fiyeh

Updated media and translation

Carol Samaha is a Lebanese pop singer. See below for random inexplicably inserted vocab words that are indicative of the Lebanese dialect present in this song.

Carol Samaha - Look at Me

Look at me, like this
Those are not your eyes
These are not your caresses my darling
Nor are they your hands
There's something missing
I feel like you're a stranger
Like I've lost you, lost you
By my side while I search for you

What changed you?
That child, where is he? What is it that made you grow up
Who is the reason?
Where is the love that was as big as the world and couldn't be beaten

Either put me back
Or take me
Or take me

You colored your eyes
And drew on your lips
In order to tell me it's still love
And that you're still the you that you were

You lie to yourself maybe
But you're not going to be able to lie to my heart
I know who you are
You aren't the love nor the thirst that I quenched (i.e. as he once way)
Nor are you the love that resides in my heart

You resemble someone else
And you are an echo of your voice
But you can't resemble yourself my love

كارول سماحة - اتطلع فيي

اتطلع فيي هيك
هودي مش عينيك
هيدي مش لمساتك يا حبيبي
ومش ايديك
في شي عم بيغيب
انا عم حسك غريب
ضايع مني ضايع
حدي وعم دور عليك

شو اللي غيرك
هاك الطفل وينه شو ياللي كبرك
مين السبب
وين الهوا اللي قد الدني وما بينغلب

يا تردني من حالي
ياما تاخذني ليك
ياما تاخذني ليك

لونت عيونك
ورسمت شفافك
تتقلي بعده الحب
بعدك انت اللي كنت
تكذب على حالك يمكن
لكن على قلبي مش راح تقدر تكذب لا
انا بعرف مينك انت

مش انت الهوا
ولا عطش اللي مني ارتوى
ولا انت الحب الساكن بقلبي
عم تشبه حدا
ولصوتك انت صدى
ولا قادر تشبه حالك يا حبي

Lebanese dialectical vocab:

انظر إليّ = اتطلع فيّ
كذا = هيك
هذه = هودي
هؤلاء = هيدي
ليس = مش
يغيب = عم بيغيب
شيء = شي
أشعر بأنك = انا عم حسك
بجابي = حدي
أبحث = عم دور على
ماذا = شو
الذي = اللي
ذلك = هاك
أين = وين
مَن = مين
ما زال = بعده
ما زلتَ = بعدك
سوف = راح
تستطيع = تقدر
أحد = حدا

Carol Samaha - Love You Like My Soulكارول سماحة - حب الروح Hob El RoohL'amour de l'ame

Updated media and translation

There might not be an exact translation but generally speaking "Hob el-Rooh (حب الروح)" is like loving someone alot from deep within, with all their soul

Carol Samaha - Love You Like My Soul

Oh darling, in my moment of weakness
Make me stronger
Oh darling, in my moment of coldness
Warm me
May you always be in there before me
Don't be far
May you always be close to my heart
Cuz I don't want anyone but you

I love you like I love my soul, and you are more precious than my soul
If you left my side, my life would go with you

Make me forget the whole world, make me forget
You alone can make me sing
Make me live in a beautiful dreamland
Let me warm my hands in yours for all days

Oh darling your presence beside me reassures me
Your eyes understand me with one glance
I find myself in you no matter what
Not once have you worried me, my mind is at ease

كارول سماحة - حب الروح

آه يا حبيبي بلحظة ضعفي قويني
آه يا حبيبي بلحظة بردي دفيني
خليك على طول قبالي لا تكون بعيد
حبك على قلبي غالي وغيرك ما بريد

حبك حب الروح وأنت أغلى من الروح
لو من حدي تروح أنت عمري بيروح

نسيني العالم كلو نسيني
وحدك عن كل الناس بتغنيني
عيشني بدنيي جديدة أجمل أحلام
خليني دفي أيدي طول الأيام

يا حبيبي وجودك حدي طمني
عيونك من نظرة وحدة بتفهمني
أنا فيك بلاقي حالي بكل الأحوال
ولا مرة شاغل بالي مرتاح البال

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Carol Samaha - Listen to Meكارول سماحة - إسمعنيEsmaaniEcoute-moi

The video is extremely dramatic for what the song actually is.

Carol Samaha - Listen to Me

Listen to me
What I want to say before the whole world
Is going to make everyone know my news
We said my darling
We said this that my heart loves
As long as the story grows
I have nothing to hide

Ah this, my life, is our destiny
Ah and nothing could divide us

Tonight the journey begins
And the most beautiful world awaits us
My home and my son and trees
And you I love with burning embers

I want, my darling
Your closeness is enough for years and more
I love you my darling
I love you as much as the world and more
Make me forget the whole past
Make me forget

كارول سماحة - إسمعني

اسمعني شو بدي اقول قدام الدنيا كلها
راح خلي كل الناس تعرف اخباري كلها
قلن ياحبيبي قلن هاي اللي قلبي حبا
مدام القصة كبرت ماعندي شيء يتخبا

آآآآه هادة ياعمري قدرنا
آآآآآه ولا قوة بتفرقنا

الليلة بيبدا مشوار واجمل عالم ناطرنا
بيتي وولد واشجار وانت بحبك جمرنا

بدي ياحبيبي قربك كفي سنيني واكبر
بحبك ياحبيبي بحبك قد الدنيا واكتر
نسيني الماضي كله نسيني

Carol Samaha - I Loved Nowكارول سماحة - حبيت دلوقتيHabeit Dilwaqti

This video is really kind of strange in its choice of footage, explosions and etc.

Carol Samaha - I Loved Now

Why does my heart feel strongly
In this way?
It is love
That elevates our feelings like this

Just believe that I loved now
And I didn't know my heart would love you like this

Where were you and all this love
And why are you leaving me alone throughout this life

My heart has been seeing you for so long in dreams
Searching for you
But no matter how much I imagine you
It's not like seeing you with my eyes

Maybe I'm dreaming and dreamting is still going on
You've got me lost between reality and fantasy
Touch me to make me certain

كارول سماحة - حبيت دلوقتي

انا قلبي ليه حاسس قوي بالشكل ده
هو الهوى بيعلي احساسنا كده

صدقني خلاص صدقت اني انا حبيت دلوقت
ومكنتش اعرف قلبي حيحبك كده
وكنت فين انت وكل الحب ده وليه سيبني لوحدي طول العمر ده

انا قلبي شايفك من زمان في الحلم بدور علي
بس مهما اتخيلك مش زي ما انا شايفة بعيني

يمكن انا بحلم وزمن الحلم طال
توهتني بين الحقيقة والخيال
تلمسني خليني اكون متاكدة

Monday, February 26, 2007

Lebanese Music

Lebanon may be considered the center of pop music for the Arab world. While the population is only 4 million, scores of Lebanese pop artists are popular throughout the Arabic speaking world and beyond.

The most notable Lebanese artists is of course Fairuz, who became popular during the 1960s and continues to perform to this day. The Rahbani brothers typically produced music for their sister Fairuz, in a classical Arabic style and sometimes in what might be considered a more Westernized style. Fairuz starred in many musicals about Lebanon and Palestine that dealt with the hardship of these peoples during the 1960s and 1970s. Nostalgia for a homeland is certainly a theme that arises in much of her music. Today, Fairuz is not just one of the most famous Arab singers ever, but also a cultural icon that is tied to a modern Arab and Lebanese national identity.

Other classic Lebanese artists include Sabah, Warda and Farid al-Atrache.

A number of women have attained superstardom in the more recent Lebanese pop music movement. Elissa is multimillion-dollar earning singer who has been recording for over 10 years. Nawal al-Zoghbi is another artist who has been singing for about the same amount of time. These artists were at the forefront of the Westernization of Lebanese pop musical styles, and comparing an early Nawal al-Zoghbi CD to a more recent one will illustrate this change. One artist, Najwa Karam, has been particularly stubborn about making her music and pronunciation "less Lebanese" to conform to expectations of the modern global audience.

Ragheb Alama is among the most famous male acts. He was very popular in the early 1990s and is notable for having made a huge comeback in the year 2000 with his album 'Tab Leh?.'

Modern Lebanese pop has flooded the Arabic music market with artists. The most famous currently is Nancy Ajram, who has become a prominent and controversial figure in the world of Arab pop because of her tendency to push the boundaries of sexuality. Haifa Wehbe, a former model, is another rising star in Lebanese pop and has successfully starred in some films such as "Wawa." Modern female Lebanese stars, especially those like Haifa Wehbe and Dana, are pushing the boundaries of the risque in the Arabic pop music scene and Lebanon. Many of these artists have been banned from performing in more socially conservative Arab states including Egypt because of what has been considered an overly sexual image. Although their lyrics and wardrobes may seem mild compared with the blunt sexuality of modern Western pop music, one must bear in mind that the transformation has been much more rapid and less inline with mainstream values in the Arab world.

Yuri Murqadi is another popular musician who often sings in Standard Arabic, similar to Kazem el-Saher. Here is a list of some of the most prominent Lebanese pop artists:

Nancy Ajram
Haifa Wehbe
Nawal al-Zoghbi
Ragheb Alama
Wael Kfoury
Yuri Murqadi
Joanna Malah
Carol Samaha
Najwa Karam Sitemap Generator