Showing posts with label Natacha Atlas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Natacha Atlas. Show all posts

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Natacha Atlas - A Knightنتاشا أطلس - فارسFeres

I got thse lyrics from a Russian lyrics site but I'm not sure they are all correct. I did my best to correct them, but Natacha's accent is absoultely impenetrable sometimes.

Natacha Atlas - A Knight

A handsome knight snatched me up onto his horse
And took me with him to an island with ferocious monsters

And quickly he drew his sword with knightly courage
I found the beasts of the city torn to shreds all over the place
You me forever
A handsome knight

He came to me
He approached me, carrying pile of wood

I told him, "in the city there are many unhappy people. The monsters in our city are hidden in our clothing." (???)
"Come back with me and see
Kill the people's fears"

But he was just quiet, until the sun went down
Then he said to me, "tomorrow I will try. And everything is written (meaning everything is up to fate)"
Everything is written

نتاشا أطلس - فارس

فارس جميل الملامح خطفني فوق الحصان
وأخذني ويّاه جزيرة فيها الوحوش القوّى
فارس جميل الملامح خطفني فوق الحصان
وأخذني ويّاه جزيرة فيها الوحوش القوّى

وبسرعة اتسلّ سيفه بشجاعة الفرسان
وبسرعة اتسلّ سيفه بشجاعة الفرسان
لقيت وحوش المدينة أشلاء في كلّ مكان
أنا وإنت ولا زمان..
فارس جميل الملامح..

جاءني أكثر قرّب وفي يده كومة خشب
جاءني أكثر قرّب وفي يده كومة خشب
جاءني، جاءني، جاءني أكثر قرّب وفي يده كومة خشب
جاءني أكثر قرّب وفي يده كومة خشب
جاءني، جاءني، جاءني أكثر قرّب وفي يده كومة خشب

وأنهى منها البيت وحفر الشوق بالذهب
جاءني أكثر قرّب وفي يده كومة خشب
جاءني أكثر قرّب وفي يده كومة خشب
وأنهى منها البيت وحفر الشوق بالذهب

حسّيت براشد قاله - وقلت له:
في المدينة فيه ناس كثيرة حزينة
وحوش مدينتنا متستّرة بزينا
وحوش مدينتنا متستّرة بزينا
ارجع معايا وشوف، اقتل في ناس الخوف!
ارجع معايا وشوف، اقتل في ناس الخوف!

لكنّه بس اتسكن للشمس وقت الغروب..
لكنّه بس اتسكن للشمس وقت الغروب..
وقال لي: بكره أحاوّل.. وكلّ شيء مكتوب..
وكلّ شيء مكتوب.. كلّ شيء مكتوب
كلّ شيء مكتوب.. وكلّ شيء مكتوب

Lyrics transcription from here

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Natacha Atlas - Oh Lauraنتاشا أطلس - يا لورYa Laure

This is a remake of the Fairuz song, and I highly recommend checking that version out for a comparison. You'll find it on the site here.

Natacha Atlas is not a native speaker of Arabic, and while this doesn't affect her songs in Egyptian too much, these old classics sung in Arabic don't sound right from her.

Natasha Atlas - Oh Laura

Oh Laura
Your love has tormented my heart
And I had given you my love and affection
Don't you recall our wonderful nights together
And the pledge we made to be true to each other?

The night, the dreams and the wet shore
Longing, song, and the calm countryside
Those were such fine days, so wonderful and pure
When the breeze sang of loyalty and devotion

نتاشا أطلس - يا لور

يا لور حبك قد لوّع الفؤاد
وقد وهبتك الحب والوداد
ألا تذكري ليالي الصفا
وعهداً عهدناه على الوفا

الليل والأحلام والشاطئ النادي
والشوق والأنغام والموطن الهادي
يا طيبها أيام أحلى من الصفا
وتنشد الأمثال على الوفا

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Natacha Atlas - I am not Free for Youمش فضية لكMish FadiyalakJe ne suis pas libre pour toi

"I am not Free for you" conveys the connotations of being unavailable, but I couldn't quite find the right translation other than the literal. I could use some suggestions.

Natacha Atlas - I am not Free for You

Darling I am not free for you
Nor I am free for passion
I'll be free after I come to you
I have something to tell you


Let us be apart for a little
Maybe I can forget the sorrow
Let us, let us, let us
Perhaps I can forget the sorrow
But this, what you've done to me
Darling, it was too much

If you came to confuse me, get away from me
I don't want your love
Forget your love for me
I saw the treason of your heart with my own eyes


Don't bother lying to me
For once you could believe me
You're done
Believe me darling
My destiny is my lot
You are forgotten


Natacha Atlas - Je ne suis pas libre pour toi

Oh cheri je ne suis pas libre pour toi
Ni libre pour la passion
Je suis fidele apres je pourrai aller a toi
Moi qui ai tant de choses a te dire

Eloignons-nous un peu
Peut-etre oublierai-je cette histoire
Eloignons-nous, eloignons-nous, eloignon-nous
Et peut-etre oublierai-je cette histoire
Car ce que tu m'as fait, o mon cheri c'etait beaucoup trop
Oh mon cheri ah ah
Oh mon cheri ah ah
Oh mon cheri ah ah, ah ah ah ah aaaaah

Si je viens et que tu me tourmentes
Eloigne, eloigne-toi de moi
Je ne veux pas de ton amour
Oublie ton affection pour moi
Car j'ai vu de mes propres yeux
La trahison de ton coeur

Ce n'est pas la peine de me mentir,
Pour une fois si tu pouvais me croire
Toi tu es finiii
Crois-moi mon amour, mon destin est toute ma vie
Toi tu es oublie


نتاشا أطلس - مش فضية لك

يا حبيبي انا مش فضية لك
ولا فضية للغرام
حافضو بعدين اجي لك
انا لي معك كلام


خلينا بعيد شوية
يمكن انسى السي
خلينا خلينا خلينا
يمكن انسى العصي
ده انت عملت في يا حبيبي كان كتير
يا حبيبي آو آو

لو جيت تحيرني ابعد ابعد عني
مش عايزة حبك
انسى هواك ليا
ده انا شفت بعيناي
الغدر من قلبك


بلاش تكذبني
لو مرة صدقني
انت انتهيت
صدقني حبيبي
يا قدري ونصيبي
انت انسيت


Sunday, August 5, 2007

Natacha Atlas - CageقفصةGafsa

This is a really beautiful song by Natacha Atlas. It's featured in the equally awesome Korean film 3-iron. There's no video for this song so I used one of the clips from the movie that includes it. Nothing like seeing a guy getting hit in the balls with golfballs outside of the context of funniest home videos. This translation is flat out wrong, I can't be 100% sure that I understand the meaning of the song and I think the Arabic lyrics have mistakes. However, I leave it here because I need someone to correct it.

or get a closer listen

Natacha Atlas - Cage

The winds of love suddenly began blowing in my head
Bringing me the greeting of my beloved
Saying "return my precious"
"The separatoin has been long while you are away"

The impatience of my imagination wandered in a void
And it was a happy wish for me
She emerged from a high tower
And said a strange word

Return my love
I don't have any destiny for me in this world
You are my love but you cannot be the one for me (hilaali means like "the one for me" but it has strong connotations of one being not just the best match based on feelings etc, but also being the one who is suitable for other reasons social or otherwise)

Oh night
Oh my eye

That's it

قفصة - Natacha Atlas

هبت رياح الحب في بالي
تهديني سلام الحبيب
تقوللي ارجع يا غالي
طال الفراق والنت غريب

قلة خيالي شردت حالي
وكانت منا لي سعيد
وطالت من برج العالي
وقالت كلمة غريب

ارجع يا حب
مالي في دنيا نصيب
انت حبي لكن مش ممكن تكوني هلالي

آه ليل
يا عيني يا


Monday, May 14, 2007

Natacha Atlas - My Friend the RoseMon Amie La Rose

I know this is French but it's Natacha Atlas.

Natacha Atlas - My Friend the Rose

We are fleeting
And my friend the rose told me that this morning

At the dawn I was born
Baptized with dew
I blossomed
Happy and amorous
In the ray of the sun
I closed at night
I woke up old

Though I was beautiful
Yes I was the most beautiful flower in your garden

Look at the god that made me
Make me bow my head and I feel I am falling
My heart is almost naked
I have one foot in the grave
I already no longer exist

You admired me yesterday and I will be dust forever tomorrow

The moon stayed by the side of with my friend this night
In a dream I have seen, blinding and naked
Her soul that was dancing far beyond the highest clouds
And it was smiling at me

Believe the one who wants to believe
I need hope, otherwise I am nothing

Natacha Atlas - Mon Amie La Rose

On est bien peu de choses
et mon amie la rose me l'a dit ce matin

A l'aurore je suis née
Baptisée de rosées
Je me suis épanouie
heureuse et amoureuse
au rayon du soleil,
je me suis fermée la nuit,
je me suis réveillée vieille.

Pourtant j'étais très belle,
oui j'étais la plus belle des fleurs de ton jardin.

Vois le Dieu qui m'a faite,
me fait courber la tête et je sens que je tombe et je sens que je tombe,
mon coeur est presque nu,
j'ai le pied dans la tombe,
déjà je ne suis plus.

Tu m'admirais hier et je serai poussière pour toujours demain.

La lune cette nuit a veillé mon amie,
moi en rêve j'ai vu éblouissante et nue
son âme qui dansait bien au-delà des nues
et qui me souriait.

Croit celui qui veut croire,
moi j'ai besoin d'espoir sinon je ne suis rien

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Natacha Atlas - Don't Leave MeNatacha Atlas - Ne Me Quitte Pas

This is a very good remake of the original classic by Jacques Brel. The only lyrics in the song in Arabic are "Matsibnish" which means "Don't Leave Me."

Natacha Atlas - Don't Leave Me

Don't leave me
We must forget
Everything you need to forget
Everything can be forgotten that is already over
Forget the times of the misunderstandings
The lost time
To know how to forget the hours
Which sometimes have killed the heart of the hapiness with all this “why”

Don't leave me

I’ll offer you pearles of rain coming from countries where it never rains
I will dig the earth untillafter my death to cover your body with gold and bright light
I will make a kingdom where love will be king where love will be the law and where you will be queen

Don't leave me

Natacha Atlas - Ne Me Quitte Pas

Ne me quitte pas
Il faut oublier
Tout peut s'oublier
Qui s'enfuit deja
Oublier le temps
Des malentendus
Et le temps perdu
A savoir comment
Oublier ces heures
Qui tuaient parfois
A coups de pourquoi
Le coeur du bonheur

Ne me quitte pas

Moi je t'offrirai
Des perles de pluie
Venues de pays
Ou il ne pleut pas
Je creuserai la terre
Jusqu' apres ma mort
Pour couvrir ton corps
D'or et de lumiere
Je ferai un domaine
Ou l'amour sera roi
Ou l'amour sera loi
ou tu seras reine

Ne me quitte pas

Natacha Atlas - Sun of EgyptNatacha Atlas - Soleil d'Egypte

Soleil d'Egypte is also a nickname for the Egyptian sun God Amon-Re.

Natacha Atlas - Sun of Egypt

Spill into my blood a little of your warmth
You who are living in me like the air I breathe

As far as I walk away
You will stay close to my heart

As long as I can feel you inside me
Like a parcel of eternity that flow into my veins

Which reminds me who I was before being born

Sun of Egypt

Natacha Atlas - Soleil d'Egypte

Répands dans mon sang un peu de ta chaleur
Toi qui vis en moi comme l’air que je respire……..

Aussi loin que je m’éloigne
Tu restes proche de mon cœur

Tant que je pourrais encore te sentir en moi
Comme une parcelle d’éternité qui coule dans mes veines

Qui me rappelle qui j’étais avant de naitre

Soleil d’Egypte….

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Natacha Atlas - My Boyيا ولديYa Weledi

A real beautiful older song by Natacha and amazing not a ya habibi love song

المتصفح الذي لديك لايدعم مشغل الأغاني. دبر حالك و روح نزل البرنامج أو .<A HREF="">اضغط هنا</A> لسماع الأغنية.

Natacha Atlas - My Boy

She said my boy, she said my son
I saw you crying, I saw you in my imagination
She said my boy, she said my son
I saw you in my memory, I saw you crying

As if you were burdened, as if you were happy
Listen to the truth
Don't turn out the light, don't turn out the light

Don't forget your friends, don't forget your friends
And those who think of you, and those who think of you
You don't know what is in front of you
Don't stray from the path

Life is not easy
Do not fear injustice
All of the secrets are written in dreams

يا ولدي - Natacha Atlas

قالت يا ولدي
قالت يا ابني
شفتك بتبكي
شفتك في خيالي
قالت يا ولدي
قالت يا ابني
شفتك في ذكري
شفتك بتبكي

كأنك مثاقل
كأنك مسرور
اسمع الحقيقة
افتح على نور
افتح على نور

ما تنساش اصدقاءك
ما تنساش اصدقاءك
واللي يفكروا فيك
واللي يفكروا فيك
ما تقدرش من امامك
ما تفوق من طريق

الحياة مش سهلة
ما تخافش من الظلم
وكل الاسرار مكتوب في الأحلام

Natacha Atlas - Waiting for YouمستنيكMistaneek

I'm really sorry, the video is so annoying with stupid french lyrics dubbed over some parts. Stupid colonialism. They're just saying the same thing but in french "je t'attend" means I'm waiting for you. For this reason, I supplied the mp3 which has the complete lyrics.

المتصفح الذي لديك لايدعم مشغل الأغاني. دبر حالك و روح نزل البرنامج أو .<A HREF="">اضغط هنا</A> لسماع الأغنية.

Natacha Atlas - Waiting for You

Sighs from you you and sighs
You are the one who threw me in a sea of sighs
My darling I want you
My darling I need you
My darling I have nothing to tell you but you are my darling
Oh darling

Waiting for you waiting for you and why am I made to long for you?
Waiting for you waiting for you and why am I made to long for you?

Sighs from you you and sighs
You are the one who threw me in a sea of sighs

Waiting for you waiting for you and why am I made to long for you?
Waiting for you waiting for you and why am I made to long for you?

I am sending you the whisper of my heart
I am sending you the whisper of my heart
And it is talking about my yearning
Respond and god willing I will receive
When you are far I feel my separation

If one day you can forget me
My heart is with you and also
My heart my soul and my nights
Sleepless which is sleepless in the night and the early morning

مستنيك - Natacha Atlas

آه منك انت وآه
يللي رمتني في بحر الآه
حبيبي أنا أعوزك انت
حبيبي محتاجلك انت حبيبي
حبيبي وماليش اقوله غيرك حبيبي
آه حبيبي

مستنيك مستنيك واتحنن عليك ليه؟

مستنيك مستنيك واتحنن عليك ليه؟

آه منك انت وآه
يللي رمتني في بحر الآه

مستنيك مستنيك واتحنن عليك ليه؟
مستنيك مستنيك واتحنن عليك ليه؟

همسة قلبي عليك بتسلم
همسة قلبي عليك بتسلم
وبتتكلم عن عشواقي
رد وعلي إن شاء الله اتسلم
وانت بعيد حسيت بفراقي

لو يوم تقدر على نسياني
ده انا حبيبي معك وتاني
ده انا قلبي وروحي وليلي
سهران اللي سهران اليل وصبحية

Natacha Atlas - If Onlyيا ريتYariet

Song of Natacha's new album "Mish Maoul" (Unreasonable)

المتصفح الذي لديك لايدعم مشغل الأغاني. دبر حالك و روح نزل البرنامج أو .<A HREF="">اضغط هنا</A> لسماع الأغنية.

Oh night ah
I am dreaming, dreaming
And if only my dreams could become reality
And if only if only

I am dreaming, dreaming
And if only my dreams could become reality
And if only if only

If only, if only
Every detail could come true
I'm dreaming of a day, dreaming of a day
Dreaming of a day when I see lips speaking of love
Dreaming of a day when I see everyone happy
Happy, I'm dreaming of a day I see happy people
All of them happy

يا ريت - Natacha Atlas

يا ليلي آه
بحلم احلم ويا ريت
احلامي بتبقى حقيقة
ويا ريت يا ريت

بحلم احلم وريت
احلامي بتبقى حقيقة
ويا ريت يا ريت

يا ريت يا ريت
تتحقق كل دقيقة
بحلم بيوم بحلم بيوم
بحلم بيوم أشوف شفايف بتتكلم كلام في حب
أحلم بيوم أشوف الناس مبسوطين كلهم
مبسوطين أحلم بيوم أشوف مبسوطين
كلهم مبسوطين

Natacha Atlas - Shame on Youحرام عليكHaram Aleyk

From Natacha Atlas' new album "Mish Maoul" (Unreasonable). The only video I could find is a girl belly dancing to it so enjoy!

Natacha Atlas - Shame on You

My son it's done not like this
Shame on you for all of this
It's not enough night and day
You made my mind fly away
Who am I? Where am I?
Why am I? What am I?

Why is my heart crying when you are cruel to me?
And where you doing this?
What are tiring in my heart?

I'm going after you my boy
From house to house to house
This is my heart setting fire from the estrangement you despot
Who am I? Where am I?
Why am I? What am I?

حرام عليك - Natacha Atlas

يا ابني خلاص مش كده
حرام عليك كل ده
مش كفاية ليل ونهار
خليت لي عقلي طار
انا مين انا فين؟
انا ليه انا ايه؟

قلبي بيبكي ليه؟
وانت قاسي علي
وليه بتعمل كده
تاعب في قلبي ايه؟

بالف وراك يا ولد
من دار لدار لدار
ده انا قلبي قايد نار
من الغربة يا جبار
انا مين انا فين؟
انا ليه انا ايه؟

Natacha Atlas - Bossanova Songغنوة بوسونوفاGhanwa Bossanova

This an interesting one from Natacha in a different sort of style. Sorry no clip

Natacha Atals - Bossanova Song

I saw you in the sky
And I felt you in the air
Your love is like the wine that intoxicates me
And your closeness is like the fire perplexing me
With every step I see your beauty
In every song I hear your voice and your words

With you I feel like I am in hands above the whole world
With you I feel like I am in the most beautiful place in the whole world
With you I feel like I am in hands above the whole world
With you I feel like I am in the most beautiful place in the whole world

I saw you in the sky
And I felt you in the air
Darling my beauty, my destiny, my doctor
Your voice is in my wishes
Your image is in my imagination
Your love is like the wine that intoxicates me
And your closeness is like the fire perplexing me
With every step I see your beauty
In every song I hear your voice and your words

I saw you in the sky
And I felt you in the air
Always in my days

I saw you in the sky
And I felt you in the air
Your love is like the wine that intoxicates me
And your closeness is like the fire perplexing me
Your face is in my dreams
And your voice is in my wishes

غنوة بوسونوفا - Natacha Atlas

انا شفتك في السماء
وحسيتك في الهواء
حبك زي النبيذ اللي سكرني
وقربك زي النار بحيرني
في كل خطوة بشوف جمالك
في كل غنوة بسمع صوتك وكلامك

معك انا أحس أني بأيد فوق العالم كله
معك انا أحس أني معك في أجمل مكان في عالم كله
معك انا أحس أني بأيد فوق العالم كله
معك انا أحس أني معك في أجمل مكان في عالم كله

انا شفتك في السماء
وحسيتك في الهواء
حبيبي يا جميل يا نصيبي طبيبي
صوتك في منالي
صورتك في خيالي
حبك زي النبيذ اللي سكرني
وقربك زي النار بحيرني
في كل خطوة بشوف جمالك
في كل غنوة بسمع صوتك وكلامك

انا شفتك في السماء
وحسيتك في الهواء
دايما في نهاري

انا شفتك في السماء
وحسيتك في الهواء
حبك زي النبيذ اللي سكرني
وقربك زي النار بحيرني
وجهك في أحلامي
وصوتك في منالي

Friday, April 6, 2007

Natacha Atlas - Amulet

This is one of Natacha's earlier songs. I don't really understand why they would use someone who sings so beautifully to do a song where she basically talks for the whole song but it is certainly very popular.

Natacha Atlas - Amulet

I saw days of the moon in your presence
And forgot the darkness that is at your borders
Why do you respond speaking of your seas?
And deprive my heart from the warmth of your light
My soul is living without your soul
And my life is melting in your presence
And my life is melting in your presence

Life is beautiful in your eyes and I dream of you
I always love you
You know why

Oh darling of the heart oh darling of the eye
Tell me tell me when will I see you
Oh darling of the heart oh darling of the eye
Tell me tell me when will I see you

Oh darling of the heart oh darling of the eye
Tell me tell me when will I see you
My heart misses you
My mind tells you
You are the world and you are love
There is nothing but you residing in my heart
There is nothing but you residing in my heart

Life is beautiful in your eyes
In your eyes, I dream of you
I am sleepless tonight
With your soul in your presence

Life is beautiful in your eyes
In your eyes, I dream of you

Natacha Atlas - Amulet

انا شفت ايام القمر بوجودك
ونسي ظلام اللي بحدودك
ليش ترد حكي ببحورك
وتحرمي قلبي من دفء نورك
ده انا روحي عايشة من غير روحك
وحياتي دايبة بوجودك
وحياتي دايبة بوجودك

الحياة جميلة في عينك انا بحلم بيك
دايماً دايماً اهواك ودايماً
انت عارف ليه

حبيب القلب يا حبيب العين
قولي قولي انا اشوفك فين
حبيب القلب يا حبيب العين
قولي قولي انا اشوفك فين

حبيب القلب يا نور العين
قولي قولي انا اشوفك فين
انا القلبي اشتاقة لك
انا عقلي يقولك
انت دنيا وانت الحب
ده مافيش غيرك ساكن القلب
ده مافيش غيرك ساكن القلب

الحياة جميلة في عينك
في عينك انا بحلم بيك
الحياة جميلة في عينك
في عينك انا بحلم بيك

سهران اليلة بروحك يا
في روحك يا وجودك
سهران اليلة بروحك يا
في روحك يا وجودك

الحياة جميلة في عينك
انا بحلم بيك

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Natacha Atlas - Why are We Fighting?ليش نتعارك؟Leysh Nat'arak?

The video for this one is pretty interesting. It has an ancient Egyptian motif and Natacha is done up like Cleopatra. However, intermingled with the video is film footage surrounding the Palestinian-Israel conflict in which Egypt was also heavily embroiled during the 60s and 70s.

Natacha Atlas - Why are We Fighting?

Why are we fighting when we are all together?
Why are we fighting when we are all together?
Listen to you heart and you will know the truth
Listen to your heart for it knows the truth
Between us there is a long history
Why are we fighting when we are all together?

In love there is peace
(Listen to your heart and you will know the truth)
In peace there is love
(Listen to your heart for it knows the truth)
Let's make good for we are brothers
How great is the mercy and blessing of God

Let's return to peace
(Between us there is a long history)
Let's return to love
(Between us there is a long history)
How merciful God is
Let's make good for we are brothers
God bless and have mercy

ليش نتعارك - Natacha Atlas

ليش نتعارك ونحن كلنا سوا

ليش نتعارك ونحن كلنا سوا
اسمع قلبك بتعرف الحقيقة
اسمع قلبك هو يعرف الحقيقة
بيني وبينك ايام طويلة
ليش نتعارك ونحن كلنا سوا

في المحبة فيه السلام
اسمع قلبك بتعرف الحقيقة
في السلام فيه محبة
اسمع قلبك هو يعرف الحقيقة
يلله نتصالح احنا اخوا
ما رحمة ما بركة الله

يلله نرجع للسلام
بيني وبينك ايام طويلة
يلله نرجع للمحبة
بيني وبينك ايام طويلة

ما رحمة الله
يلله نتصالح احنا اخوا
ويرحم الله ويبارك

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Natacha Atlas - GoneراحRah

Sorry couldn't find a sample for this one

Natacha Atlas - Gone

He went on a journey and left
He crossed the seas
And nobody knows where he might be
And he's gone

He went on a journey in search of an eye and a light
And on every path he wanders in circles
And he's gone

He met an angel in a gleam of light
He said to the angel "Bring me light"

He has mastered the universe
He is the king of all affairs
Everything around him is as easy as can be

راح - Natacha Atlas

سافر وراح
عد البحور
ولا حد يعرف ما ترح مايكون
و راح

سافر يدورعلى عين ونور
على كل الطريق داير مايدور

قابل ملك في ضوء النور
قاله الملك اوتلي نور

ضرب الكون
ملك الأمور
كل شيء عنده اسهل مايكون

Monday, April 2, 2007

Natacha Atlas - We Didn't KnowماعرفناشMarifnaash

Here, enjoy this video of Natacha Atlas dancing

Or the song

المتصفح الذي لديك لايدعم مشغل الأغاني. دبر حالك و روح نزل البرنامج أو .<A HREF="">اضغط هنا</A> لسماع الأغنية.

Natacha Atlas - We Didn't Know

We didn't know, we didn't know, we didn't know what is in our hearts
We didn't know, we didn't know, we didn't know what is in our hearts

My heart and your heart were talking together
My heart and your heart were talking together

Those who are dear are destined to be together
At night you hurt me in my heart my darling
Those who are dear are destined to be together
At night you hurt me in my heart my darling

Why don't you return "salam"
Oh my friend what is passion?
Why are you leaving me to live our dream, to life our dream?

We didn't know, we didn't know, we didn't know what is in our hearts
We didn't know, we didn't know, we didn't know what is in our hearts

My heart and your heart were talking together

Cmon come back so we can live as lovers togethers
Cmon come back so we can live as lovers togethers

Why don't you return "salam"
Oh my friend what is passion?
Why are you leaving me to live our dream, to life our dream?

Those who are dear are destined to be together
At night you hurt me in my heart my darling
Those who are dear are destined to be together
At night you hurt me in my heart my darling

ماعرفناش - Natacha Atlas

ماعرفناش ماعرفناش ماعرفناش في ايه بالقلوب
ماعرفناش ماعرفناش ماعرفناش في ايه بالقلوب

قلبي وقلبك كانوا بيتكلموا سوا
قلبي وقلبك كانوا بيتكلموا سوا

بالنصيب العزيز سوا ليلة جرحني في قلبي يا حبيبي
بالنصيب العزيز سوا ليلة جرحني في قلبي يا حبيبي

ليه ماتردش السلام
يا صاحب ايه الاغرام
وسايبني اعيش حلمنا أعيش حلمنا

يلله نرجع نعيش احباب سوا
يلله نرجع نعيش احباب سوا

Natacha Atlas - Shubraشبره

Shubra is a neighborhood in Cairo. I'm quite certain that this song has nothing to do with Shubra but see for yourself

المتصفح الذي لديك لايدعم مشغل الأغاني. دبر حالك و روح نزل البرنامج أو .<A HREF="">اضغط هنا</A> لسماع الأغنية.

Natacha Atlas - Shubra

After today this heart will need nothing and I won't be sad
The past history is not enough to hurt me, oh time

If sadness approaches me I will say to it no no no
And if hapiness does not come to me I will say come on

Why do I exhaust my heart? Why do I remain confused?
Why do I wrong myself? I will take from a second

If sadness approaches me I will say to it no no no
Oh sadness get away oh happiness come
And if hapiness does not come to me I will say come on
Oh sadness get away oh happiness come

Who likes to live their days with tears?
And who is satisfied to live? His voice is inaudible

No oh world I will not wrong myself no
No no oh 1000 nos I will not remain confused
No no no no no no I will not be sad again
No no and 1000 nos I will not exhaust my heart
No no no
No no and 1000 nos no and 1000 nos

شبره - Natacha Atlas

من بعد اليوم ده قلبي مش حاجة مش أحزن
ما كفاية الماضي الاسي لجرح آه يا زمان

لو حيقرب مني يا الحزن حقوله لا لا لا
والفرحة مايقرب مني حقول تعال

أتعب قلبي ليه؟ وابقى في بحيرة ليه؟
وأظلم نفسي ليه؟ حخد من دقيقة

لو حيقرب مني يا الحزن حقوله لا لا لا
يا حزن ابعد يا فرحة جاب
والفرحة مايقرب مني حقول تعال
يا حزن ابعد يا فرحة جاب

من بيحب يعيش في الايام بدموع
من يرضي انه يعيش صوته مش مسموع

لا يا دنيا لا أظلم نفسي لا
لا لا آه الف لا ابقى في حيرة لا
لا لا ولا لا لا أحزن تاني لا
لا لا والف لا أتعب قلبي لا
لا لا لا
لا لا و الف لا والف لا

Natacha Atlas - The Stars and the Moonالنجوم والقمرEnogoom wil Amar

المتصفح الذي لديك لايدعم مشغل الأغاني. دبر حالك و روح نزل البرنامج أو .<A HREF="">اضغط هنا</A> لسماع الأغنية.

Natacha Atlas - The Stars and the Moon

I miss you and my heart is with you my darling
I miss you and my heart is with you my darling

I'm dreaming of you and wish for you my destiny
I'm dreaming of you and wish for you my destiny

I miss you and my heart is with you my darling
I miss you and my heart is with you my darling

Your love is in my heart while I long for you tonight
When will you come my darling?

Your love is in my heart while I long for you tonight
When will you come my darling?

You are love
You are the cure
Come to me

Sleepless tonight, oh night
With the stars and the moon
I come for you and I'm with you
Oh my life, the crescent moon of my sleeplessness
You are everything in my life
You live in my heart throughout my lifetime

النجوم والقمر - Natacha Atlas

وحشتني عليك وقلبي معك يا حبيبي
وحشتني عليك وقلبي معك يا حبيبي

بحلم بيك ومنلواك يا نصيبي
بحلم بيك ومنلواك يا نصيبي

وحشتني عليك وقلبي معك يا حبيبي
وحشتني عليك وقلبي معك يا حبيبي

حبك في قلبي بشتاق اليك
إمته حتيجي حبيبي؟

حبك في قلبي بشتاق اليك
إمته حتيجي يا حبيبي؟

انت الهوا
انت الدوا
يا طريبي

سهران الليل آه يا ليل
مع النجون والقمر
انا اجيك ومعك
يا حياتي يا هلال السهر
حياتي انت كل شي
انت ساكن في قلبي طول العمر

Natacha Atlas - I Put a Spell on You

This is a remake of the famous song "I Put a Spell on You" first performed by Nina Simone. Natacha seems to have a knack for these remakes. There are only a few lines of Arabic in the song:

1. Whenever Nina would say "no," Natacha says "la" which means "no" in Arabic
2. When Natacha says "ana sahartak" that means "i put a spell on you"
3. When Natacha says "bahebbak" that means "i love you"

The song doesn't have a video so enjoy this video of a drag queen performing the song

Natacha Atlas - I Put a Spell on You

I put a spell on you
Cuz you're mine.
No no no no no no no
You better stop the things you do
No, no, no, I ain't lyin'. No.
I can't stand it
You're running around
I can't stand it when you put me down
no no no no
I put a spell on you because you're mine

I put a spell on you because you're mine
No no no no
You better stop the things you do
I ain't lying no no no lying lying
I love you, I love you
I love you anyhow
And I don't care if you don't want me
I'm yours right now
I put a spell on you because you're mine

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Natacha Atlas - Like ThisكدهKidda

This is a very literal translation but I think the metaphors are clear. This song is hugely famous because it was on Arabic Groove, even though its a rather simple song.

المتصفح الذي لديك لايدعم مشغل الأغاني. دبر حالك و روح نزل البرنامج أو .<A HREF="">اضغط هنا</A> لسماع الأغنية.

Natacha Atlas - Like This

Oh night
Why my darling?
My darling why?
My darling why is it like this when I love you?

I know you love me
Why, oh time?

My soul
Where is the justice your highness the judge?
There is no justice in your hands and death is usual around you

You made me love you
Why, why, why?
Oh master
Oh darling
One day you will face your destiny and demand mercy from my inspiration
Oh soul
I mourned, I mourned, I mourned

كده - Natacha Atlas

يا ليل
ليش يا حبيبي؟
حبيبي ليش؟
حبيبي ليش كده وانا بحبك؟

انا عارفاك بتحبيني
ليش يا زمان؟

يا روحي
فين العدلة يا سعادة القاضي؟
ما فيش رحمة في يدك
والموت عندك عادي

انت خلتني بحبك
ليش ليش ليش؟
يا سيدي
آه حبيبي
في يوم حتوجه مسيرك وتطلب رحمة من الهامي
آه روحي
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