Showing posts with label Angham. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Angham. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Angham - I Wish Him Wellانغام - اتمناله الخيرHatmanalu al kheir

المتصفح الذي لديك لايدعم مشغل الأغاني. دبر حالك و روح نزل البرنامج أو .<A HREF="">اضغط هنا</A> لسماع الأغنية.

Angham - I Wish Him Well

I will wish him well
So what if he's leaving me and forgetting me
He endured so much because of me
He gave his heart to me

I will wish him well
Before he hurt me, he healed me
He was my life and he was my time
He was my heart, soul and eyes

I will remember for him the many things between us
I will remember, the days of our love, the steps in our path
When we were sharing happiness in our eyes
I will remember for him many things, I will wish him well

I will wish him well from the bottom of my heart
Because he deserves it
I will wish for the world to come around again
Again and we will meet

انغام - اتمناله الخير

هاتمناله الخير .. إيه يعنى يفوتنى و ينسانى
مهو ياما إتحمل علشانى .. مهو ياما كان قلبه عليا

هاتمناله الخير .. مهو قبل ما يجرحنى داوانى
كان عمرى و كان هو زمانى .. كان قلبى و روحى و عنيا

هفتكرله حجات كتير كانت ما بينا
هافتكر .. أيام هوانا .. والخطاوى اللى فى طريقنا
لما كنا .. بنقسم الفرحه فى عيونا
هافتكرله حجات كتير .. حتمناله الخير

هاتمناله الخير من قلبى .. علشان يستاهل
دنا هتمنى تلف الدنيا تانى .. تانى و نتقابل

هفتكرله حجات كتير كانت ما بينا
هافتكر .. أيام هوانا .. والخطاوى اللى فى طريقنا
لما كنا .. بنقسم الفرحه فى عيونا
هافتكرله حجات كتير .. حتمناله الخير

إيه يعنى يفوتنى و ينسانى
مهو ياما إتحمل علشانى .. مهو ياما كان قلبه عليا

هاتمناله الخير .. مهو قبل ما يجرحنى داوانى
كان عمرى و كان هو زمانى .. كان قلبى و روحى و عنيا

هاتمناله الخير ..

Lyrics transcription from

Egyptian Colloquial Notes:

In the last lesson using the song "lissah baHibbak (لسه بحبك)" by Tamer Hosni, we learned, among many things, to say that one is holding a grudge "shaayil min (شايل من)" someone. In this lesson featuring the song "hatmanna lu al-xeer (هتمنّاله الخير)" by Angham, you will certainly find a different sentiment." Let's get right to it!

The title, "hatmanna lu al-xeer (هتمناله الخير)" can be translated as "I will wish him well," using the verb "itmanna (اتمنى)." "al-xeer (الخير)" is "goodness" or "good" or "wellness."

The first verse:

هاتمناله الخير .. إيه يعنى يفوتنى و ينسانى

The phrase "eh ya3ni (ايه يعني)" is incredibly useful. "ya3ni (يعني)" is a common Arabic filler word that means literally "it means." The phrase "eh ya3ni (ايه يعني)" means "so what?" in English. "yafuutni (يفوتني)" uses the verb "faat (فات)," "to pass," but in this case to pass by or leave. So the whole sentence is "I will wish him well, so what if he's leaving me and forgetting me?"

ماهو ياما إتحمل علشانى

"maahu (ماهو)" is a tough but important aspect of Egyptian Arabic. "ma (ما)" is often used to add emphasis in various ways. For "maahu (ماهو)," it's something along the lines of "the fact is," or "but he's!" or something along those lines. It does not change the meaning of the sentence much, but adds a certain feeling in the way that our tone often adds feeling in Egnlish. "yaama (ياما)" also is used for adding emphasis. It is usually used with verbs and means like "oh how much!," "oh how often!," or "oh how great!" the verb "ittHammal (اتحمّل)" means "to bear" or "to endure." "3alashaan ()" is an essential Egyptian Arabic word that means "because," "in order to" or "for" in some contexts. "3alashaani (علشاني)" of course means "because of me" or "for me." How do we translate the sentence? Something like "but you know he's endured so much because of me!"

Next line:

ماهو ياما كان قلبه عليا

Try to get the meaning from this best you can.

And the next one:

هاتمناله الخير .. ماهو قبل ما يجرحنى داوانى

You might be starting to understand. "'abl ma ()" means before and is used before a verb. the verb "daawa ()" means "to cure." So "before hurting me, he healed me." Get it? He made her life better before he made it worse, so why would she wish ill upon him?

Next line doesn't have much:

كان عمرى و كان هو زمانى .. كان قلبى و روحى و عينيا

"kaan ()" we know means he was. These are pretty much just terms of endearments used to expressed how important someone is to you. Most of them should be known

And what's next?:

هفتكرله حجات كتير كانت ما بينا

The verb "iftikir (افتكر)" means "to remember" or "to think." "lu (له)" of course means for him, just like in Standard Arabic. "ma been (ما بين)" means "between or "in between" like the word "been (بين)." Put it together: "I'll remember for him there were many things between us."

Next line:

هافتكر .. أيام هوانا .. والخطاوى اللى فى طريقنا

"hawa (هوانا)" is another word for love. "xaTaawi (خطاوي)" is the plural of the word "xatwa (خطوة)," meaning "footstep." So she will remember "the days of our love and the steps in our path." See how "illi (اللي)" is being used here?

Some new vocab in the next line:

لما كنا بنقسم الفرحه فى عيونا

Remember "lamma (لما)" which means "when" in a non-interrogative sense. "inqasam (انقسم)" means "to share" and "al-farHa (الفرحة)" is a word for "joy" or "happiness." Sooo, "when we were sharing joy in our eyes."

Nothing new here:

هافتكرله حجات كتير .. هتمناله الخير


Let's keep going:

هاتمناله الخير من قلبى

Remember what "'albi (قلبي)" means?" If not, click to the dictionary in the right hand column.

And why does she?:

علشان يستاهل

Here's the word "3alashaan (علشان)" again. So it means, "because he deserves it."

Following that:

دنا هتمنى تلف الدنيا تانى

"dana (دنا)" is tricky. For now just know it means the same thing as "ana (انا)." This time "hatmanna (هتمنى)" must be translated as "I would hope" rather than "I will" because it is hypothetical as we will see. There is no real word to distinguish "will from "would" in all cases so just use judgment. "laff (لفّ)" means "to turn" or "to turn around." However "al-dunya bitliff (الدنيا بتلفّ)" is a proverbial sentence "things are always changing" and "it's a small world." So what she means here is that she hopes things will change or come around again (تاني).

So what will happen when that happens?:


The verb "it'aabil (اتقابل)" means "to meet together" or "to run into one another" or "to make each other's acquaintance." Point is, she would give it all a second try.

By now we are finding less and less familiar words. Go back and listen again to see if you can really hear all the words she's saying and feel what she means when she says "maahu"

ما فهمت كل حاجة؟ ايه يعني!؟ معلهش

You will continue to improve. Remember the important new words "ya3ni (يعني)" and "3alashaan (علشان)" and "iftikir (افتكر)."

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Angham - I Remember Youأنغام - فاكراكFakrakJe Pense a Toi

Angham - I Remember You


I remember you, I remember you
I'm hurt and I forgive you
I remember you, I remember you
And also I never lie to you
Why would I flee you?
My love for you is bigger than your hurt
And thus I'm not forgetting you

And I say to myself don't try to forget
I wasn't able to forget
And I said your being far away I wish would harden
And I returned to longing again
And it's still between me and myself
O darling it's time


أنغام - فاكراك


فاكراك .. فاكراك
مجروحة وانا مسامحاك
فاكراك .. فاكراك
وكمان ما اكدبش عليك

انا باهرب منك ليه
انا حبي لك اكبر من جرحك
وعشان كده مش نسياك

واقول لنفسي لا تحاولي تنسي
ما قدرت عالنسيان
وقلت بعدك يا ريت يقسي
ورجعت احن كمان

وانا لسه بيني وبين نفسي
يا حبيبي بقالي زمان


Saturday, June 16, 2007

Angham - Hopeأنغام - الأملEl Amal

Angham - Hope

There is no life without hope
There is no hope without life

You could say that life... life is hope

Everyday a beautiful life begins and carries us to the clouds
We touch hope and find it's a mirage

And after the night comes
We dream and the stars make promises to us
We sleep and we wake up to the same mirage

We remain like this
Living like this
Walking like this while there is no path
What can we do except hope?
Where is the hope?
Where is the path?

أنغام - الأمل

و مفيش حياة من غير أمل
و مفيش أمل من غير حياة

تقدر تقول إن الحياة .. الحياة هى الامل

كل يوم تبدأ حياة حلوة توصلنا السحاب .. نلمس أمل نلقاه سراب
يجى بعده الليل يطول .. نحلم وتوعدنا النجوم .. نبات نقوم .. نفس السراب

نفضل كدا .. عايشين كدا .. ماشيين كدا .. و مفيش طريق
غير الامل .. ايه العمل .. فين الامل .. فين الطريق

تقدر تقول إن الحياة .. الحياة هى الامل

و مفيش حياة من غير أمل
و مفيش أمل من غير حياة

تقدر تقول إن الحياة .. الحياة هى الامل

Lyrics transcription from

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Angham - The Lettersانغام - الحروفEl Harouf

المتصفح الذي لديك لايدعم مشغل الأغاني. دبر حالك و روح نزل البرنامج أو .<A HREF="">اضغط هنا</A> لسماع الأغنية.

Angham - The Letters

The letters that come from between your lips
Make the sweetest song
I was dreaming throughout my life
For a sweet word
A word with feeling and meaning together
What is the world worth without love?
What is the world worth without love?

I was dreaming of meeting you
Where and when I didn't know
I was living my life laughing but scared inside

As soon as my eyes saw you I said now I see
What is the world worth without love?
What is the world worth without love?

The letters that come from between your lips
Make the sweetest song
I was dreaming throughout my life
For a sweet word
A word with feeling and meaning together
What is the world worth without love?
What is the world worth without love?

انغام - الحروف

الحروف من بين شفايفك .. أحلى غنوة
كنت بحلم طول حياتى بكلمه حلوة
كلمة فيها المعنى والاحساس سوا
هى يعنى الدنيا من غير حب تسوى ؟
ولا يعنى الدنيا من غير حب تسوى ؟

كنت بحلم إنى أقابلك فين و إمتى ما كنت عارفة
كنت عايشة عمرى بضحك .. بس من جوايا خايفة

و اما بصيتلك عيونى .. قولت أنا دلوقتى شايفة
هى يعنى الدنيا من غير حب تسوى ؟
ولا يعنى الدنيا من غير حب تسوى ؟

الحروف من بين شفايفك .. أحلى غنوة
كنت بحلم طول حياتى بكلمه حلوة
كلمة فيها المعنى والاحساس سوا
هى يعنى الدنيا من غير حب تسوى ؟
ولا يعنى الدنيا من غير حب تسوى ؟

Lyrics transcription from

Friday, May 4, 2007

Angham - I Love You and I Miss Youأنغام - بحبك وحشتينيBahebak Wahashtini

One can't help but be reminded of a certain Hussain al-Jasmy song here...

Angham - I Love You and I Miss You

I love you, I miss you
I'm sorry that it's late
I have nothing but you
Oh light of my eye
And you have a lot of things to say to me

Because my heart is trying to satisfy you
And you don't let your love show the way
Without you life is cold
And much remains of it

Maybe sometimes you miss some things
That are very simple and easy
But I get very angry at you forget them

Don't forget to speak I beg you
For the sake of everyone that loves you
My eyes, my heart, and my years
Are forgotten, wanting you

Help me and say it please
Because sometimes it hurts
I'll find for you the things I have
And tell them to my heart

أنغام - بحبك وحشتيني

بحبك .. وحشتيني .. انا اسف على التأخير
ما ليش بعدك يا نور عيني .. حاجات لازم تقولهالي كتير

عشان قلبي عليكي يرضى .. وما تخليش هواكي يهدى
ده من غيرك الحياة باردة .. وبيقى لها كتير

حاجات ممكن تغيب عنك .. بسيطة وسهلة معناها
لكن بازعل أوي منك .. وانا شايفاك بتنساها

ما تنساش الكلام أرجوك .. عشان كل الي بيحبوك
عينيا وقلبي وسنيني .. بيستنو ويترجوك

ساعدني وقولها لو تسمح .. عشانلما فيوم تجرح
ألاقي لك حاجات عندي .. أقولها لقلبي لو يسمح

Sunday, March 4, 2007


Angham's full name is Angham Mohamed Soliman (أنغام محمد سليمان ). She was born in Cairo, Egypt on January 19th 1972, and has been an accomplished pop singer on the Egyptian music scene for years.

Angham is not a very common first name. It means "melodies" or "tunes." As it turns out she comes from a family in which "melodies" play a vital role. In fact, she has been raised and musically nurtured by her father, reknowed Mohammad Suleiman. Her uncle, Imad Abdel Haleem, is a singer and married to the famous belly-dancer, Najwa Fouad, but unfortunately, died at the age of thirty. Angham, affected by the death of her uncle whom she loved so much, released later an expressive and angry song called Leih Ya Donia Hazzi Ma'aki Kida?.

Angham has two siblings: her sister, Ghinwah, and her brother, Khaled. Her first contact with the audience was with her Mother Day song El Gannah Taht Akdamik in which she sang it among the public at the age of 17. She recalls the mothers who wiped their tears, moved by her performance.

Angham's sucess started with her first album Fil Rokn El Baeed elHadi. The success that it gained pushed the young singer into a further position among the 1989 generation of singers, reserving for herself a special position. Angham lived a state of relief and proud and soon continued to improve her vocal capacities with her father. She also studied in the Conservatory of Music in Cario and excelled in playing the Oud. Egyptian people recall Angham as a little cute girl with big teeth and had faith that this star will soon shine and expand its light around the arabic world.

Angham continued working on her following albums, concentrating on the classical melodies caracterised by the poetic words and the oriental flavour. She released many albums in full Egyptian dilact but also in the Gulf. Albums like "Khally Bokra La Bokra", "Betheb Meen" and "Ella Ana" gained many success in Egypt.

At one point Angham earned the nickname "The Queen of Romance" for her many love songs. However, during the high point of her career, Angham faced a depression affecting her personally and artistically: after successful albums, Angham refused to work with her father in her next albums in the goal of renewing her style. Her dad, surprised by the act of his daughter, disowned her and promised not to do any future artistic collaboration with her. At this time, the arabic music changed form with the apparition of the western influence with pop superstar Amr Diab, Mohammad Munir and Medhat Saleh. Thus, Angham's professional breakup with her father allowed her style to evolve in order to keep in step with the changing demands of the market.

In 1999, Angham made a new album Wahdaniya in which she worked with new composers and writers. In her album, she presented a new flavour of music that represent her only. While keeping the peotic lyrics, Angham changed the oriental music into a more rapid one, minimizing the long tunes. As music videos became increasingly popular, Angham was forced to shoot Ba'atly Nazra from this album in which she appeared in a classic look. The clip appeared simple, showing Angham in a summer flavour, beside the beach and the sand. After that, Angham shot another music video for her song Bithebbaha Walla in which she appeared at the same time in two new looks: an old classic one and a new young one, symbolizing the stylistic transformation taking place.

At this Angham was having more and more trouble with her marriage. She and her husband divorces over irreconcilable differences. Angham found herself obliged to take care of their child, Omar, and thus, slowed down the rate in which she used to produce albums. But this difficult time in which Angham passed through faded quickly as a new unattended surprise awaited her. In 2001, Angham released what she considers her favourite album, Leih Sebtaha, which achieved great success and reached number 1 in the Billboard for many months.

She received two major awards for this work: best clip 2001 and best female singer 2001 in Cairo's Annual Music ceremony. The success she gained caused lots of singers to be jealous. A few weeks after the broadcasting of Sidi Wisalak's clip, Angham fell ill and was hospitalised. In 2000, Angham made a song for the Palestinian cause during the Intifada by participating in a duet, Nihlam Eih?, with the now deceased Thekra (Zikra).

Omry Maak, produced and supervised by Alam Elphan, was finally released in August 2003. With this album, Angham returns to present a new flavour, similar to Amr Diab, in which most of her songs had western flavour in them.

Before the release of Omry Maak album, the press attacked Angham for marrying secretly her Kuweit-origined musical arrangist, Fahed. Angham responded strictly to the matter by annoucing officially her marriage from him after she joined another music production company, Rotana, possessed by Prince Walid Bin Talal. The mariage was done on a yacht on the Nile River and Angham invited many famous pop singers such as Sherine Ahmed, Elissa, Ehab Toufic, and the manager of Rotana Company, Salem Elhindy.

Angham supported her album by doing many interviews mainly Nawart El dar in which her fans consider as the one where she shined a lot. In that program, Angham sang Warda's songs to honour her and in return got praised by her powerful but soft voice. Also, Angham was guest in many famous talk-show and programs like Star Academy 1,El Beit Beitak, Moubashar with Mahmoud Sa'd, kalam nawa3em , Star Search and others.*

*This info is from Angham's website, but the style of writing has been altered in some places to improve clarity and neutrality Sitemap Generator