Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Fairuz - Scheherazadeفيروز - شهرزادShahrazad

This song is from a musical about the 1001 Nights starring Fairuz. For those who are unfamiliar with the plot of the 1001 (Arabian) Nights, it is set in an old imaginary kingdom in present day Iran. There is a king names Shahryar who, after his first wife cheaten on him, has devoted to his life to taking revenge against the fairer sex, and thus, marries a new girl every night and then kills her. The protagonist Scheherazade asks to marry the king Shahryar willingly in order to save womankind by ensnaring Shahryar in an endless web of tales so that each night he allows her to live so that she can continue this open-ended story. This general story serves as the framework for lots of other folk stories told by the narrator Scheherazade, which are all part of the 1001 Nights such as Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves and Aladdin.

Fairuz - Scheherazade

(The group)
Oh Scheherazade, sing for love, sing for the nights, love has returned
Oh Scheherazade, the farness is close in my mind despite the distance (sorry if that sounds terrible in English)
Repeat it again, and again, and again oh Scheherazade
How come these songs are bringing us back to the joys that were once ours?
The days of youth, the flower of the evenings
Fragrance has returned to the story
Repeat it again, and again, and again oh Scheherazade

(Fairuz as Scheherazade)

I am Scheherazade of the poem and my voice is the song of pain
Every day I once again leave in the morning
Shahryar used to destroy women
Destroying the poems, and the people, and the names
I've seen the tears of the virgins and heart the weeping of the years
And how the virgins are lost in a palace of pain and moaning
And then Shahryar started staying up late every night longing
And thus became a prisoner for 1000 nights
And became a prisoner to the story
And so the story will free the female captives
Rise up, oh captives, for I am Scheherazade

(The rest of the song is basically nonsense)

(the group)
Oh beautiful Scheherazade bend slowly
And fly like a song in the night and go

Oh you who blame me in love, love is but a reproach
The distance has made my tears run and exhaustion healed me
Since you told me you loved me, I've lowered my eyes in shame
Let's talk about our first night

فيروز - شهرزاد

يا شهرزاد غني الهوى غني الليالي فالشوق عاد
يا شهرزاد و للنوى قصر ببالي رغم البعاد
و أعيدي و أعيدي وأعيدي يا شهرزاد
ما للأغاني عادت بنا صوب المغاني التي لنا
يوم الصبايا زهر العشايا و للحكايا عطر يعاد
و أعيدي و أعيدي وأعيدي يا شهرزاد

أنا شهرزاد القصيدة و صوتي غناء الجراح
أنا كل يوم جديدة أهاجر عند صباح
و كان شهريار يبدد النساء
يبدد الأشعار و الناس و الأسماء
رأيت دموع العذارى سمعت بكاء السنين
و كيف تضيع العذارى بقصر الضنى و الآنين
و كان شهريار يسهر كل ليلة
مستوحشا فصار سجين ألف ليلة
و صار سجين الحكاية
و قلت للحكاية ألا حرري السجينات
إنهضن يا سجينات أنا شهرزاد

يا حلوة الغزل ميلي على مهل
طيري كأغنية في الليل و إرتحلي

يا لائمي في الهوى إن الهوى عتب
أجرى دموعي النوى و شفاني التعب
مذ قلت حبك لي أغضيت من خجلي
خلي الكلام على ليلاتنا الأول

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