Friday, June 8, 2007

Oum Kalthoum - Who Could I Go To?أم كلثوم - أروح لمين؟Arooh li Meen?

Oum Kalthoum - Who Could I Go To?

Who could I go to and tell?
Oh who could relieve me of your injustice?
You are my joy
Yet all my wounds are from you
Who could I go to?

A world, a glance and a please with them
Two hearts were gathered together and love was their hope
And between the nights of hoping, love took me with it
And I was hoping to reuinte with you here
And after my love preoccupied my heart
And you were cruel to me
My hope went on
Why does my happiness not go on?
Your love tormented me
And in a day in your absence a year passes
Who could I go to?

Your absence goes on and I live it
With my desire and anxieties
What is between the past is not good enough
It melts me in my deprivation
I spend the night complaining
Me and my tears
And I hide the tears
And I hide from the blamers so they don't even catch a glimpse of me
And curse me
To what limit will you remain?
You and the cursers
Who could I go to?

Who could I go to and could bring mercy to my sadness?
And who could I tell and who would hear my cries?
As long as you're gone I have no beloved in this world
My thoughts are ruminating and the abandonment is wounding
Oh light of my eye
Look at my streaming tears
Sleepless in my fire
While you're unaware of the sleepless ones
Who could I go to?

أم كلثوم - أروح لمين؟

أروح لمين واقول
يامين ينصفني منك
ما هو انت فرحي وانت
جرحي وكله منك
أروح لمين

كلمة ونظرة عين والقسمة وياهم
جمعوا سوا قلبين والحب مناهم
وبين ليالي المنى خذني الهوى وياه
وكان وصالك هنا وكنت باتمناه
وبعد حبي شغلت
قلبي وقسيت عليه
وكان منايا يدوم
هنايا ما دمش ليه
لوعني حبك واليوم
في بعدك بيفوت سنين
أروح لمين

يطول بعدك.. واعيش بعدك
على شوقي وأشجاني
ما بين ماضي.. ما هوش راضي
يسليني في حرماني
وأبات انعي. أنا ودمعي
واخبي دمع العين
واداري م اللايمين لا يلمحوا
عنيه ويشمتو فيه
ولحد امتى حتبقى
انت والشمتانين
أروح لمين

أروح لمين ومين ح يرحم أسايا
واقول يامين ومين ح يسمع ندايا
طول مانت غايب ما ليش
حبايب في الدنيا ديه
والفكر سارح والهجر
جارح يا نور عنيه
شوف دمعي جاري سهران في ناري
ولا انت داري بالسهرانين
أروح لمين

Lyrics transcription from

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