Sunday, April 29, 2007

Hisham Abbas - Israelهشام عباس - إسرائيل

I have to preface this one by saying I am not putting up my own opinions, this is just a translation of the song. I'm not sure in what context the song was released, but I know Hisham Abbas is a supporter of the Palestinian cause, although I must say he's otherwise been an innocusous pop singer. See this article for more info. According to Arab web sites, it seems Israelis were pretty mad about this song.

Hisham Abbas - Israel

Moses was their prophet
The Lord sent him down to them
The very day he took the Ten Commandments to them
They betrayed him

The Messiah (Christ) came in their time of need
And in the end he experienced torment among them
Despite healing them with miracles of God
They betrayed him

Anger from our lord dispersed them here and there
Displaced without a country
Lost, paying the price for their crimes
Many years passed and the misguided scoundrel awoke
And the heart died with greedy Zionism in innocent Palestine

Snakes raising their banner over how many young women
The first time they said Israel
Our long struggle began

There is no God but God (Allah)
All of us are freedom fighters and martyrs
The first time they said Israel
Our long struggle began

There is no God but God
All of us are freedom fighters and martyrs
Killing, destruction, madness and defilement

And the victims are priestly sheikhs without vice or sin
Sabra and Shateela, Qana
We are the killed people
And the form of offenses has become horrible
Al-Aqsa Mosque and the like
Every day the child see it his hair turns white

There is no God but God
There is no God but God
Every religion
Revenge is near
There is no God but God
There is no God but God
Revenge of the Crescent and the Cross

هشام عباس - إسرائيل

سيدنا موسى كان نبيهم أنزلوا المولى عليهم
يوم ماراح ياخد الوصاية العشرة ليهم خانوه
جاء المسيح في يوم دعاهم برضوا شاف الويل معاهم
رغم إنوا بمعجزات الله دواهم خانوه
كان غضب من ربنا يتفرقوا هنا وهنا متشردين
متشردين بلا وطن تاهين ودافعين التمن للمظلومين
عديت سنين سنين كتير والقت فات صحي الخبيث المستكين
والقلب مات صهيوني طمعان في الفلسطيني البريء

أفعى ورافعة الراية من فوق كم فتات ،
أول ما قالوا إسرائيل ابتدى جهادنا الطويل

لاإله إلا الله
كلنا فدائي وشهيد ،
أول ما قالوا إسرائيل ابتدى جهادنا الطويل

لاإله إلا الله
كلنا فدائي وشهيد
قتل ودمار وجنان ولوثة

والضحايا شيوخ قساوسة ماعندهمش حرام وعيب
صبرا وشتيلة وقانا يانا وناس قتيلة والإهانات شكلها أصبح رهيب
والمسجد الأقصى وخلافه كل يوم الطفل شافه خلى شعره قوام يشيب

لاإله إلا الله لاإله إلا الله
كل دين والتار قريب
لاإله إلا الله لاإله إلا الله
تار الهلال والصليب

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