Abdel Halim Hafez is one of the foremost names in Arabic music. Born in 1929, Abdel Halim Hafez's rise to stardom accompanied the rise of Egyptian nationalism and independence in the 1950s, thus making him into a national cultural symbol along with the great female singer Oum Kalthoum and the talented composed Mohamed Abdel Wahab. He died somewhat prematurely in 1977, but remains one of the most well-known figures in the world of Egyptian and Arab music. Currently, we have the following songs of Abdel Halim Hafez in translation:
al-Ḥubb gamīl الحب جميل - Love is Beautiful
al-Masīḥ المسيح - The Messiah
al-Sadd al-3ālī السد العالي - The High Dam
al-Waṭan al-akbar الوطن الأكبر - The Greatest Country
Aḥḍān al-ḥabāyib احضان الحبايب - In the Arms of Loved Ones
Baḥlam bīk بحلم بيك - Dreaming of You
Batlūmūnī leh? بتلوموني ليه؟ - Why are You Blaming Me?
Baynī wa baynak eh? بيني وبينك ايه؟ - What is there between me and you?
Bukra wa ba3do بكره وبعده - Tomorrow and the Day After Tomorrow
Ḍayy al-qanādīl ضي القناديل - The Glow of the Streetlights
Eh zanbi eh? ايه ذنبي ايه - What's My Crime?
Fī yawm fī şahr fī sina في يوم في شهر في سنة - Some Day, Some Month, Some Year
Gabbār جبّار - Ruthless
Ḥallafnī حلفني - Swear to Me
Ḥalw wa kazzāb حلو وكذاب - Beautiful and a Liar
Ḥabībati man takūn حبيبتي من تكون - Who could my darling be
Ḥāga ğarība حاجة غريبة - A Strange Thing
Ḥubbak nār حبك نار - Your Love is Fire
Kāmil al-awṣāf كامل الأوصال - The Perfect Woman
Maşğūl مشغول - Busy
Maw3ūd موعود - Accustomed
Nabtada minayn al-ḥikāya نبتدى منين الحكاية - From Where Do We Begin the Story?
Risāla min taḥt al-mā' رسالة من تحت الماء -A Message from Underwater
Qūllī ḥāga قوللي حاجة - Tell Me Something
Qāri'at al-Finjān قارئة الفنجان - Reader of Fortunes
Sawwāh سواح - Wanderer
Ṣaffīnī marra صفيني مرة - True to Me One Time
Ṣodfa صدفة - Accident
Toba توبة - Never Again
Taxūnūh تخونوه - You're Betraying Him
Xusāra خسارة - What a Shame
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