Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Ali al-Deek - Abu Shahadeعلي الديك - أبو شحادة

This song is also part of our Syrian Debke Podcast

In this song, there are three characters: the singer, his love Selma, and her father Abu Shahade. The two are truly in love, but Abu Shahade is asking for a huge dowry so that his daughter will marry a rich guy, or maybe simply because he doesn't like the poor young guy in the song. However, this determine young man swear that he will do whatever it takes to get Selma, and no one can stop him, and in the end he decides to take her by force and run off with her, to which Selma consents.

Ali al-Deek - Abu Shahade

Oh Abu Shahade
Selma is my dearest beloved

You made the dowry too much (the maher is the amount of money a groom must give to the bride to bed wed, and this must be agreed upon and usually furnished to secure the engagement. This amount is set by the family and can often be a lot of money, making it tough for your average young guy)
We came to ask for her hand
You're so cruel Abu Shahade

Selma, oh light of my eyes
Your father is oppressive in his decisions
I won't let anyone here sleep
And if they won't give you to me
I'll tear this whole world down

The truth of reason from the omnipotent (ie God)
Created the heavens and the Earth
To the officer and the mayor
And anyone who hid her

They can't keep me from Selma
No matter how much they increase my torment

Mom, give me the rifle, he hid it in the crawlspace
I will keep my promise to Selma
I'll elope with her (but really what he says is "I'll abduct her/kidnap her." This is because in the olden days, and to this day in many families, marrying a girl without getting proper consent from the family was the same as kidnapping her, and many times, literally did entail kidnapping her)

I'm coming to you oh love of my heart

I warned you Abu Shahade

علي الديك - أبو شحادة

يا عمي يا أبو شحادة
سلمى اعز حبابي

خليت المهر زيادي
نحنا جينا خطابة
شو ظالم يا أبو شحادة

سلمى يا ضو عيوني
بيك جاير بحكامه
لحرم كل المسكونة
يفيقو ويصحو وينامو
و انهن ما رح يعطوني
لجعل هالدنيا خرابة

حق المنطق من الجبار
خلق ارضها و سماها
للشاويش و للمختار
وكل من عني خباها

عن سلمى ما يحيدوني
مهما يزيدو بعذابي
(وحياتك يابو شحادة)

يامو هاتي البارودة
خباها عالسقيفة
لوفي لسلما وعودي
بدي جيبهى خطيفة

سلمى مشي وعيني
سلمى:(جايتلك يا اغلى حبابي)
دبرتك يا أبو شحادة

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