Friday, July 20, 2007

Diana Haddad - I am Manديانا حداد - انا الإنسانAna al Insan

A couple lines might be a bit abstract and the meaning goes over my head but its a good song.

Diana Haddad - I am Man

I am Man and forgetfullness is my clothing
A word is the first of my sins
Demanding justice even if I conceal the oppressed
And opress if I am in a high tower

My place is all on my shoulders and their prestige
And the house which is on my shoulders raises me
How many branches are in my hand and pieces of fruit
And yet bird meat does not satisfy the hunger (meaning people have so much but still want more)
If I possess power I lose my mind
If I possess money I enslave my family
If I get old I detest the concerns of the youth
If I feel secure I forget that which is behind the doors
When I make a mistake I push someone else into the fire
I am not convinced or satiated whatever happens
I want the Earth, all the Earth, for my own
I am the one who is satisfied by the meat of the palms of the hands (???)
I whisper in your ear 'I am like you'
My lord gives you respite and always cares for you
I will not wrong you, oh Man, nor will I be cruel to you
What are you going to take with you from this world but death
Dust to dust and what made you forget that?
( this is a reference to the line found in the Bible and probably Quran as well '"In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return. Genesis 3:19"' which refers to the fact that everyone's body is just made of dirt and once we die we go back to being dirt)

ديانا حداد - انا الإنسان

أنا الأنسان والنسيان ثوبي

أنا وكلمة أنا أول ذنوبي
طالب العدل ولو كمن مظلوم
وإظلم لو كنت ببرج عالي
مكاني كله عل كتافي رفعته
والبيت اللي على كتافي رفعني
كم غصن بيدي وثمر قطعته
ولحم طير البراري ما شبع
إذا أملك القوة أنسى عقلي
إذا أملك المال أستعبد أهلي
وإذا شيّبت أكره همة الشباب
وإذا أمّنت أنسي اللي ورا الأبواب
وقت الخطأ أدفع غيري للنار
لا أقتنع ولا أشبع كيف ما صار
أريد الأرض كل الأرض ملكي
وأنا اللي يكفيني منها بضعة أشبار
بهمسلك في إذنك أنا مثلك
يمهلك ربي لا ما يهملك
ما أظلمك يا إنسان ما أقساك
من هالدنيا إش رح تآخذ غير الموت معاك
تراب بتراب وإيش نسّاك

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